Autism spectrum disorder
99 results
1 - 99Autism screening with follow-up overidentifies autism spectrum disorder
Citalopram ineffective for reducing repetitive behavior in autism spectrum disorders
No association between labor induction and autism spectrum disorder
Prenatal valproate exposure increases risk of autism spectrum disorder
AAN guideline for treating insomnia in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
M-CHAT is fairly sensitive and specific for detecting autism spectrum disorders in toddlers
USPSTF: No recommendation for autism spectrum disorder screening in children aged 18-30 months
Fluoxetine is minimally effective for obsessive-compulsive behaviors in children/adolescents with autism spectrum disorders
There is little data about the usefulness of mobile device applications for managing children with autism spectrum disorder
Minimal, if any, association between labor epidural analgesia and the risk of autism spectrum disorder in children
Autism not linked to thimerosol in vaccines
Individual risk of ASD increases with increasing genetic relatedness
Autistic disorder symptom treatments have limited evidence
MMR vaccine not associated with increased autism risk in children with older siblings with autism
Influenza (H1N1) vaccination during pregnancy not associated with autism
Maternal gestational diabetes before 26 weeks' associated with risk of ASD
No increased risk of ASD, ADHD, or SGA with first-trimester antidepressant use
Little association between antibiotic use in pregnancy or early infancy and neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood
Paternal use of valproate is not associated with adverse outcomes among offspring
Parent training more effective than parent education for behavioral problems in children with ASD
Maternal prenatal cannabis use is not associated with increased risk of child developmental delay
Similar rates of autism with lamotrigine, topiramate, and no treatment; rate with valproate is higher
Prescription stimulant use during pregnancy is unlikely to harm offspring
Prenatal cannabis exposure is not associated with an increased incidence of several neuropsychiatric disorders