EE+ POEM Archive
- Tacrolimus effective for pityriasis alba
- Tadalafil effective for benign prostatic hypertrophy
- Tai chi and cognition: limited quality evidence, small effect
- Tai chi effective for fibromyalgia
- Tai chi improves balance and reduces falls in Parkinson disease
- Tailored exercise program improves function and reduces pain due to knee osteoarthritis
- Take-and-hold prescriptions for children with respiratory infections decrease antibiotic use with similar outcomes
- Take caution with intensive blood pressure reduction in patients with intracranial bleeds and very high systolic pressures
- Taking furosemide on day of surgery does not increase intraop hypotension
- Taking vitamin K antagonists after ICH: the good, the bad, and the ugly (CHIRONE)
- Tamsulosin = placebo for rate of 1-week stone passage in patients with urolithiasis
- Tamsulosin beneficial for passage of 5-mm to 10-mm distal ureteral stones
- Tamsulosin effective as expulsion therapy for 5-mm to 10-mm distal ureteric stones
- Tamsulosin not effective to hasten smaller ureteral stone passage
- Tanezumab reduces pain of hip or knee DJD and improves function, but may increase the need for joint replacement
- Tapinarof cream 1% is safe and effective for atopic dermatitis in adults and children
- Tap water irrigation okay for suture repair
- Targeted approach for kids with CAP decreases costs and testing, with low rate of missed bacteremia
- Targeted rehabilitation improves physical function in elderly patients hospitalized with heart failure (REHAB-HF)
- Targeting different oxygen saturation goals for mechanically ventilated patients does not impact clinical outcomes
- Tavaborole (Kerydin) minimally, if at all, effective for toenail onychomycosis
- TAVR is as effective as surgical valve replacement for intermediate-risk patients with AS (PARTNER 2)
- TCA, capsaicin, older anticonvulsants best for neuropathy
- Technology-based support not useful to maintain weight after weight loss
- Telaprevir added to standard therapy improves SVR in hepatitis C genotype 1
- Telehealth is effective for providing palliative care to adults with advanced lung cancer
- Telemedicine associated with decreased ICU mortality and LOS
- Telemedicine collaborative care effective for depression
- Telephone-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is effective
- Telling Lung AgeEsmokers their "lung age" increases quit rates
- Tell patients their new knee won't wear out sooner with hard use
- Temporary IVC filter added to anticoagulation does not decrease risk of PE recurrence
- Tenecteplase after 4.5 hours of symptom-onset reduces disability in patients with ischemic stroke and no access to endovascular thrombectomy
- Tennis elbow: injection better short-term, worse long-term
- Ten percent of boys with posterior urethral valves diagnosed postnatally develop chronic kidney disease
- TENS effective for vestibulodynia
- TENS effective in children with overactive bladder
- TENS ineffective in chronic low back pain
- TENS more effective than sham TENS in decreasing pain in patients with acute migraine
- Tenuous link between vitamin D and chronic pain
- Ten-year follow-up: bariatric surgery causes more remissions than medical treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes
- Terbinafine 250 mg once daily — 12 weeks on, 12 weeks off, 4 weeks on — is preferred for onychomycosis in adults
- Terbinafine and itraconazole are most effective for toenail onychomycosis
- Teriparatide questionably better than alendronate in treating steroid-induced osteoporosis
- Terminal fetal heart decelerations not associated with adverse outcomes
- Test and treat = acid suppression for dyspepsia symptoms
- Test-and-treat best for primary care dyspepsia
- Testing to reassure doesn't reassure
- Testosterone does not improve cognition in memory-impaired older men with low testosterone levels
- Testosterone does not improve function or cognition in elderly men
- Testosterone does not improve sildenafil effectiveness
- Testosterone does not increase major adverse cardiac events, but does increase risk of AFib, PE, acute kidney injury, and arrhythmia (TRAVERSE)
- Testosterone effective for postmenopausal low libido, safety unknown
- Testosterone gel has little, if any, benefit for older men with hypogonadism
- Testosterone supplementation greatly increases cardiovascular events
- Testosterone therapy in men associated with an increase in the risk of nonfatal MI
- Testosterone therapy may reduce symptoms of depression in men
- Tests not very helpful in diagnosing acute rhinosinusitis
- Tetracyclines equally effective for acne vulgaris
- Tetravalent dengue vaccine effective in children
- Text message program increases adolescent vaping cessation rate
- The "surprise question" is fairly accurate for 1-year prognosis in seriously ill patients
- The 4 'A's Test (4AT) is reasonably accurate in ruling out delirium in adults 65 and older
- The addition of steroids improves outcomes in children and adults with CAP
- The Ages and Stages Questionnaire is moderately accurate at ruling in/out developmental delays in children 12 to 60 months of age
- The American Thoracic Society guideline for managing patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- The balance of benefits and harms no longer favors aspirin for primary prevention
- The combination of ACEIs plus ARBs is overused and dangerous
- The daily application of emollients during infancy does not prevent eczema (BEEP)
- The development of egg allergy is unaffected by maternal egg intake during neonatal period
- The DOAC score determines bleeding risk for patients with atrial fibrillation who take a direct-acting oral anticoagulant
- The effect of liraglutide in delaying T2DM diagnosis is unclear after 3 years
- The evidence base for CAM in children is insufficient
- The full truth about prostate cancer screening is suppressed again (ERSPC)
- The majority of occiput posterior positions rotate to occiput anterior positions during second-stage labor
- The medical term "congestion": What does it mean to patients?
- The outcomes associated with arrest of cervical dilation in active labor vary with degree of dilation
- The past use of an intrauterine device is not associated with infertility, but a past Mycoplasma genitalium infection is
- The probability of disease is frequently overestimated by primary care clinicians
- The progression rate is low for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2
- The Quick-Wee method gets infant urine flowing
- Therapeutic anticoagulation may benefit noncritically ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19
- Therapeutic anticoagulation reduces thromboembolism in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and very high D-dimer levels (HEP-COVID)
- Therapeutic US modestly effective in Dx of bone stress injury
- The rate of concomitant bacterial meningitis in infants with urinary tract infection is 0.25%
- There is limited data on ivermectin in patients with COVID-19
- There is little data about the usefulness of mobile device applications for managing children with autism spectrum disorder
- The risk of breast cancer overdiagnosis is high for older women
- The risk of PASC (long COVID) is decreasing but remains substantial at 3.5% for vaccinated persons in the omicron era
- The risk of progression from prediabetes to diabetes in older adults is low
- The STOPPFrail criteria decreases medication use and costs without short-term harms
- The terms "addiction" or "substance use" preferred by patients receiving methadone
- The Timed Up and Go Test not very reliable in predicting falls in elders
- The use of small-volume blood collection tubes in the intensive care unit may reduce the need for transfusions
- The use of SSRIs in pregnancy associated with preterm birth
- The use of tranexamic acid in upper gatrointestinal bleeding is ineffective and may be harmful
- Thigh-length stockings better for DVT prevention in hospitalized stroke patients (CLOTS-2)
- Thimerosal does not cause neuropsychological harm
- Third-generation oral contraceptives associated with greater risk of PE, stroke, and MI
- Third Pfizer vaccine dose significantly increases protection against both mild and severe COVID-19 in patients 60 years+
- Those unnecessary "little" tests add up: $5 billion/year in the US
- Three clinical decision rules (PECARN, CATCH, and CHALICE) are reliable in evaluating children with head injury
- Three-day course of inhaled amikacin is effective in preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia
- Three days of amoxicillin is effective for pneumonia with tachypnea in young children
- Three-dose vaccine or 2 doses + previous infection protect against severe disease from BA.1 or BA.2 COVID-19 variants
- Three good options for step-up therapy for asthmatic children (BADGER)
- Three months of DAPT after PCI may provide the optimal balance of risks vs benefits for older adults
- Three-month spirometry does not improve health outcomes for patients with asthma and/or COPD
- Three prediction rules similar in predicting mortality in elderly with CAP
- Three questions to diagnose UTI in women
- Three RCTs: neither minocycline nor lanabecestat is better than placebo to treat patients with mild Alzheimer disease
- Three-step identification method for recognizing dangerous snakes
- Three strategies are effective in managing patients with medication overuse headaches
- Thrombectomy alone is effective in treating acute large vessel occlusion ischemic stroke (DEVT)
- Thrombectomy improves outcomes in large anterior circulation stroke of uncertain size (LASTE)
- Thrombectomy leads to improved functionality in patients with large ischemic strokes
- Thromboembolism recurrence likely; consider it a chronic disease (MARVELOUS)
- Thrombolysis for PE reduces rate of all-cause mortality but increases risk of major bleeding
- Thrombolytics within 6 hours for stroke: no difference after 6 months (IST-3)
- Thromboprophylaxis after discharge improves clinical outcomes for certain high-risk patients hospitalized with COVID-19 (MICHELLE)
- Thromboprophylaxis with apixaban prevents VTE in high-risk cancer patients (AVERT); jury still out on rivaroxaban (CASSINI)
- Thrombus aspiration during PCI for STEMI increases stroke rate; does not improve other outcomes (TOTAL)
- Thyroid replacement = placebo for symptom resolution in subclinical hypothyroidism
- Tibetan yoga modestly improves fatigue and sleep quality in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy
- Tibolone prevents osteoporotic fracture, increases stroke risk (LIFT)
- Ticagrelor (Brilinta) is no better than aspirin—and may be worse—for adults after CABG
- Ticagrelor alone was associated with less bleeding than ticagrelor plus aspirin, but aspirin alone was not evaluated
- Ticagrelor no more effective and less well-tolerated than clopidogrel in patients with PAD (EUCLID trial)
- Ticagrelor plus aspirin after CABG reduces vein graft failure but increases risk of serious bleeding
- Ticagrelor plus aspirin is superior to aspirin alone in preventing stroke after TIA or minor stroke (THALES)
- Tight blood sugar control or fibrates prevent retinopathy progression but not visual loss (ACCORD)
- Tight control associated with more frequent and persistent hypoglycemia in elderly persons with diabetes mellitus
- Tight control no different from less-tight control of hypertension in pregnancy
- Tighter blood pressure control does not increase the likelihood of orthostatic hypotension
- Tight glucose control does not decrease ICU care or deaths in patients without parenteral nutrition (TGC-Fast)
- Tight glucose control ineffective in critically ill septic patients treated with corticosteroids
- Tight glucose control in ICU not associated with reduced mortality
- Tight glycemic control doesn't decrease ischemic heart disease events (ACCORD)
- Tight glycemic control ineffective in decreasing microvascular complications in T2DM (ACCORD)
- Tight glycemic control in elderly with DM decreases function
- Tight glycemic control in ICU is harmful
- Tight glycemic control leads to more hypoglycemia in the pediatric ICU population
- Tight glycemic control may decrease CV end points in patients with type 2 DM
- Time restriction of food consumption does not provide added benefit over calorie restriction alone
- Time to lactogenesis stage II is noninferior with immediate vs delayed etonogestrel implant insertion
- Time to resolution of hypertension after preeclampsia
- Timing of discontinuation of aspirin before CABG makes little difference
- Timing of intervention for unresolved congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction
- Timing of RRT in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: verdict still out
- Tinidazole = metronidazole for treatment of BV
- Tinidazole is effective treatment for bacterial vaginosis
- Tinnitus guidelines from the United Kingdom's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
- Tinzaparin no better than warfarin in preventing recurrent VTE in adults with cancer
- Tiotropium added to steroids is effective in poorly controlled adult asthmatics
- Tiotropium mist associated with mortality in COPD treatment
- Tiotropium not associated with increase cardiovascular risk in patients with COPD
- Tiotropium Respimat has similar safety profile as HandiHaler
- Tiotropium via Soft Mist Inhaler increases all-cause mortality in COPD
- Tirofiban improves outcomes in patients with small vessel occlusion strokes who are not eligible for thrombolysis
- Tirzepatide causes weight loss and improves sleep apnea symptoms (SURMOUNT-OSA)
- Tirzepatide helps obese adults without diabetes lose 15% to 21% of their body weight over 72 weeks
- Tocilizumab and sarilumab are effective for critically ill patients with COVID-19 who require organ support
- Tocilizumab beneficial for adults with persistent polymyalgia rheumatica symptoms who receive steroid therapy
- Tocilizumab decreases deaths and mechanical ventilation in patients hospitalized with COVID-19, hypoxia, and elevated CRP levels (RECOVERY)
- Tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) ointment is effective for chronic anal fissure
- Tofacitinib reduces composite outcome of death or respiratory failure in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia (NNT = 9)
- Tolterodine + tamsulosin effective in men with overactive bladder
- Tolvaptan does not improve long-term HF outcomes
- Tool can identify early dementia, but to what end?
- Top 10 strategies to improve patient safety
- Topical acyclovir plus hydrocortisone superior to acyclovir alone for recurrent herpes labialis
- Topical anesthetics deemed okay to treat simple corneal abrasions, but I have doubts
- Topical interventions (eg, 5-FU, ingenol mebutate, and diclofenac) improve outcomes after cryosurgery for actinic keratosis
- Topical ivermectin effective but expensive for head lice
- Topical lidocaine reduces the pain of infant immunizations
- Topical menthol 10% solution (peppermint oil) may abort acute migraine
- Topical retapamulin equal to cephalexin for infected dermatitis
- Topical steroid effective for aphthous ulcer healing
- Topical steroids plus baricitinib is more effective than steroids alone for atopic dermatitis
- Topical tretinoin may increase all-cause mortality
- Topiramate and amitriptyline not effective for migraine in children (CHAMP trial)
- Topiramate may be effective for alcohol dependence
- Topiramate minimally effective for cocaine addiction
- Topiramate reduces heavy drinking
- Total hip replacement is superior to resistance training for severe hip osteoarthritis in adults 50 years and older
- Total knee replacement more effective for pain and function than nonsurgical treatment
- Total testosterone measurement to predict male hypogonadism
- Trade-offs between short- and long-term outcomes for PCI and CABG in left main coronary artery disease (EXCEL)
- Traditional approach to pretest probability of heart disease overestimates risk
- Trail Making Test not able to identify cognitively impaired drivers
- Tramadol no less likely than other opioids to result in long-term use
- Tranexamic acid decreased death from bleeding but not all-cause mortality in women with postpartum hemorrhage (WOMAN)
- Tranexamic acid may reduce bleeding after cesarean delivery, but with a risk of adverse effects
- Trans-capsaicin injections minimally improve pain in patients with knee degenerative joint disease
- Transcatheter aortic valve replacement outcomes are similar to surgical aortic valve replacement outcomes at 5 years
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation = sham TMS for motor recovery after stroke (NICHE)
- Transdermal estrogen and oral progesterone prevent depression in peri/postmenopausal women
- Transdermal estrogen and progestogen most effective to reduce menopausal vasomotor symptoms
- Transdermal nicotine improves testing but not overall cognition in pts with mild cognitive impairment
- Transdermal testosterone does not improve libido in female cancer survivors
- Transient glucose elevations in DM patients receiving epidural steroid injections
- Traumatic brain injury is associated with all-cause dementia but not Alzheimer's dementia in military veterans
- Travel time >20 minutes increases perinatal risk
- Treating fever does not affect outcomes
- Treating H. pylori infection in close relatives of patients with gastric cancer prevents gastric cancer
- Treating low vitamin D levels is ineffective in postmenopausal women
- Treating opioid use disorder in primary care—limited data, but looks feasible
- Treating prediabetes does not affect progression
- Treating sleep apnea with positive airway pressure does not reduce adverse CV outcomes or mortality
- Treatment for mild hypertension is ineffective
- Treatment for symptom-detected early prostate CA effective in pts younger than 65
- Treatment of acne rosacea should be based on the phenotype: best evidence summary
- Treatment of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure with noninvasive ventilation using a helmet or face mask led to fewer deaths
- Treatment of AOM leads to subsequent ear infections
- Treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus to a tighter glycemic target is not beneficial
- Treatment of mild chronic hypertension during pregnancy is beneficial
- Treatment of osteoporosis is not associated with increased longevity
- Treatment of periodontal disease in pregnancy reduces PTB
- Treatment of prediabetes with metformin or intensive lifestyle therapy for at least 3 years has no long-term benefits (Diabetes Prevention Program)
- Treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism ineffective in older adults
- Treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy not shown to benefit offspring IQ
- Treatments for back pain have small analgesic effect
- Treatments for diabetic neuropathy vary in benefit
- Treatment with a single immune checkpoint inhibitor successfully treated advanced rectal cancer
- Treatment with magnesium prior to preterm birth at 30–34 weeks' is not neuroprotective
- Trichloroacetic acid efficacious in the short term for treatment of CIN
- Trim-sulfa improves cure rate for cutaneous skin abscess after incision and drainage
- Triple antiplatelet tx increases bleeding and no better than standard therapy for preventing TIA and recurrent CVA (TARDIS)
- Triple inhaled therapy for COPD effective for selected patients
- Triple inhaled therapy provides a small reduction in moderate exacerbations, no effect on severe exacerbations (ETHOS)
- Triple therapy is superior to dual therapy for children and adults with moderate to severe asthma
- Triptans and oxygen effective for treating acute cluster headaches
- Triptans outperform older and newer treatments of acute migraine
- Troponin predicts adverse outcome in HF (ADHERE)
- Trospium chloride (Sanctura) effective for overactive bladder symptoms
- Tube insertion depth better than auscultation for detecting endobronchial intubation
- Tubes ineffective for treating otitis media in children
- Turn up the tunes in the ICU
- Twenty percent of adults with chronic migraines need more than 12 weeks to respond to monoclonal antibodies against CGRP
- Twice as many complications associated with PICCs than with midline catheters for short-term use
- Twice-daily low-dose aspirin is similar to enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis after inpatient treatment for fracture (PREVENT CLOT)
- Twice-yearly azithromycin reduces all-cause mortality in countries at high risk for infant/childhood mortality (MORDOR II)
- Two bedside tests are fairly accurate in screening for delirium in older patients
- Two-day oral dexamethasone course effective in treatment of mild asthma exacerbation
- Two drugs more effective to induce remission of MDD
- Two-hour algorithm to rule in or rule out AMI
- Two-hour protocol identifies patients at low risk of ACS
- Two questions can identify patients with substance abuse disorders
- Two questions effective in identifying patients who are not depressed
- Two RCTs: levetiracetam is not superior to phenytoin to treat status epilepticus but is easier to use and may be safer
- Two RCTs of hypertonic saline in kids with bronchiolitis: 2 different conclusions
- Two studies: another amyloid-directed therapy (crenezumab) does not improve cognition in early Alzheimer disease
- Two-thirds of coughs developing in patients using an ACE-inhibitor may not be due to the medication
- Two thirds of reduction in breast cancer mortality due to therapy advances
- Two-year outcomes better with endovascular stroke treatment in selected patients (MR CLEAN follow-up)
- Two-year outcomes in adults with acute Achilles tendon ruptures are similar with PRP and placebo
- Two years of a multidimensional intervention modestly improves cognition (FINGER)
- Tympanic and skin thermometers are inaccurate in children
- Type 1 diabetes in fair to good control not associated with reduced school performance in children
- Type 2 diabetes: metformin first, other treatments second
- Type 2 diabetes: tight control does not affect mortality
- Type of shoe doesn't seem to matter for moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis due to medial joint space narrowing
- Typical and atypical antipsychotics both increase risk of sudden cardiac death
- Typical hand gestures not useful for chest pain diagnosis
- Typical outpatient systolic BP measurements are higher than those taken using research protocols and they vary widely
- Typical signs and symptoms minimally effective for the diagnosis of pertussis infection
- TZDs increase CHF events in pts with DM or with prediabetes