338 results
1 - 100Psoriasis
Fumarates for psoriasis
Sulphasalazine for psoriasis
Hydroxyurea for psoriasis
Psoriasis on the scalp - Image
Palmar psoriasis - Image
Plantar psoriasis - Image
Psoriasis on the palms - Image
Guttate psoriasis - Image
Psoriasis on the knees - Image
Scalp psoriasis - Image
Plaque psoriasis - Image
Flexural psoriasis - Image
Psoriasis in the penis - Image
Psoriasis on the forehead - Image
Non‐antistreptococcal interventions for acute guttate psoriasis or an acute guttate flare of chronic psoriasis
Erythrodermic psoriasis - Image
Retinoids for psoriasis
Psoriasis on the buttocks - Image
Psoriasis in the auricle - Image
Pimecrolimus ineffective for intertriginous psoriasis
Tazaroten in the treatment of psoriasis
Psoriasis behind the ear - Image
Heavy scalp psoriasis - Image
Pustular psoriasis in the foot - Image
Psoriasis on the side of the foot - Image
Psoriasis inversa in the navel - Image
Choice of treatment in psoriasis - Image
Pitting of the nails in psoriasis - Image
Lifestyle changes for treating psoriasis
Psoriasis between the breasts - Image
Betamethasone, calcipotriol best for intertriginous psoriasis
Psoriasis in the scalp area - Image
Palmar psoriasis - Image (2)
Psoriasis in the big toe - Image
Psoriasis on the scalp - Image (2)
Topical treatments for chronic plaque psoriasis
Phototherapy for psoriasis
Psoriasis of the big toes - Image
Erythrodermic psoriasis in the back - Image
Psoriasis on the elbow region - Image
Psoriasis on palmar skin - Image
Psoriasis in the sole of foot - Image
Flexural psoriasis in the armpit - Image
Plaque psoriasis - Image (2)
Psoriasis on the backs of the hands - Image
Psoriasis in the hands and nails - Image
Psoriasis in the glans penis - Image
Etanercept effective for plaque psoriasis in children
Psoriasis around the eye of a child - Image
Dithranol for chronic plaque psoriasis
Psoriasis vulgaris in a young boy - Image
Psoriasis on the central skin of the back - Image
Interventions for nail psoriasis
Psoriasis (sebopsoriasis) on the skin of the chest - Image
Interventions for guttate psoriasis: Cochrane systematic review
Erythrodermic, pustular psoriasis on the back - Image
Severe crusting psoriasis of the scalp - Image
Psoriasis inversa in the anal cleft - Image
Psoriasis on the extensor aspect of the arm - Image
Psoriasis (lytic lesions) in the fingernails - Image
Onychomycosis mimicking nail psoriasis - Image
Antistreptococcal interventions for guttate and chronic plaque psoriasis
Anti‐TNF agents for paediatric psoriasis
Plaque type psoriasis on the skin of the back - Image
Erythrodermic, pustular psoriasis on the abdomen and chest - Image
Flexural psoriasis in the infra-mammary region - Image
Oral fumaric acid esters for psoriasis
Apremilast (Otezla) effective in moderate to severe psoriasis
Nail psoriasis mimicking proximal subungual onychomycosis - Image
Topical treatments for scalp psoriasis
Antistreptococcal interventions for guttate and chronic plaque psoriasis: Cochrane systematic review
Widespread psoriasis, affecting most of the body surface - Image
Interventions for nail psoriasis: Cochrane systematic review
Infliximab, adalimumab effective for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis
Psoriasis associated with increased risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke
Antistreptococcal interventions for guttate and chronic plaque psoriasis
~ 3% of patients with psoriasis have psoriatic arthritis and ~ 3% will develop it annually
Corticosteroids and vitamin D analogues for chronic plaque psoriasis
Systemic pharmacological treatments for chronic plaque psoriasis: a network meta‐analysis
Indoor salt water baths followed by artificial ultraviolet B light for chronic plaque psoriasis
Narrow‐band ultraviolet B phototherapy versus broad‐band ultraviolet B or psoralen‐ultraviolet A photochemotherapy for psoriasis
Serious adverse events associated with systemic treatments for psoriasis: a network meta‐analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials