45 results
1 - 45Pneumothorax
Treatment of tension pneumothorax - Image
Needle aspiration vs tube drainage for spontaneous pneumothorax
Diving medicine
Ultrasonographic examinations
Fractures of the ribs and pelvis
Prehospital emergency care
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Acute heart failure and pulmonary oedema
Asbestosis (lateral view) - Image
Asbestosis (PA view) - Image
Treatment of acute exacerbation of asthma
Visceral injuries in children
Preoperative physical therapy for elective cardiac surgery patients
Respiratory failure
Chest x-ray interpretation
Air travel and illness
Acute coronary syndrome
Diagnosis of rib fracture and intercostal nerve block - Video
Acute abdomen in the adult
Prostacyclin for pulmonary hypertension
Cardiac pacemakers and monitoring their function
Pulmonary function tests
Hereditary susceptibility to cancer