EE+ POEM Archive
- MA: In nursing homes, fall prevention programs only decrease recurrent falls
- MA: intra-articular corticosteroids provide short-term relief in patients with adhesive capsulitis
- MA: Limited data shows thrombectomy 6 to 24 hours after stroke onset is effective in highly selected persons
- MA: Low-quality evidence finds DRE screening for prostate cancer inaccurate
- MA: Several drugs are effective for weight loss in obese or overweight adults; it's unclear whether they improve health outcomes
- MA: Ultrasound accurately diagnoses small bowel obstruction
- MA: ultrasound is reasonably accurate in detecting synovitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Maastricht consensus guideline on Helicobacter pylori
- Maastricht guidelines for management of HP infection
- Maastricht recommendations effective for HP eradication
- MAb114 and REGN-EB3 preferred over ZMapp and remdesivir for the treatment of Ebola virus disease (PALM)
- Macitentan reduces morbidity from pulmonary hypertension
- Macrolide + beta-lactam better than beta-lactam alone for hospitalized pts with CAP
- Magnesium only effective for nocturnal leg cramps in pregnancy
- Magnesium sulfate reduces the risk of cerebral palsy in offspring when given to women prior to preterm birth
- Mailing FIT or gFOBT directly to patients increases uptake of colorectal cancer screening
- Maintenance treatment with varenicline improves smoking cessation in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
- Majority of CIN2 regress in women aged 25 to 30 years
- Majority of nudge interventions are associated with reductions in antibiotic prescribing
- Malaria vaccine effective in children
- Male circumcision prevents HSV-2 and HPV infection
- Mammogram decision aid slightly increases informed decisions by women
- Mammography doesn't decrease cancer-related deaths long-term
- Mammography identifies many women who will not benefit from treatment
- Management options equally effective for simple UTI
- Mandibular devices similar to CPAP for patients with sleep apnea
- Manual rotation of occiput posterior during labor increases the rate of spontaneous vaginal delivery
- Many complementary and alternative treatments have been studied to treat menopausal symptoms
- Many patients using warfarin also take aspirin
- Many patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis do well with antibiotic therapy
- Many recommendations from TV docs are not based on evidence
- Marine n-3 (omega-3) fatty acids do not prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease events (VITAL)
- Markov model: colonoscopy is most effective strategy in improving outcomes
- Mask mandates in school reduce COVID-19 cases among students, staff, and members of the community
- Mass AAA screening in Australia was ineffective in decreasing mortality, even in smokers
- Mass administration of ivermectin effective for scabies when disease is endemic
- Massage decreases pain, improves function in patients with knee osteoarthritis
- Massage improves function in patients with chronic low back pain
- Maternal and neonatal risks and benefits associated with bariatric surgery
- Maternal benefit with planned delivery for preeclampsia
- Maternal blood testing accurate for fetal sex
- Maternal epilepsy is associated with worse birth outcomes
- Maternal gestational diabetes before 26 weeks' associated with risk of ASD
- Maternal morbidity no greater with trial of labor after cesarean
- Maternal obesity associated with neural tube defects
- Maternal position in labor ineffective for occiput posterior
- Maternal prebiotics supplementation during pregnancy and lactation does not reduce infant allergic disease
- Maternal prenatal cannabis use is not associated with increased risk of child developmental delay
- Maternal shoe size not related to infant birth weight
- Maternal triptan use during pregnancy is not associated with risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in offspring
- Maybe kids with mild persistent asthma don't need daily steroids
- M-CHAT is fairly sensitive and specific for detecting autism spectrum disorders in toddlers
- MDCT safe and accurate for coronary evaluation in dilated cardiomyopathy
- Mean duration of cough is 18 days; patients expect about 1 week
- Measurements of adiposity adds little over traditional CAD risk factors
- Mechanical cervical ripening increases infection
- Median survival of 4.5 years following dementia onset
- Medical abortion by telemedicine as safe as in-person treatment
- Medical cannabis use not supported by a wealth of research
- Medical marijuana for various neurologic conditions: mixed outcomes
- Medical therapy superior to stenting in preventing stroke recurrence for intracranial arterial stenosis
- Medical tx prevents variceal bleeds better
- Medication abortion for pregnancy of unknown location a reasonable option
- Medication abortion is relatively safe and effective through 16 weeks' gestation
- Medication reminder gizmos don't help adherence
- Medications help passage of kidney stones
- Medications ineffective to prevent cognitive decline or dementia
- Meditation, hypnosis, therapeutic suggestion, and CBT can decrease pain and opioid use
- Mediterranean and low-fat diets minimally decrease mortality in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease
- Mediterranean diet + extra virgin olive oil improves cognition in older people
- Mediterranean diet associated with reduced morbidity and mortality
- Mediterranean diet delays onset of diabetes
- Mediterranean diet delays treatment of type 2 diabetes
- Mediterranean diet produces moderate weight loss
- Mediterranean diet reduces cardiovascular events (PREDIMED)
- Meds with anticholinergic effects assoc with decline in mental and physical function in elderly
- Melanoma risk 0.7% in congenital melanocytic nevi
- Melanomas with unknown primary have better prognosis than those with known primary
- Melatonin is no more effective than placebo in decreasing the severity of delirium in adults
- Melatonin is no more effective than placebo to prevent delirium after major cardiac surgery
- Memantine = placebo in patients with Down (MEADOWS)
- Memory clinics no more effective than usual care
- Meningococcal vaccine effectiveness wanes over 8 years
- Meniscal tears common in general population older than 50 years
- Mental health improves after quitting smoking
- Menveo meningitis vaccine may be associated with Bell's palsy
- Men who take terazosin, doxazosin, or alfuzosin rather than tamsulosin or 5α-reductase inhibitors are less likely to develop Lewy body dementia
- Men with localized prostate cancer have inaccurate perceptions of their prognosis
- Meperidine (pethidine) less effective for migraine
- Mepolizumab provides a small reduction in the exacerbations of moderate to severe eosinophilic COPD
- Mepolizumab provides modest benefit for patients with severe eosinophilic asthma
- Mepolizumab reduces need for surgery in adults with severe nasal polyposis
- Messages of fear and empowerment are best for reducing inappropriate antibiotic use
- Meta-analysis: acupuncture minimally decreases knee pain from DJD in the short term
- Meta-analysis: alpha blockers effective for kidney stones
- Meta-analysis: Antibiotics for appendicitis results in fewer surgeries but more recurrence
- Meta-analysis: BP drugs equally effective in young and old
- Meta-analysis: Carotid artery stenting has similar long-term outcomes as endarterectomy but at the cost of more perioperative strokes
- Meta-analysis: intensive BP control decreases major CV events and stroke, but not MI, CHF, or mortality
- Meta-analysis: outcomes of compression-only CPR = standard CPR
- Meta-analysis: rate of cancers similar with folic acid supplements or placebo
- Meta-analysis: Rate of subdural hematomas with vitamin K antagonists is 2.9 per 1000 person years
- Meta-analysis of RCTs: vitamin D has no real effect on bone mineral density
- Meta-analysis of RCTs of "health checks" — limited data on effectiveness
- Metformin + low-dose rosiglitazone better than placebo in delaying onset of DM in pts with IGT (CANOE)
- Metformin appears to be at least as effective as insulin for treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus
- Metformin associated with less need for a second medicine
- Metformin causes B-12 deficiency in some
- Metformin delays onset of diabetes
- Metformin does not harm patients with HF and diabetes
- Metformin effective for antipsychotic-induced amenorrhea
- Metformin effective for gestational diabetes
- Metformin helps kids lose weight
- Metformin increases height in LBW girls
- Metformin induces ovulation in PCOS
- Metformin in obese or overweight children: limited data, modest reduction in BMI
- Metformin may be better than insulin for the treatment of gestational diabetes
- Metformin minimally beneficial, if at all, when added to insulin in overweight adolescents with T1DM
- Metformin should be initial therapy for adults with type 2 DM
- Metformin use for early gestational or type 2 diabetes is not associated with reduction in preterm preeclampsia
- Metformin with or without glyburide effective for glycemic control in women with GDM
- Methotrexate for ectopic pregnancy successful with beta-hCG < 5000
- Methotrexate is minimally effective for knee osteoarthritis pain (PROMOTE)
- Methylnaltrexone effective for opiod-induced constipation in hospice patients
- Methylphenidate, hematopoietic agents helpful in cancer-related fatigue
- Methylphenidate may slightly improve cognitive function in patients with traumatic brain injury
- Methylprednisolone improves outcomes in ARDS
- Metoclopramide better than promethazine for hyperemesis
- Metoclopramide safe in pregnancy
- Metronidazole, vancomycin, and fidaxomicin: all effective for initial cure of C. diff
- Metronidazole gel prevents recurrences of BV
- Microwave = thermal balloon endometrial ablation
- Midodrine is worth a trial in people with frequent episodes of vasovagal syncope
- Midodrine modestly effective in reducing events in patients with orthostatic hypotension and recurrent reflex syncope
- Midodrine prevents recurrent vasovagal syncope in kids
- Mifepristone effective and safe for the treatment of adenomyosis with pain symptoms
- Mifepristone effective tx for bleeding due to fibroids
- Mifepristone plus misoprostol is associated with less treatment failure than misoprostol alone for early pregnancy loss
- Mifepristone pretreatment improves success rate of misoprostol for early pregnancy loss
- Migraine with aura associated with increased risk of CVD in women
- Milk okay in pts with HIV-related diarrhea
- Mind-body treatments enhance opioid treatment of patients with acute or chronic pain
- Mindfulness-based intervention is effective for chronic pain when delivered virtually
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction ineffective for low back pain
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction is noninferior to escitalopram for adults with anxiety disorder
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction training effective for chronic low back pain
- Mindfulness classes may lead to a reduction in headache frequency
- Mindfulness training aids coping with hot flashes
- Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists associated with reductions in hospitalizations and death among patients with heart failure
- Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists improve outcomes in patients younger than 75 with CHF and reduced EF
- Minesapride = placebo to reduce constipation in patients with irritable bowel syndrome with predominant constipation
- Minimal, if any, association between labor epidural analgesia and the risk of autism spectrum disorder in children
- Minimal, if any, benefit from lateral wedge insoles for medial knee OA
- Minimal benefit to tiotropium as add-on therapy for adolescents with moderate asthma
- Minimal benefit with adding antimuscarinics to alpha-blockers for benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Minimal difference, if any, in the efficacy of intramuscular vs intra-articular steroid injection for knee osteoarthritis
- Minimal differences on average between disc replacement and rehab for back pain
- Minimal effect of ERT on sexual function in menopausal women
- Minimally invasive vs open radical prostatectomy
- Mini-open = arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff
- Minocycline 100 mg more effective than doxycycline 40 mg for rosacea
- Minocycline improves stroke outcomes
- 30-minute office BP monitor readings are 23/12 mm Hg lower than a single office reading
- Mirabegron effective for OAB
- Mirror therapy improves function in patients with upper extremity neglect after stroke (MUST)
- Mirtazapine decreases methamphetamine use and high-risk sexual behavior
- Mirtazapine does not reduce agitated behaviors in persons with dementia (SYMBAD)
- Misoprostol=oxytocin for postpartum hemorrhage after prophylactic oxytocin
- Misoprostol = PGE2 for induction of labor at term with unfavorable cervix
- Misoprostol alone is associated with high rate of successful first-trimester abortion
- Misoprostol effective for early abortion
- Mite-impermeable covers decreases hospital visits in kids with asthma
- Mixed benefits of gluten-free diet in asymptomatic patients with celiac disease
- Mixed benefits of palliative care interventions
- Mixed outcomes of restrictive vs liberal transfusion in frail elderly with hip fracture (TRIFE)
- Mixed outcomes with early extubation to noninvasive ventilation for difficult-to-wean patients
- Mixed results from studies of steroids for septic shock (APROCCHSS, ADRENAL)
- 3-mm cutoff for endometrial thickness most accurate
- MMR vaccine appears to be safe for children with juvenile arthritis
- MMR vaccine not associated with increased autism risk in children with older siblings with autism
- MMRV vaccine slightly increases febrile seizure risk
- Mobile compression device = LMWH for DVT prevention after hip replacement, less bleeding
- Mobile phone app–based artificial intelligence is accurate for diagnosing melanoma in patients with lighter skin tones
- Mobile phone texting helps smokers quit
- Mobile stroke units that speed access to tPA improve 90-day outcomes slightly
- Modelling study shows less-intense screening is okay for men with low baseline PSA levels
- Mode of delivery unchanged with delayed or immediate pushing in second stage labor with epidural analgesia
- Moderate coffee consumption safe after AMI
- Moderately intensive control of T2DM improves clinical outcomes (UKPDS)
- Moderate or better evidence for specific cannabinoids for chronic pain, Tourette, epilepsy, spasticity, sleep, Parkinson, and other conditions
- Moderate-quality evidence shows podiatric interventions can prevent falls but not injuries in community-dwelling elderly
- Moderate-severe pain unusual following zoster
- Moderate to severe hypoglycemia associated with increased mortality in ICU patients
- Modern hormonal contraception associated with increased risk of breast cancer
- Modest benefits, some harms for canagliflozin in high-risk patients with type 2 diabetes
- Modest increase in rate of completed miscarriage with mifepristone before misoprostol
- Modified tai chi program reduced fall rate in high-risk older adults
- Modified TIMI score improves CV event prediction
- Mohs similar to wide excision in observational study of patients with stage I melanoma (most < 0.8 mm thickness)
- Moisturizers of little benefit in frequent handwashers
- Molnupiravir reduces hospitalization in at-risk outpatients with symptomatic COVID-19
- Molnupiravir shortens duration but does not decrease hospitalizations/deaths in vaccinated adults with COVID-19 (PANORAMIC)
- Monitored weightlifting effective for postcancer lymphedema
- Monitoring ALT, AST, and CBC after initiation of therapy has very low yield for terbinafine or griseofulvin
- Monoclonal antibodies for Alzheimer disease: A lack of clinically meaningful benefits, plus significant harms
- Monoclonal antibody reduces C. difficile recurrence.
- Monoclonal antibody treatments for migraine are effective, well-tolerated, and expensive
- Montelukast+salmeterol inferior to steroids+salmeterol in moderate asthma
- Montelukast = fluticasone+ salmeterol for mild persistent asthma
- Montelukast alone ineffective for allergic rhinitis
- Montelukast ameliorates acute asthma attack in children
- Montelukast is more effective than placebo but doesn't add benefit to intranasal steroids for adenoid symptoms in children
- Montelukast was not effective for mild to moderate COVID-19 during the circulation of Omicron subvariants (ACTIV-6)
- 6-month clopidogrel better than 24 after stent placement (PRODIGY)
- Monthly buprenorphine depot injections maintain abstinence in patients with opioid use disorders
- Monthly injections of 140 mg erenumab are more effective than 70 mg or placebo for reducing specific headaches
- Monthly vitamin D supplementation slightly decreases risks for cardiovascular events without increased adverse effects
- Mood stabilizers improve acute bipolar depression symptoms in some.
- More accurate prediction of the pretest probability of CV disease with European risk score
- More data suggest usual care is as good as EGDT (ProMISe)
- More evidence against antibiotics for acute asthma exacerbations
- More evidence that even small amounts of caffeine consumption during pregnancy affect childhood growth
- More expensive omadacycline no worse than moxifloxacin for community-acquired pneumonia
- More frequent hemoglobin monitoring is associated with more transfusions in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding
- More harm than good with bridge therapy in low-risk VTE patients
- More in-hospital adverse events associated with surgical ostomy feeding tubes than with nasal or oral feeding tubes
- More intensive BP lowering may prevent ESKD in selected proteinuric patients with CKD
- More intensive low-density lipoprotein lowering is associated with fewer subsequent ischemic strokes
- More melatonin and CBD in melatonin gummies than indicated by the product label
- More MRI findings increase the likelihood of recent or recurrent back pain
- More normal deliveries with morning induction
- More nuanced guidelines for lipid lowering to prevent CV disease
- MORES risk estimation tool for male osteoporosis screening
- More than 1 year of DAPT after bare metal stent raises costs without improving quality
- More than 1 year of dual-antiplatelet therapy after stent more harmful than beneficial (ARCTIC-Interruption)
- More than 50% of kids with leukemia have fevers, palpable livers or spleens, pallor, or bruising
- More than 70% of adults with thunderclap headache have serious diagnoses
- More than half of adults hospitalized for COVID-19 still report significant symptoms at 4 months postdischarge (COMEBAC)
- More unfavorable outcomes with 6 weeks versus 12 weeks of oral antibiotic therapy for prosthetic joint infections
- Morning and bedtime dosing of antihypertensives have similar rates of major cardiovascular events (TIME)
- Morphine + ketorolac better for renal colic
- Morphine improves chronic, intractable cough
- Mortality from in-hospital cardiac arrest highest during nights and weekends
- Mortality increased in adults with childhood epilepsy
- Mortality rate in patients with recent ACS and endoscopy is similar to that in patients with ACS and no endoscopy
- Mortality risk is similar, but complications differ with TAVI and SAVR
- Most antibiotics similar in efficacy for lower UTI
- Most associated with opioid overdose risk: prior overdose, multiple pharmacies/prescribers, use of fentanyl, and comorbid substance use disorder
- Most children born prematurely survive to early- to mid-adulthood without major comorbidities
- Most common identified causes of community-acquired pneumonia are viruses
- Most endocarditis prophylaxis no longer necessary: NICE guideline
- Most people tolerate bedtime thiazide diuretics
- Most randomized controlled trials of dietary interventions in cancer are small and measure nonclinical endpoints
- Most recurrences of acute otitis media occur within 10 months
- Most tests for rotator cuff disease are inaccurate
- Most vaginal lubricants impair sperm motility
- Most women quickly stop taking bisphosphonates
- Motivational interviewing effective for smoking cessation
- Motivational interviewing increases physical activity, but the certainty of evidence is low
- Motivational interviewing ineffective in helping patients lose weight
- Motor cortex stimulation may improve chronic pain
- Moxifloxacin monotherapy safe and effective for intra-abdominal infections
- MRI = contrast enhanced CT for assessment of acute pancreatitis
- MRI can't predict reparability of meniscus tears
- MRI-guided thrombolysis can reduce likelihood of disability in patients with stroke of unknown symptom onset (WAKE-UP)
- MRI not helpful in predicting who will develop dementia
- MRI probably most accurate test for suspected lower extremity stress fracture
- MRI using defined protocol is safe even in patients with older implanted cardiac devices
- mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are associated with a small increase in myocarditis
- mRNA vaccine in children aged 5 to 11 years is associated with fewer symptomatic COVID-19 infections and less multisystem inflammatory syndrome
- MRSA common in abscessed skin infections
- MTX associated with decreased CVD risk in patients with RA
- Multicomponent interventions decrease rate of delirium
- Multidetector CT accurate for PE, but requires clinical context
- Multidisciplinary integrated care improves outcomes in SNF
- Multifactorial intervention improves outcomes in T2DM (Steno-2)
- Multimodal physical therapy is more effective than topical lidocaine to treat provoked vestibulodynia
- Multiple cesareans increase risk of maternal morbidity
- Multiple drugs in several classes are effective and well tolerated in patients with generalized anxiety disorder
- Multiple randomized controlled trials fail to show the effectiveness of migraine chemoprophylaxis in children and adolescents
- Multiple steroid injections into arthritic joints do not improve outcomes more than other injections
- Multislice CT is safe and efficient for evaluation of low-risk chest pain
- Mupirocin-chlorhexidine combination reduces nosocomial S.aureus surgical-site infections
- Musculoskeletal surgery for nontraumatic pain: not a great analgesic
- Music therapy does not improve parent-infant bonding among preterm infants