Headache in children
74 results
1 - 74Headache in children
Meningitis in children
Shunt complications in children
Biofeedback for tension-type headache
Bruises and purpura in children
Psychological therapies for the management of chronic and recurrent pain in children and adolescents
Impaired vision
Sinusitis in children
Sleep disorders in children and adolescents
Oral appliances and functional orthopaedic appliances for obstructive sleep apnoea in children
Encephalitis in children
Overweight and obesity in children
Recurrent abdominal pain in children
Erythema infectiosum
Alarm interventions for nocturnal enuresis in children
Refractive errors
Head injuries in children
Diagnosis and treatment of malaria
Acute mountain sickness
Amphetamines for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents
Vaccines for preventing Japanese encephalitis
Brain and spinal cord tumours
Unspecific symptoms of acute otitis media
Anthelmintics for neurocysticercosis
Rufinamide add‐on therapy for refractory epilepsy
Eye symptoms and signs of systemic diseases
Fever in a child
Treatment of dysphagia in long-term, chronic muscle disease
Stomatitis in children
Mpox (monkeypox)
Viral infections of the oral mucosa
Long-acting beta2-agonists versus anti-leukotrienes as add-on therapy to inhaled corticosteroids for chronic asthma
Increased versus stable doses of inhaled corticosteroids for exacerbations of chronic asthma
Minimal and mild traumatic brain injury
Renal disease in children (nephrotic and nephritic syndrome)
Interventions for morphea
Methylphenidate for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents – assessment of adverse events in non‐randomised studies
COVID-19 and other coronavirus infections
Lyme borreliosis (LB)
Vaccines for preventing malaria
Peripheral facial paralysis
Viral diseases in warm climates
Combination of inhaled long-acting beta-2 agonists and inhaled steroids versus higher dose of inhaled steroids in persistent asthma
Childhood depression
Bacterial diseases in warm climates
Depression in adolescents
Pharmacological treatment of depression
Drugs commonly causing poisonings
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) and ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema
Hereditary coagulation factor deficiencies