Fluoride varnishes for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents
25 results
1 - 25Fluoride varnishes for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents
Fluoride varnishes for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents: Cochrane systematic review
Topical fluoride (toothpastes, mouthrinses, gels or varnishes) for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents
Combinations of topical fluoride (toothpastes, mouthrinses, gels, varnishes) versus single topical fluoride for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents
One topical fluoride (toothpastes, or mouthrinses, or gels, or varnishes) versus another for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents
Dental caries and other diseases of the hard tissues of the teeth and dental pulp
Combined topical fluorides for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents
Pit and fissure sealants versus fluoride varnishes for preventing dental decay in the permanent teeth of children and adolescents
Relative effectiveness of topical fluorides in caries prevention
Fluoride mouthrinses for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents
Fluoride gels for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents
Chlorhexidine treatment for the prevention of dental caries in children and adolescents: Cochrane systematic review