Adjustment disorders
55 results
1 - 55Adjustment disorders
Adjustment disorders in childhood
Occlusal adjustment for treating and preventing temporomandibular joint disorders: Cochrane systematic review
Interventions to facilitate return to work in adults with adjustment disorders: Cochrane systematic review
Psychological therapies to facilitate return to work in adults with adjustment disorders
Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapies for common mental disorders
Antidepressants for depression in physically ill people
WONCA/Dartmouth COOP charts are useful for mental disorder screening
Tic disorders in childhood
Psychotherapies for adults
The adolescent and long-term illness
Work‐break schedules for preventing musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders in healthy workers
Stress-related disorder increases risk of subsequent autoimmune disease
Children of consanguineous parents are at increased risk of mood disorders and psychoses
Short‐term psychodynamic psychotherapies for common mental disorders
Risk of endometrial cancer in women treated with ovary‐stimulating drugs for subfertility
Ergonomic interventions for preventing work‐related musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb and neck among office workers
Occlusal interventions for managing temporomandibular disorders
Intrapartum ultrasound cardiotocography with maternal heart rate monitoring is associated with improved neonatal outcomes
Cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents
Warfarin therapy
Acute stress reaction and post-traumatic stress disorder
Psychosocial support for patients with cancer
Newborn screening for cystic fibrosis: Cochrane systematic review
Psychological interventions for individuals with cystic fibrosis and their families
Psychosocial interventions for the management of chronic orofacial pain: Cochrane systematic review
Antidepressants for depression in medical illness: Cochrane systematic review
Antidepressants for the treatment of depression in people with cancer
Chlorpromazine versus reserpine for schizophrenia: Cochrane systematic review
Diet and/or exercise for pregnant women for preventing gestational diabetes mellitus
Antipsychotic polypharmacy reduction versus polypharmacy continuation for people with schizophrenia
Psychosocial interventions for patients with head and neck cancer: Cochrane systematic review
Psychological interventions for people with hemophilia
Brexpiprazole versus placebo or other antidepressive agents for treating depression
Pharmacological interventions for treatment‐resistant depression in adults
Pharmacological treatment of depression
Parkinson's disease