EE+ POEM Archive
- O2 not helpful in overall QOL in COPD with exertional hypoxia
- OA shoes no better than walking shoes for knee OA pain and function
- Oats are safe for patients with celiac disease
- Obese and nonobese patients have comparable outcomes after knee replacement
- Obese bipolar patients lose weight with lamotrigine
- Obese patients: same benefit, more complications from lumbar fusion
- Obesity associated with increased risk of stillbirth
- Obesity does not predict survival after radical prostatectomy
- Obesity not associated with adverse hip replacement outcomes
- Obesity strongly associated with risk for stillbirth
- OB outcomes for those with MS and epilepsy similar to general population; diabetics worse
- Observation = radical prostatectomy for most pts with localized prostate cancer (PIVOT)
- Observational study finds lower colorectal CA-specific mortality with colonoscopy
- Observation an option for patients with sciatica more than 6 weeks
- Occult serious infection rare in infants with bronchiolitis
- OC effectiveness and BMI
- OCs associated with long-term reduction in ovarian cancer risk
- OCs effective for secondary dysmenorrhea
- OCs not associated with overall cancer risk
- OC use associated with reduction in ovarian cancer risk
- Of 27 micronutrient supplements, only a few reduce mortality and cardiovascular risk
- 17-OHPC may not reduce recurrent preterm birth or decrease neonatal morbidity
- Older adults feel a "moral obligation" to undergo screening
- Older patients do not like discussions involving choices based on "limited life expectancy"
- Older patients with atrial fibrillation treated with DOACs have fewer strokes and systemic emboli than those treated with vitamin K antagonists
- Older patients with diabetes have higher fall risk, especially if using insulin
- Older treatments for type 2 diabetes do not affect patient-oriented outcomes
- Omalizumab = modest benefit, high cost for children with allergic asthma
- Omalizumab at highest dose modestly effective for chronic idiopathic urticaria
- Omalizumab decreases respiratory viral infections in children with allergic asthma (PROSE)
- Omalizumab is better than placebo in alleviating symptoms in kids with severe atopic dermatitis (ADAPT)
- Omega-3 fatty acids have small analgesic effect
- Omega-3 fatty acids not effective for depression in CHD patients
- Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation does not decrease CVD-related outcomes
- Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation does not reduce mortality or CVD events
- Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation may increase the risk of incident depression (VITAL-DEP)
- Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation of more than 1 g per day increases the risk of atrial fibrillation
- Omega-3 FFAs not effective for relapse prevention in Crohn disease
- Omega-3 oil does not reduce serious cardiovascular events for patients with diabetes mellitus (ASCEND)
- Omega-3s do not prevent CV disease
- Omeprazole = pantoprazole for GI protection with NSAIDs
- Omeprazole safe in early pregnancy
- Once again, autism not linked to MMR vaccine
- Once-and-done screening colonoscopy has higher rates of adherence than yearly fecal-based blood testing
- Once-daily inhaled steroid/LABA combination better than steroid alone
- Once-only flex sig decreases 11-year cancer mortality
- Once-weekly dispensing effective for opioid dependence
- Once-weekly exenatide = daily liraglutide for short-term glycemic control in T2DM (DURATION-6)
- Once-weekly semaglutide is an effective adjunct for weight loss in nondiabetic overweight/obese adults (STEP 3)
- Once-weekly tai chi decreases rate of falls in the elderly
- Once-weekly topical DMT310 is effective for acne vulgaris
- Once yearly high-dose oral vitamin D increases risk of fracture and falls
- Oncogenic HPV in men: low incidence, high rate of spontaneous clearance (HIM)
- Ondansetron + dexamethasone safest, granisetron + dexamethasone least safe for post-op nausea and vomiting
- Ondansetron and metoclopramide equally effective for hyperemesis gravidarum
- Ondansetron better than doxylamine/pyridoxine for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
- Ondansetron effective for gastroenteritis with vomiting
- Ondansetron effective in children with acute gastroenteritis
- Ondansetron safe in pregnancy
- Ondansetron somewhat effective for diarrhea-predominant IBS
- Ondansetron use in pregnancy associated with small increased risk of oral clefts
- On-demand oral steroids minimally effective for childhood asthma
- One in five patients overdiagnosed with lung CA screening
- One month of DAPT followed by clopidogrel alone is superior to 12 months of DAPT after PCI (STOPDAPT-2)
- One month of rifapentine + isoniazid no worse than 9 months isoniazid for HIV patients at high risk for TB or with latent TB
- One-on-one education does not increase breastfeeding
- One telephone call does not improve adherence in patients with diabetes
- One third of adults with diagnosed asthma can be weaned off all asthma meds
- One third of ICU-treated children have delusional memories
- One third of patients with anxiety disorder will relapse when SSRI/SNRI treatment stops
- One third of postdischarge ADEs are preventable; Beers criteria account for only 16% in elders
- One-time flex sig at 60 associated with decreased CRC incidence, but not mortality (SCORE)
- One year of inhaled corticosteroid use is not associated with frequent serious harms in adults with asthma
- One year of once-daily doxycycline does not reduce exacerbation frequency in adults with moderate to severe COPD
- One-year supply of oral contraceptives associated with less pregnancy
- Online module promotes advance directives documentation
- Only 1 in every 3 children with eczema will develop asthma
- Only 800 IU daily dose of vitamin D is effective at reducing fracture risk
- Only epinephrine is effective in preventing admissions for bronchiolitis
- Only one cerumenolytic assists with in-office manual disimpaction of ear wax
- Only soluble fiber is helpful for symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
- Only some musculoskeletal conditions benefit from surgery
- Oophorectomy associated with decreased breast cancer, ovarian cancer in BRCA mutations
- Open access reduces well-child visit no shows
- Open-label placebo decreases opioid use after surgery
- Opiates and benzos increase risk of delirium in elderly
- Opiates for acute abdominal pain do not increase management errors
- Opioid analgesia hard to tolerate and not effective for chronic low back pain
- Opioid prescriptions after cesarean delivery can be reduced while maintaining satisfactory pain control
- Opioids = placebo in adults with acute nonspecific low back or neck pain (OPAL)
- Opioids for chronic back pain: short-term effectiveness, long-term uncertain
- Opioid use is not associated with birth defects
- Optimal algorithm for evaluating suspected DVT
- Optimal BMI is between 20 and 24.9
- Optimal dosing for thromboprophylaxis in medical inpatients
- Optimal medical tx = PCI + optimal medical tx for stable CAD
- Optimal oxygen saturation level uncertain for guiding hospitalization in children with bronchiolitis
- Optimal regimen of aspirin to prevent preeclampsia may also prevent placental abruption or antepartum hemorrhage
- Optimal smoking cessation treatments after initial treatment failure
- Optimal step-up therapy for black children and adults with poorly controlled asthma
- Optimal time of day to measure serum testosterone levels varies with age
- Optimal treatment for achalasia
- Optimal treatment for persistent insomnia
- Optimal treatment of acute venous thromboembolism
- Oral = IV antibiotics for serious bone and joint infections
- Oral = IV prednisolone for COPD exacerbation
- Oral and intratympanic steroid therapy equally effective for sudden sensorineural hearing loss
- Oral antibiotics are not equivalent to combination intravenous/oral antibiotics for acute uncomplicated appendicitis
- Oral antibiotics not necessary after IV treatment of septic abortion
- Oral antiseptics reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia
- Oral antivirals reduce hospitalization and death in immunocompromised vaccinated patients with COVID-19
- Oral as good as IM vitamin B12 replacement
- Oral bisphosphonate use not associated with increased risk of esophageal cancer
- Oral capsule– and colonoscopy-delivered fecal transplant equally effective for recurrent C. difficile infection
- Oral care with chlorhexidine reduces risk of VAP in intubated patients
- Oral CBD promising for treatment of heroin use disorder
- Oral contraceptives and anti-androgens most effective for hirsutism pharmacotherapy
- Oral contraceptives increase risk of thrombotic stroke and MI
- Oral co-trimoxazole = IV cefuroxime in preventing wound infection after PEG placement
- Oral desmopressin effective for nocturnal polyuria in men with BPH
- Oral doxycycline, tetracycline, isotretinoin, and topical metronidazole and ivermectin all options for acne rosacea
- Oral fingolimod reduces MS recurrence, appears to increase cancer risk
- Oral fluoroquinolones increase the risk of retinal detachment
- Oral ginger is an effective antiemetic in children with gastroenteritis
- Oral glucose reduces pain for venipuncture in newborns
- Oral hypoglycemics = insulin for management of GDM
- Oral immunotherapy can desensitize peanut-allergic patients, but at a cost of more adverse events
- Oral immunotherapy promising for children with egg allergy
- Oral minoxidil 5 mg once daily is similarly effective to topical minoxidil
- Oral ondansetron decreases vomiting in children with acute gastroenteritis
- Oral prednisolone = placebo in children with otitis media with effusion (OSTRICH)
- Oral prednisolone is equal to naproxen in acute gout
- Oral progestogen increases live birth rate among women with threatened miscarriage
- Oral resveratrol is no better than placebo in relieving pain in adults with painful degenerative joint disease of the knee
- Oral rivaroxaban as effective as standard therapy for treatment of acute PE
- Oral semaglutide may reduce cardiovascular mortality in patients with T2DM and CV or renal disease (NNT = 100 for 16 months)
- Oral semaglutide may reduce mortality in patients with T2DM and known CVD, but confirmation from a larger trial is needed
- Oral step-down antibiotic therapy for gram-negative bacteremia after source control not linked to increased deaths
- Oral steroids are not effective for improving olfactory function after COVID-19
- Oral steroids beneficial with antibiotics for chronic rhinosinusitis in children and adolescents
- Oral steroids don't improve symptom scores but decrease hospitalizations in preschoolers with acute wheezing (WASP)
- Oral steroids effective for nasal polyps
- Oral steroids minimally improve function but do not reduce pain or need for surgery for herniated lumbar disk
- Oral steroids not helpful for acute lower respiratory tract infection in nonasthmatic adults
- Oral therapy as effective as intravenous therapy for endocarditis, bacteremia, and osteomyelitis
- Oral therapy for grass pollen allergy only marginally effective
- Oral zinc reduces duration of common cold in adults but not children
- Oritavancin noninferior to vancomycin for gram-positive skin-structure infections
- Orthostatic hypotension associated with increased risk of CVD and mortality
- Orthotics not effective for plantar fasciitis
- Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) does not reduce the likelihood of hospitalization in adults
- Oseltamivir marginally decreases flu duration; no decrease in flu complications
- Oseltamivir slightly decreases flu symptom duration but not hospitalizations
- Ospemifene may provide better results than other approaches to treat some vaginal symptoms of menopause
- Osteoporosis screening in older women: fewer hip fractures but no overall reduction in fractures
- Otitis media treatment doesn't decrease effusion
- Ottawa ankle rules accurate for children aged 6 years and older
- Outcomes better with CABG than PCI in patients with diabetes or multivessel disease
- Outcomes for prednisolone = placebo in children with acute Bell's palsy (PREDICT)
- Outcomes in certified stroke centers not much better than in noncertified centers
- Outcomes not different with 1-step versus 2-step screening for gestational diabetes
- Outcomes not different with continued vs discontinued oxytocin in active phase of labor
- Outcomes of a constipation action plan are comparable with usual care in children with functional constipation
- Outcomes of major bleeds with dabigatran similar to warfarin
- Outcomes of oxytocin regimens for augmentation of labor
- Outcomes simliar with surgery + accelerated rehab and accelerated rehab alone in acute Achilles rupture
- Outpatient pediatric skin infections resolve without MRSA coverage
- Ovarian cancer screening does not improve outcomes (UKCTOCS)
- Ovarian inclusion cysts not associated with cancer
- Over 13.6 years, children with hypertension are twice as likely to have major adverse cardiovascular events
- Overdiagnosis of breast cancer is common
- Overnight extubations in the ICU associated with greater mortality
- Over-reading of breast biopsy samples is common
- Overtreatment leads to harm in older patients with type 2 diabetes
- Overuse alert: Computer aid does not improve mammography accuracy
- Overuse alert: Pharmacogenomic testing for selection of antidepressant provides minimal, if any, benefit (PRIME)
- Overuse alert: Prophylactic abx don't prevent poststroke pneumonia in patients with dysphagia
- Overuse alert: treat-to-target LDL strategy of statin dosing is noninferior to high-intensity dosing
- Overuse of screening colonoscopy leads to approximately 10,000 serious harmful events
- Overview of new ACC/AHA lipid guidelines: here we go again
- Overweight/obese adults with symptomatic COVID-19 treated with metformin are less likely to develop long COVID (COVID-OUT)
- Oxcarbazepine does not prevent migraine
- Oxybutynin topical gel minimally effective for overactive bladder
- Oxygen = room air in relieving dyspnea in terminally ill patients
- Oxygen improves headaches in emergency depts
- Oxygen via high-flow nasal cannula reduces the need for intubation in patients with severe COVID-19
- Oxytocin infusion does not prevent major hemorrhage during cesarean delivery
- Oxytocin superior to misoprostol for postpartum hemorrhage without 3rd stage oxytocin