EE+ POEM Archive
- Back-up culture not needed for negative rapid strep test results
- Baclofen prevents agitation but delays awakening and lengthens ICU stay in critically ill patients with unhealthy alcohol use
- Bacterial meningitis is infrequently predicted by positive urinalysis in infants younger than 2 months
- Bacterial Meningitis Score accurate in kids with suspected meningitis and CSF pleocytosis
- Bag urine collection unreliable in children with suspected UTI
- Balance/neuromuscular training decreases sports injuries
- Balance exercise program prevents ankle sprains
- Balloon angioplasty is effective for intracranial artery stenosis (BASIS)
- Balloon catheter induction associated with more favorable neonatal outcomes than vaginal prostaglandins
- Baloxavir is effective for influenza prophylaxis in household contacts
- Baloxavir reduces symptom duration similarly to oseltamivir, primarily within 24 hours of symptom onset
- Baloxavir similar to oseltamivir to reduce symptoms; no benefit after 36 hours or if older than 65 years (CAPSTONE-2)
- Bamlanivimab decreases hospitalizations and ED visits in outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19 (BLAZE-1)
- Bamlanivimab plus etesevimab reduces the likelihood of hospitalization or death in high-risk outpatients with COVID-19 (NNT = 20)
- Bamlanivimab prophylaxis reduces incidence of COVID-19 in skilled nursing and assisted living facilities
- Bare arm best for BP measurement
- Bariatric surgery associated with decreased all-cause mortality and lower rates of other obesity-related events
- Bariatric surgery associated with fewer cardiovascular events and deaths
- Bariatric surgery associated with resolution of endometrial hyperplasia
- Bariatric surgery before major joint replacement doesn't improve outcomes
- Bariatric surgery for T2DM = superior glycemic control but no difference in cardiovascular events or mortality
- Bariatric surgery improves quality of life and results in more weight loss than intensive medical therapy (STAMPEDE)
- Bariatric surgery in obese patients with hypertension can produce normotension in some of them (GATEWAY)
- Bariatric surgery in obese patients with T2DM: more achieve partial remission at 5 years
- Bariatric surgery is associated with fewer major adverse cardiac events than GLP-1 agonists in obese adults with type 2 diabetes
- Bariatric surgery plus intensive medical therapy better than medical therapy alone for diabetes (STAMPEDE)
- Bariatric surgery reduces all-cause mortality in morbidly obese
- Baricitinib is effective for severe alopecia areata, but long-term safety is not known
- Barley lowers total and LDL cholesterol, no effect on HDL
- Barlow and Ortolani maneuvers are best for diagnosing dislocated hip in infants
- Basal insulin less effective, better tolerated than biphasic and prandial
- Baseline CRP not useful for stratifying statin benefit (MRC HPS)
- Baseline urate level in adults with history of acute gout is associated with the risk of subsequent gout flares
- Bath oil does not improve eczema symptoms in children (BATHE)
- Battery-enhanced nasal suctioning is minimally, if at all, better than bulb suction for infant bronchiolitis
- B-blockers not associated with less morbidity/mortality in adults with CAD or CAD risk factors
- Bedroom air filter does not affect pollen allergy symptoms
- Bedside rounds: increased face time but no change in patients’ knowledge of their medical care
- Bedtime instead of morning ingestion of hypertension meds = significantly more reduction in cardiovascular disease risk
- Bedtime leg stretching reduces frequency and severity of nocturnal leg cramps
- Bedtime use of screen-based media devices associated with poor sleep in children
- Beer before wine is similar to wine before beer in inducing hangover
- Bee venom acupuncture effective for treatment of shoulder adhesive capsulitis
- Behavioral counseling to prevent CVD not effective or recommended
- Behavioral interventions reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections
- Behavioral therapies are better than drug therapy for urinary incontinence in women
- Behavioral therapy better than drug therapy for overactive bladder in men
- Behavioral therapy improves postprostatectomy incontinence
- Behavior problems linked to irregular bedtime for children
- Being a former professional soccer player is associated with an increased risk of neurodegenerative disease
- Bell's palsy: antivirals do not enhance rates of complete recovery, even in patients with severe symptoms
- Bell palsy is associated with COVID-19 infection to a greater degree than with vaccination
- Bempedoic acid 180 mg reduces risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction and revascularization; NNT = 42 in primary prevention group (CLEAR)
- Benazepril + amlodipine reduces composite outcome slightly in high-risk patients
- Benefit in doubt for calcium supplementation in pregnancy to prevent pre-eclampsia
- Benefit of low-dose aspirin for type 2 diabetes is uncertain
- Benefits/harms of novel oral anticoagulants similar in general population and the elderly
- Benefits = harms for duloxetine as treatment for stress urinary incontinence
- Benefits and harms of atypical antipsychotics for off-label use
- Benefits and harms to prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent
- Benefits and harms with oral anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation in patients with history of intracranial hemorrhage (COCROACH)
- Benefit seen with thrombolysis for ischemic stroke beyond the 4.5-hour time window
- Benefits lacking for tight control of type 2 diabetes
- Benefits of treatment for mild GDM
- Benefits to neuromuscular blockers in early ARDS
- Benefits to resuming warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation after intracranial bleeds
- Benefit vs risk of urinary incontinence surgery at the time of pelvic organ prolapse surgery
- Benign course for symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease
- Benign thyroid nodules rarely progress to malignancy (0.3% in 5 years)
- Benralizumab reduces daily oral prednisone dose for severe asthma from 10 mg to 5 mg
- Benzyl benzoate 25% is much more effective than permethrin 5% for the treatment of scabies
- BE progresses to cancer at only 0.12% per year
- Best approaches to physical diagnosis of acute red eye
- Best way to perform lumbar puncture and analyze results
- Beta-blockers and tricyclic antidepressants are more commonly associated with orthostatic hypotension
- Beta-blockers associated with improved morbidity/mortality in COPD patients
- Beta-blockers don't decrease mortality in patients with AF + CHF
- Betahistine is ineffective for the treatment of primary tinnitus
- Beta-lactam not as effective as beta-lactam plus macrolide for treating CAP in the hospital
- Betamethasone, calcipotriol best for intertriginous psoriasis
- Better adherence to dietary recommendations is associated with lower mortality
- Better estimate of prostate cancer risk based on the number of close relatives with prostate cancer and their age at diagnosis
- Better functional outcomes, but more bleeds with endovascular therapy for large ischemic strokes
- Better functional outcomes with endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke
- Better maternal outcomes with testing for placental growth factor when pre-eclampsia is suspected
- Better medication adherence with intervention; clinical outcomes unchanged
- Better outcomes associated with treatment of acute sickle cell vaso-occlusive crises at infusion centers
- Better outcomes for hospitalized patients treated by female physicians
- Better outcomes with later initiation of parenteral nutrition in ICU patients
- Better outcomes with noninvasive ventilation for hospitalized COPD patients
- Better pain control with early neuraxial analgesia
- Better primary care continuity is associated with lower mortality risk
- Biannual azithromycin reduces all-cause mortality in preschool children in sub-Saharan Africa
- Bimatoprost (Latisse) enhances eyelash growth and prominence
- Biofeedback does not add benefit to structured training for stress or mixed urinary incontinence in women
- Biologicals improve outcomes in patients with RA
- Biomarkers associated with greater risk of progression to MCI or dementia in adults with subjective cognitive decline
- Biomarkers can accurately detect Alzheimer disease, but their clinical benefit is uncertain
- Biomechanical footwear may be effective for reducing pain in adults with knee degenerative joint disease
- Birth at 40-41 weeks' gestation associated with optimal child development at school entry
- Bisoprolol does not reduce exacerbations in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (BICS)
- Bisphosphonates decrease vertebral fractures but not clinically important fractures in men
- Bisphosphonate use associated with increased risk of atypical hip and femoral shaft fractures
- Bivalent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine given to mothers reduces total and severe RSV infections in infants
- Bivalirudin = abciximab + heparin for non-STEMI
- Black cohosh ineffective for vasomotor symptoms
- Bladder cancer screening: insufficient evidence to recommend (USPSTF)
- Blatchford score more sensitive than Rockall in GI bleeding
- Bleeding risk scores lack accuracy in primary care settings (CACAO)
- Bleeding risk with warfarin high among elderly, especially older than 80
- Blood glucose self-monitoring not cost-effective in T2DM patients not taking insulin
- Blood loss from phlebotomy associated with hospital-acquired anemia
- Blood pressure control and lipid lowering does not prevent cognitive decline (HOPE-3)
- Blood pressure goal of 140-150 mmHg best for patients with diabetes
- Blood pressure screening: regularly test in office but verify at home before diagnosis
- Blunt abdominal trauma score predicts absence of organ injury in kids
- BMD screening every 15 years for low-risk women
- BMD testing: one and done
- BMI poor predictor of mortality in patients with CAD
- BNP-guided therapy decreases heart failure mortality (BATTLESCARRED)
- BNP-guided tx decreases CHF mortality
- BNP monitoring + protocol improves HF outcomes
- BNP testing does not decrease hospitalization rate
- BNP testing in ED does not consistently affect clinical outcomes
- BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is not associated with adverse neonatal outcomes
- Boceprevir improves SVR in genotype 1 HCV (SPRINT-2)
- Bolus loop diuretics = continuous infusion in treatment of CHF (DOSE trial)
- Bone anabolic treatments reduce fractures to a greater extent than bisphosphonates in women at high risk
- Bone marrow aspirate injections equal saline in patients with knee DJD
- Booster with Pfizer mRNA vaccine significantly reduces likelihood of infection and severe illness due to COVID-19 in adults 60+
- Bosentan ineffective in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (BUILD-1)
- Both benefits and harms for low-dose aspirin in patients with diabetes mellitus (ASCEND)
- Both magnesium and placebo somewhat effective for nocturnal leg cramps
- Both upper-extremity and lower-extremity DVT risk increased with PICCs
- Botox injections are effective for essential or isolated head tremor (NNT = 3 - 5)
- Botulinum might be more effective than nitroglycerine in anal fissure
- Botulinum toxin A effective for axillary hyperhidrosis
- Botulinum toxin A useful for chronic daily headaches and chronic migraines
- Botulinum toxin effective for excessive drooling
- BP and cholesterol are associated with vascular mortality
- BP goals in patients older than 60 years
- BP lowering and statins not synergistic for CV risk reduction (HOPE-3)
- BP lowering by any means is beneficial in most
- BP target of 120 no better than 140 in T2DM (ACCORD)
- Brain abscess: only 20% have classic symptoms; 70% fully recover; 10% die
- Breast cancer prevented in some women with drug treatment
- Breast cancer screening benefits overrated
- Breast cancer screening with MRI: more false-positives, more biopsies
- Breastfeeding does not decrease asthma/allergy (PROBIT)
- Breastfeeding during immunization reduces infant crying
- Breast feeding interventions are effective
- Breast implant–associated lymphoma incidence highest with textured implants (1 in 871 implants)
- Breathing exercises improve some asthma outcomes
- Breathing program for long COVID symptoms may improve breathlessness
- Brexpiprazole improves agitation scores in adults with Alzheimer disease who have agitated behaviors
- Bridging anticoagulation in patients with AF associated with more CVEs and bleeding
- Bridging heparin during surgery not supported by evidence
- Brief behavioral therapy diminishes insomnia in the elderly
- Brief behavioral therapy improves sleep in older adults with chronic insomnia
- Brief counseling and feedback on grocery purchases does not significantly change saturated fat purchases or intake
- Brief evaluation aids diagnosis of dementia
- Brief intervention ineffective to decrease unhealthy drug use
- Brief interventions for weight management in kids are not effective
- Brief Memory and Executive Test is an effective screen for vascular dementia
- Bright light minimally improves cognitive function in elderly with dementia
- Bright light therapy at midday beneficial for patients with bipolar depression
- Bright light therapy is effective for nonseasonal depressive disorders
- British guidelines for chronic diarrhea in adults
- British guidelines for the management of rosacea
- British Society for Rheumatology Guideline for managing patients with gout
- British Society for Rheumatology guideline on managing patients with giant cell arteritis
- British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines for the evaluation and management of dyspepsia
- British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines for the management of irritable bowel syndrome
- Broad-spectrum abx increase adverse events in children with acute respiratory infections with minimal benefit
- Bronchial thermoplasty somewhat effective for moderate to severe adult asthma
- Buddy taping is as effective as casting for boxer's fracture
- Budesonide inhaler ineffective for same-day prevention of acute mountain sickness
- Buffering lidocaine 1%/epinephrine with sodium bicarbonate in a 3:1 ratio is as effective and less painful than a 9:1 ratio
- Buprenorphine combined with naloxone is safe and effective for opioid use disorder in pregnancy
- Buprenorphine is effective in treating neonatal abstinence syndrome
- Bursa injection no better than systemic steroid for rotator cuff
- B vitamins, fish oil do not prevent CV events
- B vitamins produce small increase in sustained depression remission
- B vitamins reduce risk of macular degeneration in women