Groin pain
60 results
1 - 60Groin pain
Conservative interventions for treating exercise-related musculotendinous, ligamentous and osseous groin pain: Cochrane systematic review
Open Mesh versus non‐Mesh for groin hernia repair
Useful signs and symptoms for diagnosing hip osteoarthritis
Transabdominal pre‐peritoneal (TAPP) versus totally extraperitoneal (TEP) laparoscopic techniques for inguinal hernia repair
Transverse versus vertical groin incision for femoral artery approach
Treatment and prevention of sports injuries
Little correlation between hip pain and radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis
Hernias in children
Trochanteric pain
Inguinal and genital skin problems
Nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) versus opioids for acute renal colic
Open Preperitoneal Techniques versus Lichtenstein Repair for elective Inguinal Hernias: Cochrane systematic review
Mesh versus non‐mesh for emergency groin hernia repair
Stress fractures
Preservation versus elective neurectomy of the ilioinguinal nerve for open mesh inguinal hernia surgery
Treatment for femoral pseudoaneurysms: Cochrane systematic review
Laparoscopic techniques versus open techniques for inguinal hernia repair
Hip pain in children
Gynaecological cancers
Femoral nerve blocks for acute postoperative pain after knee replacement surgery
Mpox (monkeypox)
Mesh versus non‐mesh for inguinal and femoral hernia repair
Pain relief for the removal of femoral sheath after percutaneous coronary intervention
Shouldice technique versus other open techniques for inguinal hernia repair: Cochrane systematic review
Mid‐urethral sling operations for stress urinary incontinence in women
Buttock and hip pain
Temperature-induced skin disorders
Sub- and mid-urethral sling operations for stress urinary incontinence in women
Hernias in adults
Interventions for hidradenitis suppurativa
Duplex ultrasound for surveillance of lower limb revascularisation
Endovascular therapy versus medical treatment for spontaneous isolated dissection of the superior mesenteric artery
Lower limb ischaemia
Skin problems in the elderly
Surgical interventions for the prevention or treatment of lymphoedema after breast cancer treatment
Type of anaesthesia for acute ischaemic stroke endovascular treatment
Interventions for great saphenous vein incompetence
Aortic aneurysm and dissection
Exanthem (eruptive skin rash)