Oral morphine for cancer pain
47 results
1 - 47Oral morphine for cancer pain
Oral morphine for cancer pain
Methadone for cancer pain
Pharmacological treatment of cancer pain
Interventions for treating oral mucositis for patients with cancer receiving treatment: Cochrane systematic review
Oral tapentadol for cancer pain
Oral paracetamol (acetaminophen) for cancer pain
Oral nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for cancer pain in adults
Transdermal fentanyl for cancer pain
Opioids for cancer pain ‐ an overview of Cochrane reviews
Transdermal fentanyl for cancer pain
Opioids for the management of breakthrough pain in cancer patients: Cochrane systematic review
Guidelines for end of life care (ACP)
Palliative treatment
Oxycodone for cancer‐related pain
Tramadol with or without paracetamol (acetaminophen) for cancer pain
Hydromorphone for cancer pain
Opioids for cancer‐related pain in children and adolescents
Opioids for chronic non‐cancer pain in children and adolescents
Hydromorphone for acute and chronic pain: Cochrane systematic review
Systemic administration of local anesthetic agents to relieve neuropathic pain
Cannabis‐based medicines and medical cannabis for adults with cancer pain
Non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for cancer‐related pain in children and adolescents
Methylnaltrexone effective for opiod-induced constipation in hospice patients
Mu‐opioid antagonists for opioid‐induced bowel dysfunction in people with cancer and people receiving palliative care
Oral or transdermal opioids for osteoarthritis of the knee or hip
Sympathetic nerve blocks for persistent pain in adults with inoperable abdominopelvic cancer