EE+ POEM Archive
- n-3 fatty acids do not prevent cardiovascular events in high-risk patients
- n-3 fatty acid supplements do not reduce CV events
- N-acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) effective for trichotillomania
- N-acetylcysteine and statins may prevent contrast-induced nephropathy, but strength of evidence is low
- N-acetylcysteine beneficial in non-acetaminophen-related acute liver failure
- Naftidrofuryl oxalate, cilostazol effective for claudication
- Nalmefene may not be effective for alcohol withdrawal
- Naloxone, naldemedine, and alvimopan best options for treatment of opioid-induced constipation
- Naltrexone and behavioral interventions reduce alcohol dependence
- Naltrexone plus sertraline more effective for abstinence than either alone
- Naltrexone promising to treat amphetamine dependence
- Naproxen alone may be best for acute low back pain
- Naproxen effective for cold symptoms including cough reduction
- Naproxen reduces bleeding after placement of LNG-IUS
- Nasal irrigation, but not steam inhalation, beneficial for chronic sinus symptoms (SNIFS)
- Nasal steroids ineffective for ET dysfunction
- Nasal steroids ineffective for otitis with effusion
- Nasal steroid treatment speeds return of smell but not the overall rate of olfactory recovery
- Nateglinide does not reduce CV events in impaired glucose tolerance (NAVIGATOR)
- National program reduces catheter-associated urinary tract infections
- Natriuretic peptide–guided therapy equal to usual care for high-risk adults with heart failure
- Natural history of actinic keratosis progression, regression, and recurrence
- Natural history of heavy menstrual bleeding in perimenopause
- Navigation program slightly decreases time to resolution of abnormal cancer screening results
- Nearly 50% of children with severe asthma no longer meet the criteria for severe disease after 3 years
- Nearly half of patients with major depression have recurrence within 6 years
- Nearly one third of elderly have dyspnea with exertion
- Nearly zero risk of sexually transmitting HIV when viral loads are less than 1000 copies per mL
- Nebulized 3% saline + epi = 0.9% saline + epi in infants with bronchiolitis
- Nebulized beclomethasone not effective at preventing recurrence of viral wheezing
- Nebulized budesonide added to standard therapy does not improve asthma outcomes
- Nebulized hypertonic saline does not prevent hospitalizations in infants with bronchiolitis
- Nebulized ketamine is at least as effective as IV morphine and with fewer side effects in older adults with acute musculoskeletal pain
- Nebulized magnesium plus albuterol is no more effective than albuterol alone for refractory acute pediatric asthma
- Need to screen 1055 and treat 37 to prevent one prostate CA death over 11 years (ERSPC)
- Negative colonoscopy result predicts no colon cancer for more than 10 years
- Negative CT after mild blunt head trauma in kids: Send them home
- Negative fecal calprotectin result useful for ruling out IBD in children
- Negative high-sensitivity troponin rules out AMI
- Negative HPV signals low risk of cervical cancer
- Negative leukocyte esterase and < 5 white blood cells/high-powered field best rule out urinary tract infection; positive nitrite best rules it in
- Negligible change in glycemic control in patients with T2DM+OSA using CPAP
- Neither aducanumab nor donanemab is cost-effective in treating adults with early Alzheimer disease
- Neither clinical exam nor MRI accurately rules out wrist ligament injuries
- Neither mindfulness training nor exercise improve memory or executive function in older adults
- Neither vitamin D nor omega-3 fatty acid supplementation affect pain prevalence or severity in the general population (VITAL)
- Neither vitamin D nor omega-3 fatty acid supplementation reduce the risk of frailty (VITAL)
- Neonatal early-onset sepsis calculator associated with decreased antibiotic use and no increase in sepsis
- Neonatal hypoglycemia not associated with lower educational achievement in moderate to late preterm and term infants
- Neonatal outcomes best with cesarean at 39-40 wks
- Nesiritide provides no additional benefit in the emergency department
- Net benefit with azithromycin use in elderly hospitalized patients with pneumonia
- Network analysis finds oral isotretinoin most effective for acne vulgaris
- Network meta-analysis: Limited data show that high-dose aspirin decreases incidence of colorectal cancer
- Neuropsychiatric disorders associated with glucocorticoids
- Neuropsychologic scores marginally predict Alzheimer's risk
- New "-flozin" type 2 diabetes treatments improve outcomes in patients with heart failure, with or without diabetes
- New ACR and EULAR criteria for diagnosing SLE
- New anticoagulants vs warfarin in A fib: no clear winner
- New biomarkers add little to current predictors for CAD
- Newborns with feeding difficulty may not need frenotomy
- New classification criteria for SLE
- New clinical prediction rule (the Pediatric Appendicitis Laboratory Score) accurately rules out appendicitis in children
- New definition of sepsis, new bedside screen to identify patients at high-mortality risk
- New diagnostic criteria for pseudotumor cerebri
- Newer anticoagulants assoc with lower rate of ICH
- Newer antidepressants increase suicidality in youths
- Newer-generation antiepileptic drugs not associated with risk of major birth defects
- Newer hypoglycemics don't increase or decrease mortality
- Newer sulfonylureas not associated with increased mortality, MIs, or strokes
- New-onset perioperative atrial fibrillation associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke
- New-onset type 2 diabetes is associated with a higher risk of newly diagnosed cancers
- New oral analogue to remdesivir is similarly effective to nirmatrelvir-ritonavir for mild to moderate symptomatic COVID-19
- New recommendations for child safety seats expands their use
- New screening test for nasopharyngeal cancer accurate but not proven to improve patient outcomes
- New zoster vaccine prevents more cases, but causes more sore arms
- NG aspiration and lavage of limited utility in diagnosis of GI bleeding source
- Niacin does not decrease mortality in patients with CAD or low HDL
- Niacin does not improve clinical outcomes in patients with vascular disease (HPS2-THRIVE)
- Niacin not effective in CAD with low HDL cholesterol (AIM-HIGH)
- NICE guideline: Midwife preferred for low-risk pregnant women, including at-home for some
- NICE guidelines for delirium prevention
- NICE guidelines for diabetes mellitus, type 2
- NICE guidelines for lipid lowering
- NICE guidelines for low back pain
- NICE guidelines for the treatment of depression
- Nicotinamide reduces recurrent nonmelanoma skin cancers in high-risk patients
- Nicotine gum for pregnant smokers increases birth weight
- Nicotine replacement allows a few smokers to cut down despite initial unwillingness
- Nicotine replacement not helpful for pregnant women
- Nicotine replacement with e-cigarettes might help smokers quit
- Nifedipine best for tocolysis in preterm labor
- Nifedipine ineffective for external cephalic version
- Nifedipine not effective for maintenance tocolysis
- Nifedipine plus sildenafil reduces preterm birth more than nifedipine alone
- Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlovid) reduces hospitalization, mortality in patients 65+ with COVID-19; effect on younger patients unclear
- Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlovid) reduces risk of hospitalization in at-risk outpatients (EPIC-HR)
- Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir (Paxlovid) continues to provide a benefit, especially in the elderly and less vaccinated
- Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir (Paxlovid) doesn't significantly reduce symptoms or hospitalization in vaccinated high-risk patients and unvaccinated patients
- Nirsevimab in a single intramuscular dose prevents medically attended RSV infection and hospitalization in preterm infants
- Nirsevimab reduces the risk of a medically attended visit for respiratory syncytial virus
- Nitazoxanide reduces rotavirus duration in hospitalized kids
- NOACs preferred over warfarin for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation in patients also taking low-dose aspirin
- No added benefit beyond 30 days with enoxaparin after fibrinolysis for STEMI
- No added benefit with high-dose steroids or different oxygenation strategies for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure due to COVID-19
- No added benefit with higher doses of ketorolac for treatment of acute pain in the ED
- No advantage to 325 mg over 81 mg aspirin for persons with established cardiovascular disease (ADAPTABLE)
- No advantage to routine thrombectomy prior to PCI for STEMI
- No adverse cardiovascular effects from phenylephrine eye drops
- No aspirin = aspirin after 24 weeks’ gestation in some pregnancies at high risk for preeclampsia
- No association between labor induction and autism spectrum disorder
- No association between obesity and long-term outcomes of partial knee arthroplasty
- No association between SSRI use in pregnancy and risk of stillbirth or infant mortality
- No association between stimulant treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance use
- No association between vitamin D levels and long-term mortality (WHI)
- No association of in utero exposure to COVID-19 with abnormal neurodevelopment in children at 24 months (ASPIRE)
- No association seen between standard-dose NSAIDs and progression of moderate CKD
- No benefit, longer hospital stay with treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria
- No benefit and potential harm with increasing early mobilization in mechanically ventilated patients
- No benefit from additional statin loading before CABG in adults already receiving statin therapy
- No benefit from HRT in reducing age-related wrinkles and crows' feet
- No benefit from revascularization for asymptomatic renal artery stenosis (ASTRAL)
- No benefit from screening for asymptomatic CAD in type 2 diabetes
- No benefit of higher dose PPIs for prevention of rebleeding of peptic ulcers
- No benefit of nesiritide for acute heart failure (ASCEND-HF)
- No benefit of sex-specific knee arthroplasty
- No benefit seen with nighttime in-house intensivist coverage
- No benefits to therapeutic hypothermia for severe bacterial meningitis
- No benefit to addition of pentoxifylline to steroids for treatment of severe alcoholic hepatitis
- No benefit to addition of stenting for treatment of atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis
- No benefit to azithromycin for acute asthma exacerbations
- No benefit to bypass surgery vs medical treatment for symptomatic carotid/cerebral artery occlusion/insufficiency (CMOSS)
- No benefit to daily albumin infusions for hospitalized patients with decompensated cirrhosis
- No benefit to extended VTE prophylaxis with apixaban in hospitalized medical patients (ADOPT)
- No benefit to inhaled nitric oxide for acute sickle cell pain crisis
- No benefit to ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 in regions where strongyloidiasis is not endemic
- No benefit to maintaining higher hemoglobin levels in hip surgery patients at high CV risk (FOCUS)
- No benefit to prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent placement
- No benefit to remdesivir, HCQ, lopinavir, or interferon in large WHO trial of adults hospitalized with COVID-19 (Solidarity)
- No benefit to restrictive transfusion strategy for cardiac surgery patients
- No benefit to routine antipsychotic use for treatment or prevention of delirium in hospitalized patients
- No benefit to screening with CT angiography for asymptomatic CAD in adults with diabetes
- No benefit to stenting for stable CAD
- No benefit to supplemental oxygen in patients with acute MI and normal oxygen saturation
- No benefit to treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism in adults 80 years and older
- No benefit to ultrafiltration for treatment of acute cardiorenal syndrome (CARRESS-HF)
- No benefit to varenicline beyond 12 weeks or combined with nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation
- No benefit with addition of TMP-SMX to cephalexin for nonpurulent cellulitis
- No benefit with balanced vs saline solution or slower vs faster rate for fluid resuscitation in ICU
- No benefit with restrictive fluid strategy during perioperative period for major abdominal surgery
- No benefit with torsemide over furosemide for posthospitalization treatment of heart failure (TRANSFORM-HF)
- No benefit with transfusion of fresh red cells compared with older red cells in critically ill patients
- No benefit with use of periprocedural sodium bicarbonate or acetylcysteine in patients with CKD and angiography
- No change in duration of mechanical ventilation with acetazolamide for COPD patients with metabolic alkalosis
- No change in mammography rates after 2009 USPSTF update
- No change in mortality with restricted intravenous fluid therapy in patients with septic shock
- No clear advantage to balanced crystalloids over saline; though 1 study suggests a mortality benefit in patients with sepsis
- No clear benefit from nutritional therapy for malnourished hospitalized patients
- No clear benefit to daily probiotics for reducing antibiotic use among elderly care home residents
- No clear difference among antipsychotic agents in preventing relapse in adults with schizophrenia
- No cow's milk formula for the first 3 days of life prevents food allergies
- Nocturnal oxygen for COPD patients who do not qualify for daytime oxygen is unlikely to be helpful (INOX)
- No decrease in all-cause mortality with LMWH for VTE prophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients
- No decrease in length of stay with intensive rehabilitation program for ICU patients
- No difference between heating pad or cold pack for acute neck/back strain
- No difference between oxycodone/acetaminophen and hydrocodone/acetaminophen for acute extremity pain
- No difference between sitting versus standing peak expiratory flow measurements in healthy adults
- No difference in acute kidney injury but more delirium with cefepime instead of piperacillin-tazobactam (ACORN)
- No difference in CHF outcomes with BNP-guided therapy
- No difference in cognitive decline in elderly patients with coronary artery disease undergoing CABG vs PCI
- No difference in invasive strategy or medical management for older, frail patients with NSTEMI
- No difference in long-term outcomes with full vs trophic feeding for acute lung injury patients
- No difference in major vascular complications with different blood pressure strategies after noncardiac surgery (POISE-3)
- No difference in outcomes with restrictive versus liberal fluid strategy for sepsis-induced hypotension
- No difference in overcorrection risk with rapid bolus vs slow infusion of hypertonic saline for severe hyponatremia (SALSA)
- No difference in PP hemorrhage with or without cord traction in 3rd stage of labor
- No difference in prognosis of patients with de novo versus nevus-associated melanoma
- No difference in resolution of urinary tract infection symptoms with 7 vs 14 days of antibiotic therapy among afebrile men
- No difference in topical steroids on wet or dry skin of children with atopic dermatitis
- No difference in unplanned secondary procedures after initial THA versus hemiarthroplasty for hip fractures in elderly
- No differences in outcomes with alteplase before endovascular treatment or endovascular treatment alone for acute ischemic strokes
- No differences in postoperative deaths or complications with stopping or continuing renin-angiotensin system inhibitors
- No difference with continuing vs stopping ACEIs or ARBs in adults who are undergoing major noncardiac surgery
- No effect of self-selected tx on acute low back pain
- No effect of vitamin D on depressive symptoms
- No effect on mortality with aspirin or clonidine use during noncardiac surgery (POISE-2)
- No effect on mortality with oxygen therapy in nonhypoxemic patients with suspected MI
- No evidence for frozen shoulder personality
- No evidence of effectiveness of massage therapy for depression
- No evidence that dupilumab is effective as add-on therapy in mod-severe asthma with eosinophilia
- No evidence that N95 respirators are better than surgical masks
- No evidence that wearing eyeglasses in public reduces the risk of acquiring COVID-19
- No fewer allergies when solid foods are started after 6 months old
- No good treatments available for gastroparesis symptoms
- No harm in stopping antibiotics after cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis
- No harm or benefit to permissive underfeeding of critically ill patients
- No harm to stopping smoking shortly prior to surgery
- No improved patient-oriented outcomes with sacubitril/valsartan in adults with heart failure and preserved EF (PARALLAX)
- No improvement in clinical status at 28 days with tocilizumab in patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia
- No improvement in re-bleeding rate with earlier colonoscopy for patients hospitalized with lower gastrointestinal bleed
- No increased CVD, breast CA risk (or fracture prevention) 3 yrs after HRT
- No increased incidence of cancer in patients with superficial phlebitis
- No increased risk of all-cause and cancer-related mortality from HRT in WHI long-term follow-up
- No increased risk of ASD, ADHD, or SGA with first-trimester antidepressant use
- No increased risk of cancer with biologic therapy for rheumatoid arthritis
- No increased risk of esophageal cancer with nonerosive gastroesophageal reflux
- No increased risk of melanoma at removal site of dysplastic nevi
- No increased risk of spinal hematoma with lumbar puncture in adults with coagulopathy
- No increased risks with Tdap in pregnant women with recent (< 5 years) history of prior Tdap
- No increased survival benefit to intensive follow-up after colorectal cancer surgery
- No increase in perineal laceration with stirrups
- No link between thickened liquids and improved mortality in patients with Alzheimer dementia with dysphagia
- No long-term advantage with second-generation stents vs CABG for multivessel coronary disease
- No long-term benefit from multiple courses of antenatal corticosteroids
- No long-term benefit of arthroscopic surgery for meniscal tears in middle-aged persons
- No long-term harm from medical abortion
- No long-term mortality benefit with glucocorticoids + NAC for severe alcoholic hepatitis
- No major differences between diets
- No mobility benefit with inpatient rehab added to home-based program after TKA
- No mortality benefit, increased risk of acute kidney injury with addition of beta-lactam to usual therapy for MRSA bacteremia
- No mortality benefit and higher costs with early goal-directed therapy for septic shock
- No mortality benefit to CABG for patients with ischemic LV dysfunction
- No mortality benefit to rapid reduction of BP for intracranial bleeds (INTERACT2)
- No mortality benefit to warfarin over aspirin for HF patients in sinus rhythm (WARCEF)
- No mortality benefit with albumin administration in severe sepsis (ALBIOS)
- No mortality benefit with high-flow nasal oxygen in immunocompromised patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure
- No mortality difference between early and delayed initiation of renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients with AKI
- Nonadvanced colon adenoma may not increase colorectal cancer risk
- Nonalcoholic beer decreases inflammation and URIs in marathon runners
- Non-antidepressant approaches are more effective for treating depression in patients with dementia
- Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic drugs are associated with increased fractures in older adults
- Nondrug therapy preferred for low back pain: American College of Physicians
- Nondrug therapy provides modest short-term improvement in fatigue in older adults
- No need to monitor BMD after bisphosphonates started
- Nonergot dopamine agonists improve RLS
- No net benefit for ticagrelor plus aspirin over aspirin alone in patients with T2DM and stable coronary disease
- Nonfocal transient neurological attacks increase risk of future stroke and dementia
- Noninvasive bioelectronic treatment reduces opioid use among patients after cesarean delivery
- Noninvasive carotid imaging can replace invasive imaging
- Noninvasive vagus nerve stimulation more effective than sham therapy for migraine attacks (PRESTO)
- Nonobstetric surgery risk similar for pregnant and nonpregnant women
- Nonopioids equivalent to opioids for severe chronic back, hip, or knee pain with fewer adverse outcomes
- Nonpharmacological interventions reduce labor pain and shorten labor
- Nonpharmacologic approaches are better than medication to control aggression/agitation in dementia
- Nonpharmacologic approaches can improve fibromyalgia symptoms
- Nonpharmacologic prevention strategies improve function and self-rated health but not overall healthcare use in older adults
- Nonprescription hearing aid can improve hearing without fitting by an audiologist
- Nonsedation of mechanically ventilated patients does not improve outcomes compared with light interrupted sedation
- Nontraumatic supraspinatus tears: PT = PT + surgery at 1 year
- No overall increase in birth defects with fluconazole exposure
- No preference for outpatient rehabilitation program after total knee arthroplasty
- No proven benefit of universal ultrasound screening for fetal macrosomia
- No reduction in delirium with the use of haloperidol or ziprasidone in critically ill patients
- No reduction in medical errors with increased direct supervision of resident teams
- No reduction in mortality or readmission with addition of aliskiren for HF patients (ASTRONAUT)
- No reduction in mortality with continuous vs intermittent infusion of beta-lactam antibiotics for critically ill patients with sepsis (BLING-III)
- No reduction in postdischarge medication errors after pharmacist-led intervention
- No reduction in re-admissions with telemonitoring, coaching for HF patients (BEAT-HF)
- No reduction in stroke recurrence with apixaban vs aspirin in patients with cryptogenic stroke and atrial cardiopathy (ARCADIA)
- No reliable data on role of bracing for thoracolumbar fractures
- No research to guide decisions regarding lipid disorders in younger adults
- Normal defecation patterns in young healthy children vary by age, diet, and place of residence
- Normal hs troponin and PESI score of 0 means great prognosis for PE
- Normal vital signs and pulmonary exam results rule out CAP in adults with acute respiratory infection
- Normotensive patients at intermediate risk of CV disease do not benefit from ARB + HCTZ (HOPE-3)
- Nortriptyline better than paroxetine in patients with Parkinson's and depression
- Nortriptyline not effective for idiopathic gastroparesis
- No short-term extra benefit when muscle relaxants are added to ibuprofen for acute low back pain
- No short-term mortality benefit with use of colloids over crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in the ICU (CRISTAL)
- No significant differences with liberal vs restrictive transfusion strategies for patients hospitalized with MI and anemia (MINT)
- No stirrups preferred for pelvic exam
- No surprises in the management of hospitalized patients with CAP
- No survival advantage to PCI over optimal medical therapy after 12 years (COURAGE)
- No survival benefit with early goal-directed therapy for septic shock
- No sustained changes in IQ following pediatric concussion
- No-test medical abortion is safe and effective
- Nothing works for cough associated with the common cold
- Not much seems to prevent renal disease in children with HSP
- No worsening of post-op atrial arrhythmias with relaxed potassium supplementation following coronary artery bypass grafting (TIGHT K)
- NPH insulin: fewer episodes of severe hypoglycemia than analogs (Lantus and Levemir) and less than half the cost
- NSAID = glucosamine = chondroitin = placebo for knee OA
- NSAIDs, calcium channel blockers best to delay premature delivery and improve outcomes
- NSAIDs = opioids for biliary colic
- NSAIDs and COX-2 agents, but not naproxen, pose vascular risk to adults
- NSAIDs are a safe, effective option for pleurodesis pain
- NSAIDs do not improve cognitive function (ADAPT)
- NSAIDs harmful in treating women with uncomplicated UTI
- NSAID use associated with increased risk of death following AMI
- NSAID use associated with increased risk of serious bleeding and CV events after MI
- NSAID use near conception is associated with early miscarriage in women with BMI <25
- NT-BNP reduces cost and rehospitalization rates in dyspneic patients.
- Numbers to help women understand the benefits/ harms of screening mammography
- Nut consumption associated with a lower risk of many bad things
- Nut consumption associated with reduced mortality
- Nuts, corn, and popcorn not associated with risk of diverticular disease