EE+ POEM Archive
- CA125 relatively specific for diagnosing endometriosis
- CABG better than drug-eluting stent at symptom control in left main or 3-vessel CAD (SYNTAX)
- CABG better than PCI for patients with diabetes and multivessel CAD
- CABG better than PCI for stable coronary artery disease
- CABG not effective in patients with ischemic LV dysfunction
- CABG superior to PCI in diabetics with multivessel CAD (FREEDOM)
- Cabotegravir is an effective option for PrEP in patients at risk for HIV infection
- Caffeine associated with miscarriage
- Caffeine improves walking distance in patients with claudication
- Calcium + Vitamin D = placebo in preventing breast cancer (WHI)
- Calcium and vitamin D, alone or combined, do not reduce fracture risk in community-dwelling older adults
- Calcium doesn't decrease fractures except in very compliant pts
- Calcium may increase risk of myocardial infarction
- Calling thyroid cancer a "lesion" only slightly changes hypothetical treatment choices
- CAMI reduces repeat births to adolescents
- Canadian Syncope Risk Score effectively rules out the risk of serious outcomes after syncope
- Canadian Thoracic Society guidelines for pharmacotherapy of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Canakinumab slightly reduces MI risk in patients with previous MI, but not mortality
- Cancer detected in fewer than 1% of patients undergoing colonoscopy after uncomplicated diverticulitis
- Cancer risk reduced with vitamin D/calcium supplementation
- Cancer trials not generalizable to real world
- Candesartan does not improve outcomes in patients with acute stroke (SCAST)
- Cannabidiol may increase the blood levels of SSRIs, tricyclic antidepressants, beta-blockers, and more
- Cannabinoids are associated with improved symptoms in children with cancer, but the evidence is poor
- Cannabinoids cause side effects but don't seem to cause serious adverse effects in patients older than 50
- Cannabinoids somewhat helpful for nausea, maybe helpful for spasticity, probably not helpful for non-neuropathic pain
- Cannabis product ineffective for diabetic peripheral neuropathy
- Cannabis provides some reduction in neuropathic pain
- Cannabis provides some relief (with side effects) for chronic pain
- Cannabis use in pregnancy is associated with an increased incidence of low birthweight and small-for-gestational-age infants
- Cannabis use is common among patients with rheumatologic illness
- CAP: Routine blood cultures and rapid antibiotics not necessary (ACEP)
- Capsaicin gel and SAMe improve pain in patients with DJD
- Capsule endoscopy more sensitive than push enteroscopy
- Cardiac biomarkers (BNP and troponin) useful for diagnosis and prognosis of cardiac syncope (BASEL IX)
- Cardiac resynchronization therapy effective for NYHA class 3 and 4 heart failure
- Cardiac troponin often falsely elevated in patients at low risk
- Cardiovascular MRI for patients with typical angina reduces revascularization procedures compared with immediate angiography
- Caregiver use of pictograms reduces dosing errors and improves adherence in kids
- Care managers increase primary care services for mentally ill
- Caring for drug-addicted patients does not have negative impact on practice
- Carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids do not effect rate of cognitive function decline
- Carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids do not reduce risk of advanced AMD
- Carotid artery stenting as effective as CEA but assoc with more periprocedural strokes (CREST)
- Carotid bruits are associated with AMI and CV death
- Carotid endarterectomy improves 10-year outcomes in asymptomatic pts (ACST-1)
- Carotid stent inferior to carotid endarterectomy
- Carvedilol decreases mortality, slightly improves QOL in HF (COMET)
- Carvedilol not beneficial for children and adolescents with heart failure
- Casirivimab plus imdevimab decreases mortality only in seronegative persons hospitalized with COVID-19
- CATCH2 score accurate to identify children with minor head injury who need CT
- Catheter ablation marginally better than usual care for symptomatic atrial fibrillation (CABANA)
- Catheter ablation of AF prevents recurrence but has minimal impact on QOL
- Catheter ablation reduces mortality for patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation (CASTLE-AF)
- Catheter-based renal denervation slightly decreases blood pressure without medications
- Caution advised with use of statins during pregnancy
- CBT, sertraline, and combination effective for childhood anxiety disorders
- CBT+ alternative SSRI better than alternative SSRI alone in adolescent depression
- CBT and psychoeducation reduce relapse in bipolar disorder
- CBT effective for childhood functional abdominal pain
- CBT effective for chronic insomnia
- CBT effective for self-harm
- CBT effective in adolescents with depression who don't want medication
- CBT followed by mirtazapine most effective for chronic fatigue
- CBT plus amitriptyline optimal for chronic migraine in children and adolescents
- CBT similar to second-generation antidepressants for major depressive disorder
- CCTA and radionuclide stress testing similar for evaluation of chest pain
- CCTA reduces need for hospitalization in low to moderate risk patients in ED
- CEA vs stenting: mixed results, mostly bad
- Cefepime/taniborbactam is superior to meropenem for microbiologic, but not clinical, cures of complicated UTI (CERTAIN-1 study)
- Cefpodoxime should not be first-line treatment for acute uncomplicated cystitis
- Celecoxib, naproxen, and ibuprofen have similar CV safety (PRECISION)
- Celiac disease common in primary care patients with chronic GI symptoms
- Cell-free DNA blood test 83% sensitive for colorectal cancer, 13% sensitive for advanced adenoma; mortality data lacking (ECLIPSE)
- Cell-free DNA highly accurate for prenatal diagnosis of trisomies 21 and 18
- Cell-free DNA reduces false positive results in prenatal genetic screening
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report on the Delta variant
- Centrally inserted central venous catheters associated with a 3% serious complication rate
- Cephalic version more successful with spinal analgesia
- Cerclage prevents repeat PTB if cervix is less than 15 mm
- Cerclage reduces risk of preterm birth
- Certain hormonal contraceptives increase thromboembolism risk when taken with NSAIDs
- Cervical cancer screening guidelines: American College of Physicians
- Cervical pessary is not beneficial for the prevention of preterm birth, may be harmful
- Cervical pessary not better than vaginal progesterone to prevent preterm birth in patients with short cervix and no prior preterm birth
- Cervical pessary prevented preterm birth among pregnant women with short cervix
- Cervical treatment associated with adverse obstetric outcomes
- Cervical treatments associated with preterm birth
- Cervical treatments not associated with infertility
- Cervical-uterine instillation with mepivacaine modestly reduces pain during intrauterine device insertion
- Cesarean rate due to nonreassuring fetal status is similar with double balloon catheter and dinoprostone pessary (MAGPOP)
- Cesarean rates and neonatal outcomes similar with induction vs expectant management with unripe cervix
- Cessation of long-acting B2-agonists worsens symptoms
- CHA2DS2-VASc score predictive of stroke, thromboembolism, and death in adults with CHF with or without atrial fibrillation
- Change in carotid intima-media thickness correlates poorly with outcomes (PROG-IMT)
- Changes to diabetes standards of care from the ADA for 2015
- Characteristics of patients with H1N1 influenza
- Check for orthostatic hypotension within 1 minute of standing
- Chest compression only = better survival than traditional CPR in out-of-hospital arrest
- Chest compressions at least as good as chest compressions plus rescue breathing for bystander CPR
- Chest PT not effective for kids with pneumonia
- Chest x-rays, electrocardiograms, and Pap tests in low-risk patients are associated with further tests and procedures
- Chewing gum after colorectal surgery speeds flatus and stools, no effect on hospital LOS
- Chewing gum hastens bowel motility and shortens hospital stay after colorectal surgery
- Chewing gum prevents ileus after colorectal surgery
- Childhood lead exposure associated with lower adult cognitive function and socioeconomic status
- Children of consanguineous parents are at increased risk of mood disorders and psychoses
- Children with appendicitis do fairly well with antibiotic treatment!
- Children with first complex febrile seizure are at low risk for subsequent seizure in hospital
- Children with uncomplicated UTIs treated with 10 days vs 5 days of antibiotics have fewer treatment failures (SCOUT)
- Children with unexpected isolated neutropenia at low risk of SBI
- Chiropractic care = intense exercise advice for neck pain; both better than meds
- Chiropractic may be okay for short-term relief of acute back pain
- Chlamydia Rapid Test as accurate as conventional testing
- Chlorhexidine bathing does not reduce nosocomial infections
- Chlorhexidine baths reduce catheter-related infections in ICU
- Chlorhexidine-impregnated washcloths lowers risk of hospital-acquired infections
- Chlorthalidone no better than hydrochlorothiazide for hypertension
- Chocolate consumption may make acne vulgaris worse
- Cholesterol lowering benefits patients at risk for CHD
- Cholesterol lowering cost-effective in high-risk elderly
- Cholesterol-reducer evolocumab associated with a nonsignificant increase in cardiovascular mortality (FOURIER)
- Cholinesterase inhibitors cause fewer falls but more syncope in adults with neurocognitive disorders
- Chondroitin/glucosamine = celecoxib for knee OA (MOVES)
- Chondroitin of little benefit in pain of advanced OA
- Choosing Wisely for Critical Care Top Five
- Choosing Wisely for Neurology Top Five
- Chronic marijuana use not associated with increased CAD risk (CARDIA)
- Chronic pain, especially headache, is common after traumatic brain injury
- Chronic pain common after Pfannenstiel incision
- Chronic PPI use in smokers associated with hip fracture in postmenopausal women
- Chronic sinusitis: saline irrigation helps somewhat; steroid doesn't add more benefit
- CIN 2 among women younger than 25 likely to regress
- CIN treatment may increase miscarriages but does not affect fertility
- Citalopram ineffective for reducing repetitive behavior in autism spectrum disorders
- Citalopram of modest benefit for IBS
- Citalopram plus methylphenidate better than either alone for geriatric depression
- Clarithromycin associated with cardiovascular events
- Clascoterone 1% is effective for moderately severe acne (number needed to treat = 7 - 11)
- Clicky hips don't necessarily mean dysplasia in infants
- Clindamycin and TMP-SMX reduce the likelihood of short-term treatment failure in patients with < 5-cm abscess
- Clindamycin in BV-positive women at low risk for preterm delivery does not prevent adverse outcomes
- Clindamycin marginally effective to prevent preterm birth in women with BV
- Clinical, functional, and demographic factors predict 10-year mortality in adults older than 50
- Clinical assessment of signs and symptoms still guides cellulitis diagnosis
- Clinical criteria predict serious head injury risk in kids (CHALICE)
- Clinical decision helpful in diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome in primary care
- Clinical decision rule identifies AKI patients at low risk for hydronephrosis
- Clinical decision rules for evaluating adults with chest pain in primary care are limited in number and utility — stay tuned
- Clinical decision rules similarly effective in excluding PE
- Clinical decision support linked to EMRs doesn't decrease mortality
- Clinical decision support tool reduces routine nighttime vital sign checks but does not affect clinical outcomes
- Clinical decision tool predicts risk of persistent postconcussion symptoms in children
- Clinical diagnosis of gout okay unless you suspect septic joint
- Clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease frequently misses the "bull's-eye"
- Clinical diagnosis of onychomycosis: plantar desquamation and interdigital tinea pedis are key
- Clinical diagnosis of rhinosinusitis is fraught with peril
- Clinical diagnosis of serious infection in children is difficult
- Clinical exam inaccurate for breech presentation
- Clinical exam in shoulder impingement is unreliable
- Clinical factors identify children at low risk of traumatic brain injury
- Clinical factors modestly accurate in predicting poor outcomes in older patients with dizziness (RODEO)
- Clinical factors modestly predict meniscal tears in primary care settings
- Clinical factors poorly predict ICH in stroke patients undergoing thrombolysis
- Clinical factors predict brain hemorrhages in stroke pts undergoing thrombolysis (SITS)
- Clinical factors predict death in patients with cirrhosis + UGI bleeding
- Clinical factors predict severe CAP in adults
- Clinical factors predict thrombolysis response in pts with stroke (DRAGON)
- Clinical judgment more accurate than CHALICE in kids with head injury
- Clinically significant bleeding occurs in 3.8% per year of pts aged 65+ years using warfarin
- Clinical practice guideline update for migraine prevention with medications
- Clinical prediction of adverse outcomes in women with preeclampsia (PIERS)
- Clinical prediction rule (Brest) is moderately accurate in diagnosing CHF in patients with dyspnea
- Clinical prediction rule accurate for primary care chest pain
- Clinical risk factors and symptoms can predict likelihood of CAD on angiography
- Clinical rule to diagnose PCOS more accurately
- Clinical rule to identify patients at low risk of recurrent VTE
- Clinical signs and symptoms not sufficient to diagnose endemic and returning travelers' malaria
- Clinical signs and symptoms of pneumonia unreliable in children
- Clinical symptoms unreliable for diagnosing pertussis in adolescents and adults
- Clinician "gestalt" compares well with decision rules in diagnosing acute respiratory infections
- Clomiphene + vitamin E for male infertility
- Clomiphene better than metformin for PCOS infertility
- Clonidine, gabapentin, and some SSRIs effective for hot flashes
- Clonidine beneficial as adjuvant therapy for opioid dependence
- Clopidogrel + 21 days ASA superior to ASA alone within first 24 hrs of TIA or minor stroke
- Clopidogrel + ASA for afib: fewer strokes, more hemorrhages (ACTIVE)
- Clopidogrel + ASA no better than ASA alone for high-risk patients
- Clopidogrel + aspirin better than aspirin alone to prevent migraines after ASD closure
- Clopidogrel + aspirin provides more net benefit than aspirin alone after minor stroke or TIA
- Clopidogrel + aspirin superior to aspirin alone following TIA or minor stroke
- Clopidogrel beyond 12 months after stent implantation doesn't improve outcomes
- Clopidogrel monotherapy more effective than aspirin to prevent coronary events after PCI with drug-eluting stents (HOST-EXAM)
- Closed-loop system improves glycemic control but not hypoglycemia for young children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
- Closing patent foramen ovale for cryptogenic stroke or TIA is not effective
- Closure of PFO similar to medical therapy for cryptogenic stroke or TIA
- Cochrane review: CBT minimally better than nothing, but not better than other treatments for neck pain
- Cochrane Review of herbs for low back pain: limited data; capsicum probably effective
- Coenzyme Q10 ineffective in Parkinson's disease
- Coenzyme Q10 not helpful for statin-associated muscle symptoms
- Coffee consumption associated with lower all-cause mortality
- Coffee consumption does not significantly increase risk of hypertension
- Coffee does not increase risk of developing CAD
- Coffee prevents ileus after scheduled colectomy
- Cognitive behavioral intervention during pregnancy reduces partner violence
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy = light therapy for seasonal affective disorder
- Cognitive behavioral therapy and combined physical and mental health rehab are the only effective treatments of long COVID
- Cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy are the psychological therapies most likely to help irritable bowel syndrome
- Cognitive behavioral therapy can be effective when delivered in primary care settings
- Cognitive behavioral therapy effective for depressed elderly
- Cognitive behavioral therapy effective for patients with fatigue associated with long COVID
- Cognitive behavior therapy plus meds most effective in treatment of pediatric OCD
- Cognitive enhancers significantly improve Mini-Mental State Examination score in patients with Alzheimer's dementia
- Cognitive functioning improved by correcting anemia in young women
- Cognitively enhanced tai chi improves cognition in adults with mild cognitive impairment
- Cognitive therapy, behavioral activation, and mindfulness meditation delivered via telehealth are all beneficial for chronic low back pain
- Cognitive therapy superior to zopiclone for insomnia
- Coke is it -- for phytobezoars
- Colchicine effective for first episode of acute pericarditis
- Colchicine effective for secondary prevention of recurrent pericarditis
- Colchicine prevents postpericardiotomy syndrome following cardiac surgery
- Colchicine reduces myocardial infarction and revascularization in patients with established coronary disease (LoDoCo2)
- Cold symptoms unaffected by regular analgesic dosing or use of steam
- Colon cancer screening may be beneficial for Lynch syndrome
- Colon cancer screening with fecal immunochemical tests: False-positive rates vary
- Colon CA unlikely if unexplained anemia but ferritin >100 ng/mL
- Colonoscopy and flex sig associated with lower CRC mortality
- Colonoscopy competence is similar for gastroenterologists, general surgeons, and family physicians
- Colonoscopy interval of at least 5 years is safe
- Colonoscopy less acceptable than FOBT; finds more adenomas but same number cancers
- Colonoscopy more than 10 months after positive FIT increases risk of colorectal cancer and more advanced-stage disease
- Color Doppler is modestly accurate compared with biopsy in patients with suspected giant cell arteritis
- Colorectal cancer risk is increased in first-degree relatives
- Colorectal cancer screening modalities: variable uptake, variable yield (SAVE)
- Colorectal neoplasia yield similar for FIT every 1, 2 or 3 years
- Combination albuterol-budesonide rescue inhaler somewhat better than albuterol alone for preventing severe asthma exacerbations (MANDALA)
- Combination antidepressant therapy is more effective than monotherapy for acute severe depression and nonresponding depression
- Combination antipyretics no faster than ibuprofen but longer acting
- Combination of acetaminophen and ibuprofen reduces pediatric fevers better than either alone
- Combination of antipsychotics and mood stabilizers best for acute mania
- Combination of baricitinib and remdesivir reduces recovery time in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia
- Combination of resistance and aerobic exercise best for obese elderly persons
- Combination treatment of bacterial vaginosis no more effective
- Combined ultrasound + mammogram for high-risk women increases cancer yield
- Combo sumatriptan-naproxen slightly better than either alone for acute migraine
- Combo treatment better than varenicline alone in male and highly dependent smokers
- Coming to a phone near you—bilirubin monitoring by app
- Communicating risk with words: One person's 'rare' is another person's 'common'
- Communication between hospitalist and primary care physician suboptimal
- Communication styles using "we" do not enhance relationships with patients
- Community-acquired pneumonia: Most oral treatments are similarly effective
- Comparable benefits and harms of anticoagulant and antiplatelet treatment in patients with PFO and cryptogenic stroke
- Comparable outcomes with 5 days and 10 days of antibiotics in children with community-acquired pneumonia (SCOUT-CAP)
- Comparable post-op pain relief for opioid- and nonopioid-based regimens following ACL reconstruction
- Compared with medical therapy, PFO closure decreases the number of clinically apparent strokes
- Compared with rhythm control, rate control in older adults with atrial fibrillation is associated with more risk of cognitive decline
- Completed suicide risk highest after attempted suicide by those with depression, schizophrenia
- Complete revascularization after STEMI leads to fewer recurrent Mis
- Complex interventions maintain independent living in elderly patients
- Complex relationship between industry funding and thromboprophylaxis study outcomes
- Compliance with heart failure performance measures not associated with improved outcomes
- Complications after knee replacement higher in obese patients, but still low
- Comprehensive chronic care management no better than usual care for drug/alcohol dependence
- Comprehensive intervention in childhood reduces adult psychopathology
- Compression reduces recurrent cellulitis in patients with chronic leg edema
- Compression stockings = placebo stockings in preventing post-thrombotic syndrome (SOX)
- Compression stockings = Unna boots for venous ulcers (VenUS IV)
- Compression stockings ineffective after DVT
- Compression stockings prevent postthrombotic syndrome in patients with DVT
- Compression stockings unnecessary for inpatients who undergo elective surgery
- Computer game effective to reduce depression symptoms in adolescents
- Computerized cognitive training of uncertain benefit in healthy elders
- Concomitant use of clopidogrel and a PPI may increase risk of adverse CHD outcomes
- Concomitant use of oral anticoagulants and SSRIs associated with increased risk of major bleeding
- Concurrent COVID-19 infection does not affect the sensitivity of D-dimer for pulmonary embolism diagnosis
- Confirmation of negative strep result may be unnecessary in adults
- Consensus guideline recommends screening for some persons at high risk for pancreatic cancer
- Consequences of screening for lung cancer (NELSON)
- Conservative management = intervention in patients with hemodynamically stable spontaneous pneumothorax
- Conservative oxygenation strategy reduces mortality in critically ill patients
- Conservative oxygen strategy provide no clear benefit in mechanically ventilated patients
- Conservative therapy with antibiotics is an option for early uncomplicated acute appendicitis
- Conservative treatment of first-degree perineal tears after delivery is a reasonable option
- Conservative vs liberal oxygenation targets in mechanically ventilated patients: No impact on death (ICONIC)
- Consider a formal exercise prescription as initial therapy for patients with symptoms of depression
- Consider not screening average-risk adults aged 45-49 years for colorectal cancer; stick to usual means of screening
- Consider screening adolescent and adult women at least once for anxiety
- Continued beta-blocker use after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) reduces hospitalizations but not cardiovascular death, AMI, or stroke
- Continued BP control important in T2DM (UKPDS)
- Continued warfarin better than bridging therapy for pacemaker or defibrillator surgery (BRUISE CONTROL)
- Continuing donepezil as dementia progresses is not helpful (DOMINO)
- Continuing olanzapine plus sertraline compared with sertraline alone reduces risk of relapse with psychotic depression
- Continuing warfarin for 18 months after unprovoked PE reduces risk of recurrent VTE
- Continuous glucose monitoring adds little benefit, especially in adults
- Continuous glucose monitoring improves outcomes in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes (CONCEPTT)
- Continuous glucose monitors reduce hypoglycemia in adults with type 1 DM and hypoglycemia unawareness (HypoDE)
- Continuous or intermittent glucose monitoring not effective, perhaps harmful
- Contraceptive implant and LNG-IUD both reduce pelvic pain associated with endometriosis
- Controlled-release combo of phentermine and topiramate decreases weight (CONQUER)
- Controversial evidence on value of pioglitazone (Actos) for type 2 diabetes
- Convalescent plasma does not decrease deaths or mechanical ventilation in patients with COVID-19, hypoxia, and elevated CRP levels (RECOVERY)
- Convalescent plasma does not improve outcomes in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 pneumonia (PlasmAr)
- COPD -- combo therapy improves symptoms but doesn't decrease exacerbations
- Cord pH weakly associated with neurologic outcomes
- Coronary artery calcium score adds little to cardiovascular risk scoring accuracy
- Coronary calcium scores identify pts at higher risk of events
- Coronary CT angiogram allows for safe discharge of low-risk patients with chest pain
- Coronary sinus-reducing device improves symptoms for patients with refractory angina
- Corticosteroids, selective use of antibiotics and NPPV for COPD exacerbations
- Corticosteroids benefit patients with moderate to severe COPD
- Corticosteroids decrease 28-day mortality in adults with severe sepsis
- Corticosteroids improve outcomes in patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia
- Corticosteroids not recommended for viral wheeze in ages 10 to 60 months
- Corticosteroids possibly effective in decreasing pain from pharyngitis
- Cost-effectiveness of strategies for hyperlipidemia treatment
- Coumadin + aspirin no better than aspirin alone for PAD
- Counseling can decrease indoor tanning and increase sun protection
- Counseling helps fearful women choose vaginal delivery
- Counseling is equal to varenicline to help adolescents quit smoking
- COVID-19 mRNA vaccine given in third-trimester pregnancy is not associated with adverse maternal outcomes
- COVID-19 research brief: convalescent plasma marginally improved COVID-19 outcomes in severely ill patients in China
- COVID-19 research brief: COVID-19 mortality in currently treated cancer patients not higher than in other cancer patients
- COVID-19 research briefs: (1) a case series of convalescent sera, and (2) a negative trial of hydroxychloroquine
- COVID-19 research briefs: (3) Guidance for remote (telehealth) management (25 March 2020)
- COVID-19 research briefs: 44% of secondary infections of SARS-CoV2 occur when the index case is presymptomatic
- COVID-19 research briefs: ACEIs and ARBs not associated with COVID-19 or the severity of the disease
- COVID-19 research briefs: a damp washcloth may reduce the number of aerosolized droplets generated by speech
- COVID-19 research briefs: anosmia common in SARS-CoV-2 infection, and a negative trial of hydroxychloroquine
- COVID-19 research briefs: Another study assessing excess mortality in the United States attributed to the pandemic
- COVID-19 research briefs: Antibody testing yields variable results; population study provides rich data on infection rates
- COVID-19 research briefs: Antihypertensive use not associated with an increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection
- COVID-19 research briefs: asymptomatic carriage during pregnancy is common, and unclear efficacy evidence for homemade masks
- COVID-19 research briefs: BMJ living systematic review of drugs for treatment; 5 days equivalent to 10 days of remdesivir
- COVID-19 research briefs: Case fatality ratio due to COVID-19 appears to be declining
- COVID-19 research briefs: case series of critically ill patients in the intensive care unit
- COVID-19 research briefs: case series shows early promise for remdesivir
- COVID-19 research briefs: Corticosteroids reduce mortality in patients on oxygen; postexposure hydroxychloroquine ineffective
- COVID-19 research briefs: COVID-19 responsible for excess mortality in the United States in 2020
- COVID-19 research briefs: current treatment with biologics does not increase poor outcomes and convalescent plasma safe
- COVID-19 research briefs: Development of a mortality score for hospitalized patients
- COVID-19 research briefs: Evidence for effectiveness for tocilizumab for COVID-19 treatment inconclusive and not encouraging
- COVID-19 research briefs: flawed trial of 10-day and 5-day remdesivir and retraction of Lancet trial of hydroxychloroquine
- COVID-19 research briefs: Frontline health-care workers and their families are at an increased risk of hospitalization
- COVID-19 research briefs: handwashing reduces transmission of respiratory infections
- COVID-19 research briefs: High incidence of thrombotic events in patients hospitalized with COVID-19
- COVID-19 research briefs: Hydrocortisone may reduce the need for organ support interventions in critically ill patients
- COVID-19 research briefs: hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, azithromycin not associated with benefit and may increase harms
- COVID-19 research briefs: mortality 21% for hospitalized patients in New York City, and transmission in a restaurant in China
- COVID-19 research briefs: Not all face coverings offer similar degrees of protection
- COVID-19 research briefs: Persistent fatigue, dyspnea common following hospitalization; promising vaccine developed in China
- COVID-19 research briefs: Personal protective equipment prevents transmission of COVID-19 in Chinese healthcare workers
- COVID-19 research briefs: Physical distancing measures are effective for reducing spread; colchicine may reduce symptoms
- COVID-19 research briefs: prediction models for COVID-19 have important limitations
- COVID-19 research briefs: Pregnant women may manifest fewer symptoms, but may need more intensive treatment if symptomatic
- COVID-19 research briefs: Promising preliminary data on COVID-19 vaccines from the United States and United Kingdom
- COVID-19 research briefs: rapid control of outbreak in Beijing; antibodies estimate infection fatality ratio in Iceland
- COVID-19 research briefs: remdesivir shortens recovery time
- COVID-19 research briefs: Remdesivir speeds recovery in patients with COVID-19
- COVID-19 research briefs: SARS-CoV-2 may increase stroke rate in patients younger than 50, and remdesivir shortens recovery
- COVID-19 research briefs: self-collected swabs accurate for detection; fever, cough, elevated CRP common in COVID-19
- COVID-19 research briefs: Small randomized trial finds some benefit with fluvoxamine treatment
- COVID-19 research briefs: small trial of lopinavir-ritonavir for patients hospitalized with COVID-19 shows no benefit
- COVID-19 research briefs: social factors and co-morbidity may explain apparent higher mortality in Black people
- COVID-19 research briefs: SR shows consistent benefit of quarantine measures to reduce the spread of an epidemic
- COVID-19 research briefs: stay-at-home and social distancing policies are effective at reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2
- COVID-19 research briefs: Symptoms of COVID-19 persist for at least 60 days in 67% of patients
- COVID-19 research briefs: Symptoms persist for at least 60 days for one-third of hospitalized patients
- COVID-19 research briefs: Tests for diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 lack sensitivity
- COVID-19 research briefs: Updated age-specific mortality patterns related to SARS-CoV-2 infection.
- COVID-19 research briefs: Updated recommendations on diabetes management during Ramadan and pandemic
- COVID-19 research briefs: useful tools to support telehealth during COVID-19 lockdown
- COVID-19 research briefs: Using public transportation or socializing in food/beverage outlets increases rates of infection
- COVID-19 research briefs: very small prospective study shows no benefit of hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin
- COVID-19 research briefs: Wuhan patient outcomes, and new Infectious Disease Society of America treatment guidelines
- COVID-19 risk score with and without laboratory data may reliably predict mortality in outpatient setting
- COVID-19 vaccine is not associated with adverse birth outcomes
- COVID-19 vaccine moderately effective (48%) at preventing symptomatic infection in children 5 to 11 years old
- COX-2 inhibitors safe to use in asthma patients with aspirin allergy
- CPAP and NIPPV no better than O2 in acute pulmonary edema (3CPO)
- CPAP associated with decreased CV risk
- CPAP doesn't reduce cardiovascular events (RICCADSA)
- CPAP modestly reduces blood pressure in patients with OSA
- CPAP treatment for obstructive sleep apnea without daytime sleepiness does not reduce CVD
- CPR outcomes in kids are poor, less so with conventional CPR
- Cranberry capsules do not reduce risk of bacteriuria plus pyuria in female nursing home residents
- Cranberry-containing products prevent UTI
- CRC screening recommendations for average-risk and high-risk persons from US GI societies
- C-reactive protein guidance safely reduces antibiotic use in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD (NNT = 5)
- C-reactive protein helps reduce antibiotic prescribing for COPD exacerbations
- C-reactive protein is the most useful biomarker for diagnosis of outpatient community-acquired pneumonia
- CRP and procalcitonin best for dx in febrile children
- CRP and procalcitonin cannot definitively diagnose bacterial lower respiratory tract infection in children
- CRP of little value for risk stratification
- Cryoablation preferred as initial therapy for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (EARLY-AF)
- Cryoballoon no better than radiofrequency ablation for AF (FreezeAF)
- CT colonography detects 85% of large polyps in patients at increased risk of colon cancer
- CT colonography detects 90% of large polyps under optimal conditions
- CT colonography less accurate with small polyps
- CT colonography similar to colonoscopy at detecting advanced lesions
- CT coronary angiography in patients with suspected CAD: no short-term benefit, increased rate of invasive angiography
- CT finds early lung Ca but carries risk (PLuSS)
- CT screening for lung cancer: more cancers detected, no mortality benefit (DANTE)
- CURB65 rule as accurate as pneumonia severity index
- Cutaneous warts in kids: half disappear within a year
- CVD risk calculator overestimates risk
- CV interventions in old elderly are not useful (DEBATE)
- Cycled hyperbaric oxygen improves the healing of diabetic foot ulcers
- Cycling during pregnancy reduced the rate of GDM in overweight and obese women
- Cyclophosphomide reduces dyspnea in scleroderma lung disease
- Cyclosporine = steroid for pyoderma
- Cytisine appears to be effective for smoking cessation
- Cytisine is inexpensive, safe, and modestly effective for smoking cessation
- Cytisine more effective than nicotine for smoking cessation, but with more adverse effects
- Cytisine unable to demonstrate noninferiority to varenicline, but is still an option for smoking cessation
- Cytisinicline might be effective to help people stop vaping