Deep vein thrombosis
90 results
1 - 90- Adults with varicose veins are at increased risk of DVT
- Rivaroxaban effective for acute DVT (EINSTEIN)
- Optimal algorithm for evaluating suspected DVT
- Low risk of DVT after knee arthroscopy
- Compression stockings ineffective after DVT
- Dalteparin = unfractionated heparin for ICU DVT prophylaxis
- D-dimer vs ultrasound for DVT: use prediction rule
- Wells score not helpful in hospitalized patients with suspected DVT
- Serial proximal vein ultrasonography + D-dimer = whole-leg Doppler for suspected leg DVT
- Simple fibula fractures can be treated with splinting
- Compression stockings = placebo stockings in preventing post-thrombotic syndrome (SOX)
- Approx 3% of PICC lines assoc with DVT, but no increase in PE
- Guidewire exchange of PICCs associated with higher risk of thrombosis
- Rosuvastatin prevents DVT at very high cost
- Stockings plus anticoagulation more effective to prevent post-op VTE, but anticoagulation increases bleeding
- Aspirin prevents recurrent venous thromboembolism
- Are inferior vena cava filters overused?
- USPSTF review of the benefits and harms of menopausal hormone therapy
- Sulodexide given long-term may reduce recurrent VTE in patients with initial unprovoked VTE
- Thromboembolism recurrence likely; consider it a chronic disease (MARVELOUS)
- Whether warfarin is taken in the morning or the evening makes no meaningful difference in time in therapeutic range
- Fondaparinux effective for superficial thrombosis but at very high cost
- Genotype-guided perioperative warfarin dosing may not be superior to algorithm-guided dosing
- Clinical rule to identify patients at low risk of recurrent VTE
- Surgery or lasers preferred to foam sclerotherapy for varicose veins
- COVID-19 research briefs: High incidence of thrombotic events in patients hospitalized with COVID-19
- Low-dose aspirin not useful for venous ulcers
- Guidelines for managing VTE (AAFP, ACP)
- IPC safer and as effective as medical prophylaxis; much better than TEDS
- Early endovenous ablation improves outcomes in patients with venous leg ulcers
- Patients with initial unprovoked DVT or PE benefit from long-term low-dose aspirin (INSPIRE)
- Dabigatran safe and effective for VTE
- Low rate of symptomatic VTE after elective knee arthroscopy
- Obesity not associated with adverse hip replacement outcomes
- Semuloparin reduces VTE in cancer patients but at high cost (SAVE-ONCO)
- Idarucizumab can reverse anticoagulation of dabigatran
- Tranexamic acid may reduce bleeding after cesarean delivery, but with a risk of adverse effects
- Updated American College of Chest Physicians guideline on antithrombotic therapy for venous thromboembolism
- Aspirin no different than rivaroxaban for prevention of VTE after TKA or THA
- Simple risk score predicts severity of COPD exacerbations
- Simple risk model predicts risk of VTE after surgery
- ACCP 2016: updated guidelines for VTE
- Risk prediction model predicts VTE recurrence after initial thrombotic event
- Routine CT scans for occult malignancy not useful in patients with unprovoked VTE
- Total knee replacement more effective for pain and function than nonsurgical treatment
- Edoxaban as effective as LMWH for treatment of cancer-associated VTE
- SR: poor-quality data suggests stem cell joint injections are safe, but of unclear benefit
- Tinzaparin no better than warfarin in preventing recurrent VTE in adults with cancer
- Fixed-dose, subcutaneous, unfractionated heparin effective for VTE
- YEARS clinical decision tool decreases CT angiography in patients with suspected PE
- YEARS algorithm helpful for evaluating suspected PE in pregnant women
- Extended anticoagulation may be helpul for patients with unprovoked VTE or PE
- Femoral lines not associated with increased risk of bloodstream infections
- Edoxaban noninferior to warfarin for venous thromboembolism anticoagulation
- Pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria reduces the need for CT pulmonary angiography in low-risk patients (PERC)
- Apixaban is noninferior to dalteparin for venous thromboembolism associated with cancer
- Prevalence of pulmonary embolism is 5.9% in patients with COPD who are hospitalized with acute respiratory symptoms
- Lenalidomide effective for relapsed multiple myeloma
- Small benefit to extended treatment with apixaban in selected patients with VTE
- Perioperative bridging anticoagulation unhelpful for invasive procedures
- Thromboprophylaxis with apixaban prevents VTE in high-risk cancer patients (AVERT); jury still out on rivaroxaban (CASSINI)
- Apixaban slightly more effective and safe than warfarin, but more expensive
- Optimal treatment of acute venous thromboembolism
- Treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus to a tighter glycemic target is not beneficial
- D-dimer can identify high-risk group for extended anticoagulation (PROLONG)
- Extended use of dabigatran no better than warfarin for high-risk pts after VTE; no net benefit vs placebo for avg-risk pts
- Guideline for Dx of PE in pregnant women
- 10 days enoxaparin better than 35 days rivaroxaban for medical inpatient thromboprophylaxis (MAGELLAN)