EE+ POEM Archive
- Gabapentin + nortriptyline may be better than either for neuropathic pain
- Gabapentin = epidural steroid for radicular pain
- Gabapentin and pregabalin not effective for low back pain with or without radiculopathy
- Gabapentin decreases cough in patients with refractory chronic cough
- Gabapentin increases short-term alcohol abstinence in motivated patients
- Gabapentin ineffective for vulvodynia
- Gabapentin is equal to placebo for pain relief in women with chronic pelvic pain (GaPP2), but with more side effects
- Gabapentin may improve sexual function in women with vulvodynia
- Gabapentinoids are associated with severe exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Gabapentinoids for chronic low back pain: limited evidence, more harm than benefit
- Gabapentinoids not useful as adjunct pain management after knee arthroplasty
- Gabapentin plus high-dose opioid associated with increased mortality
- Gallbladder disease less common with transdermal ERT
- Gender-affirming hormone treatment in adolescents is not associated with thrombosis
- Gender and statins: relative comparability, but significant absolute differences in event rates
- General anesthesia before age 36 months does not increase risk of adverse neurocognitive outcomes
- Generic and brand-name drugs equally effective for cardiovascular disease
- Generic anticonvulsants assoc with worse outcomes, higher expense than brand
- Genetic information does not add benefit to a clinical algorithm for warfarin management
- Genetic test results that identify increased risk do not change behavior
- Genital HPV present in some young girls
- Genital shedding of HSV occurs on 10% of days in asymptomatic persons
- Genotype-guided perioperative warfarin dosing may not be superior to algorithm-guided dosing
- Genotype-guided selection of oral P2Y12 inhibitor therapy no better than standard therapy after PCI for ACS or stable CAD
- Gentamicin is inferior to ceftriaxone in treating patients with gonorrhea
- GERD: Surgery outperforms medical therapy
- GERD tx in children assoc with pneumonia risk
- Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 associated with improved survival from ovarian cancer
- Gestational diabetes screening: Insufficient evidence of benefit
- Get this article to help identify neonatal cutaneous findings
- Getting an infant to sleep: graduated extinction and sleep fading are effective
- Giant cell (temporal) arteritis: No laboratory test or physical finding is pathognomic
- Ginkgo biloba not effective in reducing risk of dementia
- Giving potentially allergenic foods at 3 months appears safe, reduces later food allergies
- Givosiran effective for acute intermittent porphyria (ENVISION)
- Glargine and liraglutide are the best second drugs after metformin for achieving tight glycemic control (in a study without SGLT2 inhibitors)
- Gliptins do not increase cardiovascular events
- Glitazones may be beneficial post-PCI
- GLP-1 agonists + basal insulin better than glycemic control in T2DM
- GLP-1 agonists associated with lower stroke risk in patients with type 2 diabetes at high risk for cardiovascular disease
- Glucosamine has variable effects on DJD pain
- Glucosamine ineffective for hip OA
- Glucosamine ineffective for treatment of degenerative lumbar osteoarthritis
- Glucosamine probably doesn't increase risk of developing diabetes
- Gluten is not the culprit in many patients' symptoms
- Glyburide not beneficial for women with mild gestational diabetes
- Glycemic control associated with better outcomes in patients with T1DM
- Glycemic control in frail elderly is achievable but increases severe hypoglycemia
- Glycopyrrolate dries excessive salivation
- Good reasons not to lower the definition of high blood pressure in adults
- Gout prediction rule doesn't need joint fluid analysis
- Gout risk increased by sweetened soft drinks
- Greater benefit with rivaroxaban than aspirin for extended treatment of VTE
- Greater blood pressure lowering with a “quadpill” (quarter doses of 4 drugs) than with standard-dose monotherapy (QUARTET)
- Greater continuity of care associated with fewer preventable hospitalizations
- Greater number of hospital-free days with lactated Ringer for early fluid resuscitation in patients with sickle cell vaso-occlusive episodes
- Greater risk of serious bleeding with diltiazem vs metoprolol in adults with atrial fibrillation using apixaban or rivaroxaban
- Greater social determinants of health burden associated with an increased risk of hospitalization
- Greater sustained weight loss with gastric bypass than banding
- Greatest benefits from HTN treatment in patients at high risk for CVD
- Green tea consumption is associated with reduced mortality
- Group B strep: test first vs just treat during pregnancy
- Group B streptococcal prophylaxis not associated with subsequent allergic disorders
- Group prenatal care for young women leads to reduction in SGA newborns
- Group training for stress or mixed urinary incontinence in women is as effective as one-on-one training
- Guanfacine effective for ADHD but side effects are significant
- Guideline, with no evidence, suggests annual screening for urinary incontinence in women
- Guideline: Cervical cancer screening every 3 years; no HPV until 30 years of age
- Guideline: Mammography optional in women 40-49
- Guideline: New antidepressants similarly effective (ACP)
- Guideline: Topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be first-line treatment for muscle pain
- Guideline: Treatment and prevention of gout
- Guideline: When to screen for and treat chronic kidney disease
- Guideline for chronic diarrhea: screening for IBD and celiac disease is in, screening for ova and parasites is out
- Guideline for Dx of PE in pregnant women
- Guideline for management of spinal injuries in the wilderness setting
- Guideline for managing patients with essential tremor
- Guideline for Medications in CF
- Guideline for the management of heart failure: early prevention for patients at risk, quadruple therapy for those with symptoms
- Guideline for the management of primary adrenal insufficiency
- Guideline for the management of primary aldosteronism
- Guideline implementation improves antibiotic use for management of cellulitis and skin abscesses
- Guideline on managing adults with primary Sjogren's syndrome
- Guidelines: Management of RA
- Guidelines for COPD (ACP)
- Guidelines for decreasing the risk of suicide
- Guidelines for end of life care (ACP)
- Guidelines for managing VTE (AAFP, ACP)
- Guidelines for obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia from the US Departments of Defense and Veteran Affairs
- Guidelines for osteoporosis screening (USPSTF)
- Guidelines for pediatric pneumonia from BTS
- Guidelines for prevention and treatment of heat-related illness in the field (Wilderness Medical Society)
- Guidelines for the clinical diagnosis of VTE (AAFP, ACP)
- Guidelines for the management of COPD
- Guidelines for the perioperative management of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents (ACCP)
- Guidelines for treating exercise-associated hyponatremia
- Guidelines for treating reflux in infants and children
- Guidelines for type 2 diabetes: less strict control
- Guidelines for when to consider mortality-reducing treatments for patients with type 2 diabetes
- Guidelines not helpful in patients with multiple conditions
- Guideline update for migraine prevention with NSAIDs, CAM, nontraditional treatments
- Guidewire exchange of PICCs associated with higher risk of thrombosis
- Gut feelings have good negative predictive value for serious infection in children