EE+ POEM Archive
- IBS: antispasmodics, peppermint effective
- Ibuprofen, ketorolac, and diclofenac are equivalent for the treatment of acute nonradicular low back pain
- Ibuprofen + acetaminophen equals opioid + acetaminophen for acute severe extremity pain
- Ibuprofen = APAP with codeine in children with arm fracture pain
- Ibuprofen and morphine provide similar post-op pain relief in kids; ibuprofen has fewer harms
- Ibuprofen better analgesic after a single dose
- Ibuprofen postpartum does not increase blood pressure for women with mild hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
- iCanQuit smartphone app is effective in helping with smoking cessation
- Icatibant more effective than standard therapy for ACEI-induced angioedema
- ICH Score predicts long-term functional outcome after acute ICH
- Iconoclast alert! Propranolol might be safe in patients with stable asthma!
- Icosapent ethyl reduces risk of CV death in patients with CV disease, low LDL, and high triglycerides (REDUCE-IT)
- I COUGH for prevention of postop pulmonary complications
- Idarucizumab can reverse anticoagulation of dabigatran
- Idarucizumab reverses anticoagulation in patients taking dabigatran; effect on clinical outcomes remains unknown
- Idraparinux effective for DVT but not for PE
- IFOBTs moderately sensitive and highly specific for colon cancer
- If you give amoxiclav to 6- to 23-month-olds with AOM, 10 days is preferable to 5 days
- IgE levels not useful for predicting food allergy in atopic infants
- Ig Nobel Prize winner: Nasal hairs are symmetrically distributed — in cadavers!
- IL-6 antagonists may be associated with lower mortality in adults hospitalized with COVID-19
- IL-6 inhibitors reduce mortality and the need for organ support in critically ill patients with COVID-19
- Imaging for low-back pain: rarely indicated, often harmful
- Imaging guidelines for children with mild traumatic brain injury (concussion)
- Imaging nonspecific back pain doesn't improve outcomes
- Imiquimod, 5-FU effective for actinic keratoses
- Imiquimod effective for vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia
- Imiquimod is effective for treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or 3
- Imiquimod similar to photodynamic therapy for BCC treatment
- Immediate insertion after uterine aspiration increases IUD use rate
- Immediate multivessel PCI is as effective as later staged revascularization for STEMI (MULTISTARS AMI)
- Immediate reduction more effective than a gradual approach for smoking cessation
- Immediate start of OCs does not reduce pregnancy rate
- Immediate transfer for angioplasty after fibrinolysis beneficial for STEMI (TRANSFER-AMI)
- IM midazolam better than IV lorazepam prehospital for status epilepticus (RAMPART)
- Immunonutrition does not decrease complications after abdominal surgery
- Immunotherapy effective for atopic dermatitis
- Impact of bracing in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (BRAIST)
- Impact of PSA screening on quality of life
- Implementation of 3-step pathway reduces LOS for hospitalized pneumonia patients
- Improved 28-day mortality with the use of steroids in sepsis
- Improved cognitive function with exercise during hospitalization for older adults
- Improved decongestion with the addition of acetazolamide to intravenous loop diuretics for acute heart failure
- Improved diagnosis of chest wall pain
- Improved kidney outcomes with intravenous balanced crystalloids instead of saline
- Improved mortality rates with prone positioning in severe ARDS
- Improved mortality with CABG vs PCI in multivessel disease
- Improved mortality with early initiation of RRT in critically ill patients
- Improved outcomes with azithromycin vs beta-lactams for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Improved outcomes with complete revascularization in older adults with myocardial infarction (FIRE)
- Improved outcomes with early invasive strategy for ACS? Maybe, maybe not.
- Improved oxygenation, low risk of pneumothorax with drainage of transudative pleural effusions in mechanically ventilated patients
- Improved primary care diagnosis of coronary disease as cause of chest pain
- Improving first impressions on patients is easy
- Improving the identification of delirium in acutely ill patients
- In 3-vessel/left main CAD, more revascularization with PCI, more stroke with CABG
- In ACS, 5 yrs of invasive tx decreases MI but not all cause mortality (FRISC-II)
- In acute gout, low-dose colchicine = high dose, but with fewer side effects (AGREE)
- In adults with atrial fibrillation and acute ischemic strokes, early (within 4 days) and delayed (7-10 days) initiation of DOACs have similar outcomes (OPTIMAS)
- In adults with hip degenerative joint disease, steroid injections improve pain after 3 months but not after 6 months
- Inadvertent HPV vaccine in pregnancy is not associated with adverse outcomes
- Inappropriate diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized patients is common among older adults
- Incarceration during nonoperative management of incisional hernia is uncommon but increases the risk of death
- In children with acute nonperforated appendicitis, oral antibiotics appear to be inferior to surgery
- Incidence and outcomes of sudden cardiac death in athletes
- Incidence and risk factors for vasa previa
- Incidental endometrial polyps rarely cancerous
- Incidental findings are common with chest CT and MRI of the spine and brain
- Incidental findings common on brain MRI in adults
- Incisional microdosed clindamycin reduces the risk of skin cancer surgical site infection
- Inconsistent benefit vs harm of skeletal muscle relaxants for chronic pain syndromes
- Incorrect choice of antibiotic doesn't affect outcome of CAP
- Incorrect weight-shifting most common cause of falls in long-term care
- Increased bed alarm use does not decrease falls in hospitalized patients
- Increased bleeding with switch from warfarin to direct oral anticoagulant in frail elderly (FRAIL-AF)
- Increased cancer risk in patients with myotonic muscular dystrophy
- Increased daily steps associated with reduced all-cause mortality
- Increased fat and caloric intake in patients on statins
- Increased GI bleeding after switch from warfarin to dabigatran
- Increased health risk in long-term survivors of childhood cancer
- Increased incidence of stillbirth is associated with previous cesarean delivery
- Increased morbidity with preop biliary drainage for cancer of the pancreatic head
- Increased mortality associated with oophorectomy
- Increased mortality with K <3.5 or >4.5 in patients hospitalized with acute MI
- Increased mortality with perioperative beta-blockade in low-risk patients undergoing noncardiac surgery
- Increased mortality with piperacillin-tazobactam for ESBL bacteremia
- Increased postoperative 30-day mortality within 1 year of a cardiovascular event
- Increased readmissions and adverse events with intensification of antihypertensive regimen on hospital discharge
- Increased risk of aortic complications in patients with bicuspid aortic valves
- Increased risk of CP after antibiotics for PTL
- Increased risk of CVD in family members of young sudden cardiac death victims
- Increased risk of subsequent malignancy among survivors of childhood cancer has lessened since the 1970s
- Increased RN workload associated with higher inpatient mortality
- Increased use of COX-2 assoc with more overall GI bleeds
- Increased use of echocardiography in patients with acute MI associated with longer LOS, higher costs but no mortality benefit
- Increased vaccine exposure not linked to increased risk of non-vaccine-targeted infections in children
- Increased vegetable consumption does not decrease prostate cancer progression
- Increased VTE risk with drosperinone-containing oral contraceptives
- Increased water intake decreases UTI recurrence in women
- Increase in hospitalist workload associated with higher LOS and cost
- Increasing HDL level ineffective at decreasing cardiovascular events
- Increasing the D-dimer threshold for patients with low clinical pretest probability effectively rules out PE (PEGeD)
- Indications for PICC use in hospitalized patients
- Individual and organizational approaches can ease physician burnout
- Individualized nutrition + home follow-up decreases mortality in hospitalized elderly
- Individualized perioperative BP management reduces post-op complications
- Individualizing T2DM goals is paramount, according to experts
- Individualizing target goals and treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Individual risk of ASD increases with increasing genetic relatedness
- Indoor tanning slightly increases risk of melanoma
- Indoor tanning slightly increases risk of nonmelanoma skin cancers
- Induction for LGA fetuses -- fewer dystocias, more vaginal deliveries
- Induction of labor after one prior cesarean is relatively safe
- Induction of labor at 39 weeks' decreases cesareans without increase in perinatal morbidity
- Induction of labor may be beneficial at 36 weeks with HTN
- Indwelling pleural catheters = talc pleurodesis for symptom relief from malignant pleural effusions
- Infant formula supplementation with prebiotics reduces risk of atopic dermatitis
- Infants with ALTEs rarely have serious bacterial infection
- Infertility: clomiphene = IUI = just keep trying
- Infliximab, adalimumab effective for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis
- Infliximab effect for ulcerative colitis
- Influenza (H1N1) vaccination during pregnancy not associated with autism
- Influenza vaccination during pregnancy is effective
- Influenza vaccine during pregnancy not associated with adverse childhood health outcomes
- Influenza vaccine shortly after myocardial infarction reduces 1-year mortality (NNT = 50)
- Ingenol mebutate effective for actinic keratosis
- Inhaled anticholinergics associated with increased risk of CVD in COPD
- Inhaled budesonide for COPD not associated with pneumonia
- Inhaled budesonide reduces the risk of emergency department evaluation or hospitalization in early COVID-19
- Inhaled budesonide shortens duration of illness in high-risk outpatients with COVID-19 (PRINCIPLE)
- Inhaled corticosteroids increase pneumonia risk in stable COPD
- Inhaled fluticasone-salmeterol better than fluticasone alone for moderate to severe asthma
- Inhaled glucocorticoids cause modest height reduction in adulthood (mean = 1.2 cm)
- Inhaled racemic adrenaline not helpful for hospitalized infants with acute bronchiolitis
- Inhaled steroids are effective prevention for wheezing preschoolers
- Inhaled steroids for COPD associated with increased risk of pneumonia
- Inhaled steroids have a minor effect on glucose concentrations
- Inhaled steroids more effective than montelukast in children with asthma
- Inhaled steroids only decrease COPD exacerbations slightly
- In healthy elderly, low-dose aspirin increases all-cause and cancer-specific mortality (ASPREE)
- In high-risk older patients with atrial fibrillation, rhythm control reduces cardiovascular death and stroke, but at a price
- In high-risk patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dupilumab slightly reduces moderate exacerbation (BOREAS)
- In-hospital delirium linked with worse long-term outcomes in elderly
- In-hospital exercise program prevents hospital-associated functional decline in the elderly
- In hospitalized patients with flu and an infiltrate, adding clarithromycin and naproxen to oseltamivir improves outcomes
- In-hospital PPI use associated with hospital-acquired pneumonia
- In hypertensive CKD, intensive BP control only helpful for higher risk patients
- Initial cast immobilization is a reasonable option in persons with scaphoid fractures
- Initial information about the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China
- Injectable extended-release naltrexone effective for opioid dependence
- Injected steroids: only short-term benefit for shoulder pain
- Injection = PT for shoulder impingement
- Injections for lateral epicondylitis: good-quality data are lacking
- Injections for tendinopathy: mixed outcomes by site, injection agent, and duration of effect
- In low-risk patients with ACS, noninvasive testing adds little to clinical evaluation
- In-office procalcitonin testing can lead to less antibiotic prescribing
- In older adults with type 2 diabetes, GLP-1 agonists decrease major adverse cardiovascular events; SGLT2 inhibitors prevent heart failure hospitalizations
- Inosine is not effective in reducing the progression of early Parkinson disease
- Inpatient smoking cessation strategy promising, but effects aren't long lasting
- In patients who take non–vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants, alteplase is not associated with an increased risk of intracranial bleeds
- In patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia, surgical revascularization is better than endovascular therapy (BEST-CLI)
- In patients with HF-pEF, obesity, and no diabetes, semaglutide causes weight loss, symptom improvement, and fewer cardiac events (STEP-HFpEF)
- In patients with multivessel CAD, all-cause mortality similar with CABG, PCI
- In patients with normal lipid levels, rosuvastatin provides a small reduction in CV events (HOPE-3)
- In patients with Pickwick syndrome, NIV and CPAP more effective than lifestyle change
- In patients with prior stroke and hypertension, lower BP target no more effective in preventing recurrent strokes (RESPECT)
- In patients with refractory heartburn symptoms, psychological factors contribute more than physiology
- In patients with T2DM and CV disease, empagliflozin reduces CV and all-cause mortality (NNT = 38 over 3.3 years)
- In patients with T2DM and high-risk chronic renal disease, semaglutide reduces cardiovascular, renal, and mortality outcomes (FLOW)
- In patients with T2DM and nephropathy, canagliflozin reduces likelihood of end-stage kidney disease and adverse CV outcomes
- In patients with vascular disease, treating sleep apnea does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular events
- Inpatient treatment = outpatient treatment for anorexia
- In-school neurofeedback improves ADHD symptom scores
- Institute of Medicine: new name and criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome
- Instruments for assessing medical decision-making capacity
- Insufficient evidence that progestogen maintenance prolongs pregnancy after preterm labor
- Insufficient study quality for biofeedback in constipation due to PFD
- Insulin analogues of marginal, if any, benefit
- Insulin glargine does not prevent CV events or reduce mortality in patients with impaired glucose tolerance
- Insulin pumps lower A1C more than multiple insulin doses in patients with type 2 DM (OpT2mise)
- In T2DM, intensive glucose control modestly reduces CV events, but not mortality, after 10 years
- Integrated exposure-based therapy effective for comorbid PTSD and substance dependence
- Intense nutrition training does not prevent obesity in toddlers
- Intensive BP control in older patients can decrease renal function
- Intensive BP control modestly decreased the likelihood of a broad composite of CV events, but with methodologic limitations
- Intensive cardiovascular screening has little benefit in older men (DANCAVAS)
- Intensive control of blood sugar (HbA1c < 7.0%) in DM2 may be harmful (ACCORD)
- Intensive control of glucose does not improve T2DM outcomes (VADT)
- Intensive glucose control increases mortality in T2DM (ACCORD)
- Intensive glucose control ineffective in ICU patients
- Intensive glucose control slightly lowers quality of life scores (ACCORD)
- Intensive glucose lowering does not benefit patients with type 2 diabetes
- Intensive glucose therapy during hospitalization for stroke does not improve functional outcomes (SHINE)
- Intensive hospital-based rehab does not expedite physical recovery following critical illness
- Intensive intervention to reduce mouse infestation does not improve asthma morbidity in children
- Intensive lifestyle intervention fails to improve patient-oriented outcomes in obese diabetics
- Intensive lifestyle therapy for weight loss was successful in a low-income, underserved population
- Intensive lipid lowering adds additional benefit
- Intensive lipid lowering reduces mortality following ACS
- Intensive motivational interviewing increases body mass index in children
- Intensive primary care weight-loss program results in remission for half of patients with T2DM (DiRECT)
- Intensive therapy = standard weekly cognitive therapy for PTSD
- Intensive treatment = usual care in pts with screen-detected DM (ADDITION-Europe)
- Intensive treatment of elevated blood pressure in hospitalized patients associated with adverse events
- Intensive urate lowering for erosive gout is difficult to achieve and does not improve outcomes
- Interactive text message and web-based dashboard may help reduce childhood obesity
- Intercourse doesn't hasten onset of labor
- Interdisciplinary team interventions have little impact on traditional quality measures
- Intermediate-dose prophylactic anticoagulation not recommended for patients with COVID-19 in the ICU
- Intermittent PPI = continuous-infusion PPI for high-risk bleeding ulcers
- Intermittent steroids effective for children with recurrent wheezing
- Internal = external monitoring in labor
- International guideline: Contact children of abused children should be formally evaluated
- Internet-based interventions curb problem drinking
- Internet-based training decreases antibiotic prescribing for RTIs
- Internet information on scoliosis is of poor quality
- Interpretation of midstream urine cultures in healthy young women with suspected UTI
- Interpreters: telephone = in-person
- Interpreting BNP in patients with a history of HF
- Interventions to increase oral feeding in pts with dementia increases weight only
- Intra-articular hypertonic dextrose injections marginally improve pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis
- Intra-articular more effective than oral steroids for adhesive capsulitis
- Intracervical block with 2% lidocaine reduces pain associated with LNG-IUS placement
- Intracranial calcification in white patients associated with ischemic stroke (Rotterdam Study)
- Intramuscular ketorolac 15 mg and 60 mg are comparable for acute musculoskeletal pain relief
- Intranasal ketamine = intranasal fentanyl in children with traumatic limb injuries
- Intranasal zavegepant is moderately superior to placebo for acute migraine in adults
- Intranasal zolmitriptan effective for cluster headaches
- Intrapartum ultrasound cardiotocography with maternal heart rate monitoring is associated with improved neonatal outcomes
- Intraumbilical ocytocin beneficial in third-stage labor
- Intravenous alteplase is similar to best medical therapy in adults with minor ischemic stroke at the cost of significant harms
- Intravenous hydrocortisone reduces all-cause mortality in severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAPE COD)
- Intravenous immune globulin plus corticosteroids is the best initial therapy for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
- Intravenous iron therapy improves quality of life in iron-deficient adults with heart failure
- Intravenous oxytocin better than intramuscular to prevent postpartum hemorrhage
- Intravenous remdesivir for 3 days reduces hospitalization in outpatients with symptomatic COVID-19
- In utero SSRI associated with adverse perinatal events
- Invasive strategy best only for men and high-risk women with unstable angina/non-ST elevation MI
- Invasive strategy is no better than conservative strategy for older patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (SENIOR-RITA)
- In very carefully selected patients, surgery is better for medically unresponsive GERD
- In very-high-risk patients with vascular disease, evolocumab slightly reduces nonfatal MI but not mortality (FOURIER)
- Invitation to a single colonoscopy has only modest impact on colorectal cancer incidence (NordICC)
- IPC safer and as effective as medical prophylaxis; much better than TEDS
- Ipratropium associated with increase risk of CV events
- Irbesartan slows aortic dilation, but doesn't reduce the rate of surgery in those with Marfan syndrome (AIMS)
- Iron for nonanemic pregnant women not beneficial
- Iron not effective for anemia after hip fracture surgery
- Iron supplementation in infants living in countries with a high prevalence of anemia does not improve cognition or development
- Iron supplementation may be beneficial in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency
- Irritable bowel syndrome is associated with frequent antibiotic use
- Isolated diastolic hypertension not associated with increased risk of CVD
- Isolate scalp hematoma in children not a predictor of brain injury
- Isoniazid-rifapentine regimen for latent TB infection is safe and effective
- IT + nurse care manager improves outcomes in chronically ill elderly
- Italian guideline on diagnosing and managing dementia and mild cognitive impairment in adults
- Italian lung cancer screening findings consistent with US National Lung Screening Trial results (ITALUNG)
- It takes up to 3 weeks for 90% of respiratory infections to resolve in kids
- IV abx = IV fluids for acute uncomplicated diverticulitis (AVOD)
- Ivermectin is ineffective for patients with mild to moderate COVID-19
- Ivermectin safe and effective for treatment resistant head lice
- IVF associated with small risk of mental retardation but not autism
- IVF treatment not associated with increased risk of breast cancer
- IV hydromorphone slightly better than IV acetaminophen for severe pain, but neither is very effective
- IV iloprost may reduce healing time for venous ulcers
- IV iron improves symptoms in chronic heart failure patients with iron deficiency
- IV metoclopromide in acute migraine: poor-quality data show it’s probably effective