EE+ POEM Archive
- Dabigatran associated with increased risk of coronary events
- Dabigatran associated with less major bleeding during ablation procedures for AF
- Dabigatran cost-effective for AF prophylaxis in some patients, not others
- Dabigatran for NVAF associated with lower risk of osteoporotic fracture than warfarin
- Dabigatran no better than aspirin for preventing a stroke after initial embolic cryptogenic stroke
- Dabigatran reduces risk of stroke and embolism in patients with AF
- Dabigatran safe and effective for VTE
- Dabigatran worse than warfarin for mechanical heart valve anticoagulation (RE-ALIGN)
- Daily (or more frequent) toothbrushing is associated with lower rates of hospital-acquired pneumonia in ICU patients
- Daily colchicine post-MI reduces strokes and recurrent hospitalizations for angina (COLCOT)
- Daily contact testing and self-isolation are similar for control of COVID-19 in secondary schools and colleges
- Daily cranberry juice does not reduce risk of UTI in pregnancy
- Daily multivitamins do not reduce major CV events in men and do not affect mortality
- Daily multivitamins have minimal, if any, effect on preventing cancer in men and do not affect mortality
- Daily probiotic with Lactobacillus casei reduces upper RTI duration in elderly
- Dalbavancin similar to vanco+linezolid for acute bacterial skin infections
- Dalteparin = unfractionated heparin for ICU DVT prophylaxis
- Dalteparin doesn't decrease pregnancy-related complications in women with thrombophilias (TIPPS)
- Dapagliflozin in high-risk T2DM reduces hospitalization for HF, but does not reduce death, MI, or stroke (DECLARE-TIMI 58)
- Dapagliflozin provides modest reduction in hospitalization for heart failure with LVEF greater than 40% (DELIVER)
- Dapagliflozin reduces mortality and hospitalization rates for patients with mild heart failure and reduced ejection fraction
- Dapagliflozin reduces mortality and renal replacement in patients with chronic kidney disease
- Dapoxetine slightly improves premature ejaculation
- Dapsone gel effective for acne vulgaris treatment
- DAPT with aspirin plus clopidogrel for 30 days is the best option after minor stroke or TIA
- Darbepoetin alfa does not improve HF outcomes
- Darbepoetin alfa minimally effective, increases stroke risk in diabetic nephropathy
- Day 1 and day 2 postpartum discharge after planned cesarean have similar outcomes
- 5-day steroid treatment effective for acute COPD exacerbation
- D-dimer can identify high-risk group for extended anticoagulation (PROLONG)
- D-dimer vs ultrasound for DVT: use prediction rule
- DECAF score provides accurate prognosis for patients with acute exacerbation of COPD
- Decision rule identifies kids at low risk of appendicitis
- Decision rule modestly accurate in predicting CAD in primary care patients with chest pain
- Decompression surgery no more effective than exercise for shoulder impingement syndrome
- Decreased case-fatality rate with adjunctive statin therapy in hospitalized patients with COVID-19
- Decreased disability with early intensive care bundle for patients presenting with acute hemorrhagic stroke
- Decreased fetal movements associated with fetal risks
- Decreased hospitalization with point-of-care risk stratification and early follow-up for acute heart failure
- Decreased hospital LOS not associated with increase in 30-day readmission rates
- Decreased intubation risk with high-flow nasal cannula oxygen for COVID-19 respiratory failure (SOHO-COVID)
- Decreased mortality with convalescent plasma in mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19–induced ARDS
- Decreased mortality with endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke (ESCAPE)
- Decreased postoperative pulmonary complications with prophylactic noninvasive ventilation prior to invasive thoracic procedures
- Decreased risk of early neurologic deterioration with dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with mild to moderate ischemic strokes (ATAMIS)
- Decreased risk of mechanical ventilation with tocilizumab for treatment of moderate to severe COVID-19 pneumonia
- Decreased risk of postoperative acute kidney injury with continuous amino acid infusion during and after cardiac surgery
- Decrease in breast CA after WHI not caused by mammography changes
- Decrease in severe maternal morbidity is associated with statewide project to treat severe maternal hypertension
- Decreasing systolic BP to 130 or lower improves outcomes (CARDIO-CIS)
- Deep brain stimulation better than best medical therapy for Parkinson disease
- Deep-brain stimulation effective for severe PD
- Delayed admission to the intensive care unit for heart failure is associated with higher mortality and readmissions
- Delayed antibiotic prescription for new-onset cough associated with decreased re-consultation
- Delayed antibiotics does not reduce long-term reconsultation
- Delayed cord clamping improves infant's iron status at 4 months
- Delayed cord clamping in full-term infants reduces risk of anemia
- Delayed hemorrhage extremely rare following minor head injury
- Delayed prescription for AOM reduces unnecessary antibiotics
- Delayed-release doxylamine + pyridoxine effective for emesis in pregnancy
- Delayed Rx for respiratory infections produces similar results and satisfaction as immediate treatment
- Delayed strategies decrease antibiotic use in adults
- Delay of more than 24 hours to hip fracture surgery associated with increased mortality
- Delivery of bad news via phone = in-person delivery
- Dementia treatments minimally effective
- Denosumab no better than bisphosphonates at preventing fracture, and the cost is much higher
- Denosumab reduces fracture risk better than placebo (FREEDOM)
- Dentist-delivered preventive dental care associated with more caries in children on Medicaid
- Denying some patient requests worsens patient satisfaction with their care
- Depemokimab twice per year reduces exacerbations (NNT = 167); only minimally reduces severe exacerbations (NNT = 1428) (SWIFT-1 and SWIFT-2)
- Depression screening effective only with follow-up: USPSTF
- Depression screening tests in hospitalized elders only modestly reliable
- Dequalinium is noninferior to metronidazole for bacterial vaginosis
- Desmopressin effective for treating nocturia in adults
- Despite no evidence, the ATS issues a guideline on managing obesity hypoventilation syndrome
- Determining what matters to patients with multiple chronic diseases
- Detrimental effect of tight glucose control on CV mortality persists over 9 years
- Deuruxolitinib is safe and effective for the treatment of alopecia areata (THRIVE-AA1)
- Dexamethasone + epinephrine more effective for bronchiolitis
- Dexamethasone = prednisone for acute asthma in children
- Dexamethasone does not prevent migraine recurrence
- Dexamethasone does not provide clear benefit in bacterial meningitis
- Dexamethasone may prevent headache recurrence after treatment of acute migraine
- Dexamethasone may reduce sore throat symptoms in adults at 48 hours
- Dexamethasone not effective for bronchiolitis
- Dexamethasone prevents intraventricular bleeds in preterm neonates
- Dexamethasone reduces LOS in patients with community-acquired pneumonia
- Dextromethorphan-quinidine may reduce agitation in adults with Alzheimer disease
- Dextrose injection effective for Osgood-Schlatter disease
- Dextrose prolotherapy decreases pain and stiffness in knee DJD
- DHA does not slow cognitive and functional decline in Alzheimer disease
- DHEA, testosterone not effective in aging patients
- Diabetes alone is NOT a coronary risk equivalent to a history of myocardial infarction
- Diabetes and level of control don't predict outcomes after knee replacement
- Diabetes no longer a specific indication for ASA use
- Diagnosing and managing acute heart failure Guidelines: NICE
- Diagnostic accuracy of different stress testing modalities varies for detecting CAD
- Diagnostic accuracy of general practitioners' "gut feelings"
- Diagnostic certainty for type of stroke requires neuroimaging
- Diazepam adds little to NSAID treatment for acute low back pain
- Dienogest efficacious for treatment of pain related to adenomyosis
- Diet, exercise, drugs may prevent diabetes in high-risk patients
- Diet and exercise counseling does not reduce cardiovascular or all-cause mortality associated with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
- Diet and exercise prevent diabetes
- Dietary improvement decreases symptoms of depression
- Dietary sodium restriction does not prevent adverse events in ambulatory adults with heart failure (SODIUM-HF)
- Diet high in vegetables, fruit and fiber/low in fat does not reduce risk of recurrent breast CA
- Diet quality during midlife not associated with dementia risk
- Different CV risk calculators are inconsistent in classifying risk for the same patients
- Differential diagnosis of abdominal pain in primary care
- Different SSRIs associated with specific birth defects; fluoxetine safest
- Digital and local anesthesia equally effective for finger lacerations
- Digital mammography: more cancers detected, more recalls, more overdiagnosis than film-based mammography
- Digital media use associated with ADHD symptom development among adolescents
- Digital therapeutic device more effective than standard at-home exercise program to reduce female stress urinary incontinence
- Dilute apple juice at least as good as electrolytes for children with mild gastroenteritis
- Diphenhydramine ineffective in promoting sleep in infants (TIRED)
- Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) plus clarithromycin associated with higher risk of bleed than DOACs plus azithromycin
- Direct oral anticoagulants are noninferior to low-molecular-weight heparin to prevent recurrent VTE in adults with cancer
- Direct oral anticoagulants associated with better outcomes than warfarin in older patients with stroke and AF (PROSPER)
- Discectomy for sciatica provides short-term relief for leg pain
- Discharge from hospital to long-term care is common but not predictable
- Discharge instructions for low-Na+ diet reduce HF readmissions
- Discontinuation of oxytocin in active phase of labor does not improve neonatal outcomes
- Discontinuing warfarin therapy indefinitely after GI bleeding assoc with worse outcomes
- Disease-specific CV risk scores = general CV risk scores in patients with RA
- Dispensing fewer opioid pills after ACL reconstruction = comparable pain relief and satisfaction as dispensing more pills
- Distraction decreases child's anxiety during procedures
- DMPA associated with reduced risk for ovarian cancer
- Don't add aspirin to warfarin therapy except with mechanical heart valve
- Don't trust industry-sponsored head-to-head trials
- Do not change antidepressant treatment early based on a lack of response
- Do not treat subclinical hypothyroidism in most patients
- Door-to-balloon time important in STEMI
- Dopamine worse for cardiogenic shock, associated with arrythmias
- Dose-response relationship of alcohol in adverse pregnancy outcomes
- Double-dose oseltamivir no more effective in hospitalized patients
- Doula support decreases cesarean rate
- Doxepin and diphenhydramine-lidocaine-antacid mouthwash minimally better than placebo for radiotherapy mucositis pain
- Doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime axetil for 10-14 days adequate for early cutaneous Lyme disease
- Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days preferred for treatment of asymptomatic rectal chlamydia trachomatis
- Doxycycline and (probably) minocycline do not stain teeth of children
- Doxycycline prophylaxis effective for tick-borne relapsing fever
- Dressing choice unimportant for leg ulcers
- Dried plums = fiber for chronic constipation
- Dronedarone prevents AF recurrence but effect on symptoms unknown
- Dronedarone reduces hospitalization but not mortality in atrial fibrillation
- Droperidol offers advantages for quelling violent behavior in the ED
- Drotrecogin ineffective in septic children (RESOLVE)
- 3-drug approach more effective than nicotine replacement alone
- Drugs for chronic idiopathic constipation are similarly effective
- Drug therapy minimally, if at all, effective for PTSD
- Dual antiplatelet therapy is superior to aspirin in preventing short-term recurrent stroke at the cost of more major bleeding
- Dual antiplatelet therapy with either clopidogrel or ticagrelor is more effective than aspirin alone in preventing recurrent stroke
- Dual therapy with dabigatran and clopidogrel preferred after PCI for patients with AF (RE-DUAL PCI)
- Duct tape ineffective for common viral warts
- Duct tape ineffective in warts in kids
- Duloxetine decreases pain of diabetic neuropathy
- Duloxetine reduces pain from chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
- Dupilumab modestly reduces asthma exacerbations at a high price
- Duration of vasomotor symptoms can be quite long during menopause
- Dutasteride slows progression in men with low-grade prostate cancer (REDEEM)
- DUTY prediction rule identifies kids with UTI
- Dyspepsia: test-and-treat is best approach
- Dyspeptic symptoms and endoscopic findings not closely associated