Iron deficiency anaemia
167 results
1 - 100Iron deficiency anaemia
Treatments for iron-deficiency anaemia in pregnancy
Treatment for women with postpartum iron deficiency anaemia
Treatment for women with postpartum iron deficiency anaemia
Treatments for iron-deficiency anaemia in pregnancy: Cochrane systematic review
Interventions for treating iron deficiency anaemia in inflammatory bowel disease
Treatment for women with postpartum iron deficiency anaemia
Oral or parenteral iron supplementation to reduce deferral, iron deficiency and/or anaemia in blood donors
Fortification of maize flour with iron for controlling anaemia and iron deficiency in populations: Cochrane systematic review
Effect and safety of intravenous iron compared to oral iron for treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy
Iron therapy for improving psychomotor development and cognitive function in children under the age of three with iron deficiency anaemia: Cochrane systematic review
Anaemia of chronic disease (ACD)
Daily iron supplementation for improving anaemia, iron status and health in menstruating women
Iron therapy for preoperative anaemia
Daily oral iron supplementation during pregnancy
Fortification of condiments and seasonings with iron for preventing anaemia and improving health
Anaemia in children
Assessment of anaemia in adults
Iron supplementation for reducing morbidity and mortality in children with HIV
Wheat flour fortification with iron and other micronutrients for reducing anaemia and improving iron status in populations
Fortification of salt with iron and iodine versus fortification of salt with iodine alone for improving iron and iodine status
Iron supplementation for improving prevalence of anaemia and iron status in menstruating women
Fortification of rice with vitamins and minerals for addressing micronutrient malnutrition
Intermittent iron supplementation for reducing anaemia and its associated impairments in adolescent and adult menstruating women
Point-of-use fortification of foods with micronutrient powders containing iron in children of preschool and school-age: Cochrane systematic review
Intermittent iron supplementation for improving nutrition and development in children under 12 years of age
Iron therapy for improving psychomotor development and cognitive function in children under the age of three
Nutrition‐specific interventions for preventing and controlling anaemia throughout the life cycle: an overview of systematic reviews
Burning mouth and glossalgia
Serum or plasma ferritin concentration as an index of iron deficiency and overload
Parenteral versus oral iron therapy for adults and children with chronic kidney disease
Intravenous iron therapy for non‐anaemic, iron‐deficient adults
Iron supplementation in pregnancy: Cochrane systematic review
Home fortification of foods with multiple micronutrient powders for health and nutrition in children under two years of age
Gastric cancer
Megaloblastic anaemia
Adverse effects of antineoplastic agents
Erythropoietin plus iron versus control treatment including placebo or iron for preoperative anaemic adults undergoing non‐cardiac surgery
Oral iron supplements for children in malaria‐endemic areas
Atrophic glossitis (smooth tongue) - Image
Food fortification with multiple micronutrients: impact on health outcomes in general population
Blood count changes in children (leucocytes and platelets)
Direct oral anticoagulants
Intermittent oral iron supplementation during pregnancy