Leg cramps
95 results
1 - 95Leg cramps
Interventions for leg cramps in pregnancy
Interventions for leg cramps in pregnancy
Interventions for leg cramps in pregnancy
Bedtime leg stretching reduces frequency and severity of nocturnal leg cramps
Magnesium only effective for nocturnal leg cramps in pregnancy
Both magnesium and placebo somewhat effective for nocturnal leg cramps
Magnesium for skeletal muscle cramps
Magnesium deficiency
Non‐drug therapies for the secondary prevention of lower limb muscle cramps
Restless legs and akathisia
Magnesium for skeletal muscle cramps
Quinine for muscle cramps
Non-drug therapies for lower limb muscle cramps
Antiplatelet agents for intermittent claudication: Cochrane systematic review
Interventions for varicose veins and leg oedema in pregnancy
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Vitamin E for intermittent claudication
Endovascular stents for intermittent claudication
Non-pharmacological interventions for preventing venous insufficiency in a standing worker population: Cochrane systematic review
Intravenous naftidrofuryl for critical limb ischaemia
Steroid sex hormones for lower limb atherosclerosis
Anticoagulants (heparin, low molecular weight heparin and oral anticoagulants) for intermittent claudication: Cochrane systematic review
Prostanoids for intermittent claudication: Cochrane systematic review
Venous insufficiency of the lower limbs
Homocysteine lowering interventions for peripheral arterial disease and bypass grafts
Cholinesterase inhibitors for mild cognitive impairment
Bypass surgery for chronic lower limb ischaemia
Rutosides for treatment of post-thrombotic syndrome: Cochrane systematic review
Sclerotherapy for lower limb telangiectasias
Local intramuscular transplantation of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells for critical lower limb ischaemia
Sleep disorders in children and adolescents
Inconsistent benefit vs harm of skeletal muscle relaxants for chronic pain syndromes
Exercise for intermittent claudication
Pentoxifylline for intermittent claudication: Cochrane systematic review
Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors for early Parkinson's disease
Treatment of hypertension in peripheral arterial disease
Presurgery exercise‐based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease
Involuntary movements
Supervised exercise therapy versus home‐based exercise therapy versus walking advice for intermittent claudication
Subintimal angioplasty for lower limb arterial chronic total occlusions: Cochrane systematic review
Pramipexole versus bromocriptine for levodopa-induced complications in Parkinson's disease: Cochrane systematic review
Ropinirole versus bromocriptine for levodopa‐induced complications in Parkinson's disease
Cholinesterase inhibitors for mild cognitive impairment
Graduated compression stockings for the initial treatment of varicose veins in people without venous ulceration
Phlebotonics for venous insufficiency
Cabergoline for levodopa‐induced complications in Parkinson's disease
Pramipexole for levodopa-induced complications in Parkinson's disease: Cochrane systematic review
Lasofoxifene has disease-specific benefits, but no change in all-cause mortality
Cabergoline versus bromocriptine for levodopa‐induced complications in Parkinson's disease
Donepezil for mild cognitive impairment
Compression therapy for treating post‐thrombotic syndrome
Ropinirole for levodopa-induced complications in Parkinson's disease: Cochrane systematic review
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for pain control in women with primary dysmenorrhoea
Physical activity and exercise for chronic pain in adults: an overview of Cochrane Reviews
Donepezil for mild cognitive impairment: Cochrane systematic review
Marine animal-induced injuries and poisoning
Metrifonate for Alzheimer's disease: Cochrane systematic review
Propionyl‐L‐carnitine for intermittent claudication