EE+ POEM Archive
- A 7-day course in cognitive behavioral therapy leads to implementation of skills and strategies in practice
- AABB recommends restrictive transfusion strategy for hospitalized patients
- AAN guideline for adults with unprovoked first seizure
- AAN guideline for patients with mild cognitive impairment
- AAN guideline for treating insomnia in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
- AAN guideline on managing painful diabetic polyneuropathy
- AAN Guideline on managing patients with restless leg syndrome
- AAN guideline on withdrawing anticonvulsants in seizure-free adults and children
- AAN Guidelines on medications for acute treatment and prevention of migraine in children and adolescents
- AAP/AAFP guideline for acute otalgia in children
- AAP Practice Guideline: Delaying feeding does not prevent atopy
- Abaloparatide reduces the risk of osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women
- Abandoning masking in schools during the omicron wave increased COVID-19 incidence
- ABC (Age, Biomarkers, Clinical history) score predicts stroke risk in atrial fibrillation
- ABCD2 score not reliable for stroke prediction after TIA
- ABCD2 score not very reliable in predicting future stroke
- ABCD rule predicts 7- and 30-day stroke risk in pts with TIA
- ABCD score predicts 7 day stroke risk in patients with TIA
- Abelacimab has fewer bleeds than rivaroxaban, but study has several important biases
- Abelacimab prevents asymptomatic clots better than enoxaparin, but there is no difference in clinical clots or major bleeding
- Abnormal nuchal translucency does not = abnormal child
- About 1 in 4 obese children with acanthosis nigricans have impaired glucose control
- About 7% of primary care patients with depression have unrecognized bipolar disorder
- Abrocitinib and upadacitinib likely to be most effective immunomodulators for atopic dermatitis, but very expensive
- Absolute cancer risk in pts with systemic sclerosis is low but higher than in general population
- A bundle of evidence-based strategies that includes steroids for the treatment of CAP does not improve outcomes
- Abx for drained skin abscesses may decrease new lesions in adults
- Abx in patients with uncomplicated diverticulitis (limited evidence)
- Acamprosate and oral naltrexone are useful for the treatment of alcohol use disorder
- A case series of using CRISPR for the treatment of sickle cell anemia
- ACC/AHA: Fewer patients require prophylaxis for endocarditis
- ACC/AHA guideline for the management of patients with chronic coronary disease
- ACC/AHA guidelines for atrial fibrillation
- ACC/AHA guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation
- ACC/AHA guidelines on dual antiplatelet therapy
- ACC/AHA guidelines take more aggressive, less evidence-based approach to hypertension management
- Accelerated care decreases length of stay in joint replacement surgery
- Accelerated protocol identifies chest pain patients at low risk for major cardiac events
- Access to free LARC associated with decreased risk of unintended pregnancy
- ACCP 2016: updated guidelines for VTE
- ACCP guidelines for antithrombotics in atrial fibrillation
- Accuracy of fecal DNA and fecal immunochemical test for colorectal cancer detection
- Accurate diagnostic indicators for exudative pleural effusion
- Accurate signs, symptoms, and labs for diagnosing mononucleosis
- ACE + ARB does not improve outcomes in pts with T2DM with impaired renal function (VA NEPHRON)
- ACE = ARB, but ACE + ARB worsens renal outcomes (ONTARGET)
- ACE = ARB for secondary CV prevention; combination worse (ONTARGET)
- ACE inhibitor + ARB = no benefit and increased risk
- ACE inhibitor preferred over ARB in patients with ischemic heart disease
- ACE inhibitors decrease cardio events in patients with diabetes, ARBs don't
- ACE inhibitors effective in CAD without CHF
- Acellular pertussis efficacy wanes within 5 years after last dose
- Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is no better than placebo for most pain, except maybe tension headache
- Acetaminophen (paracetamol) minimally effective for back pain and osteoarthritis
- Acetaminophen=celecoxib in DJD
- Acetaminophen and ketorolac are more effective than morphine in alleviating pain in adults with renal colic
- Acetaminophen doesn't increase risk of exacerbation in kids with mild persistent asthma
- Acetaminophen in normal doses safe in children
- Acetaminophen use during pregnancy is not associated with risk of autism, ADHD, or intellectual disability
- Acetazolamide added to loop diuretics improves decongestion in acute heart failure, irrespective of baseline renal function
- ACG guideline on managing acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding
- ACG guideline on managing patients with acute upper gastrointestinal and ulcer bleeding
- ACG guideline on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Clostridioides difficile infections
- ACG guideline on treating adults infected with Helicobacter pylori
- ACG guidelines for celiac disease
- ACL reconstruction not necessary for good clinical outcome
- A community-based intervention to reduce opioid overdose deaths was not effective
- ACP: Discuss prostate screening with men 50-69 years old
- ACP: Do not screen low-risk adults for cardiac disease
- ACP chronic insomnia guideline: CBT before drugs
- ACP clinical guidelines for osteoporosis treatment
- ACP Guideline: Intensive insulin therapy not recommended for ICU patients
- ACP Guideline: Universal VTE prophylaxis not recommended for hospitalized medical and stroke patients
- ACP guidelines on screening for colon cancer
- ACP guidelines on treatment of anemia in patients with heart disease
- ACP recommends against routine screening pelvic exam
- ACR guideline for managing patients with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
- ACS risk similar with normal ECG performed during presence or absence of chest pain
- Active management is more effective than expectant management for resolution of nonviable pregnancy of unknown location
- Active monitoring is not inferior to surgery with or without radiation in women with low-risk ductal carcinoma in situ (COMET)
- Active surveillance for localized prostate CA: no increased mortality, but higher rates of clinical progression (ProtecT)
- Active surveillance reduces the need for surgery, with no change in mortality, at the price of a small increase of metastatic disease (ProtecT)
- Acupuncture, Alexander technique better than medical care for chronic neck pain
- Acupuncture, CBT, stress reduction, yoga offer a small benefit for chronic back pain
- Acupuncture better than sham for neck pain
- Acupuncture decreases frequency and intensity of angina
- Acupuncture does not increase live birth rate in women with infertility and PCOS
- Acupuncture effective for chronic pain conditions
- Acupuncture effective for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
- Acupuncture effective for chronic shoulder pain
- Acupuncture effective for long-term back pain relief
- Acupuncture effective for some with chronic prostatitis
- Acupuncture improves fibromyalgia symptoms
- Acupuncture improves in vitro pregnancy rates
- Acupuncture improves sleep quality in cancer survivors with sleep disorders and chronic pain (PEACE)
- Acupuncture ineffective for Alzheimer's dementia
- Acupuncture ineffective for hot flashes
- Acupuncture in the emergency department adds to musculoskeletal pain relief
- Acupuncture is effective for chronic prostatitis symptoms
- Acupuncture is effective for sciatica associated with disk herniation
- Acupuncture is effective for the prevention of migraine without aura
- Acupuncture may be slightly effective for patients with gout
- Acupuncture may have value in treating GERD
- Acupuncture may help some people quit smoking
- Acupuncture may not be effective as a pain reliever
- Acupuncture may reduce aromatase inhibitor–related arthralgia in women with breast cancer
- Acupuncture more effective than usual care for osteoarthritis
- Acupuncture not effective for chronic knee pain
- Acupuncture plus intradermal needling is effective for cervical spondylosis–related neck pain
- Acupuncture possibly effective for ulcerative colitis
- Acupuncture reduces post-op knee pain
- Acute cardiovascular events are common in patients hospitalized with influenza
- Acute hospitalization of near-death patients can result in unnecessary suffering
- Acute migraine: prochlorperazine better than sumatriptan
- Acute-onset visual floaters and flashes and the risk for retinal detachment
- Acute pain relief from ibuprofen >= acetaminophen-codeine for extremity injury in kids
- ADA/EASD updated guidelines: glycemic control is only part of the management of type 2 diabetes
- A daily multivitamin has modest impact on memory in older adults (COSMOS-WEB)
- Adding CCTA to chest pain assessment reduces likelihood of nonfatal MI (SCOT-HEART)
- Adding clopidogrel worsens outcomes following lacunar stroke
- Adding cytology to HPV testing slightly improves cancer and precancer detection
- Adding dulaglutide only slightly decreases major adverse CV events in patients with T2DM and CVD risk factors (REWIND)
- Adding extra puffs of steroid inhaler when a short-acting beta-agonist is needed reduces exacerbations in moderate to severe asthma
- Adding ezetimibe to moderate-dose statin reduces nonfatal MI only (NNT = 58 for 6 years)
- Adding formoterol to budesonide for asthma: no significantly increased harms; minimal benefits
- Adding ibuprofen and codeine to acetaminophen does not improve pain relief for acute musculoskeletal injury
- Adding MTX to sulfasalazine better for RA (MASCOT)
- Adding sitagliptin does not reduce or increase the risk of cardiovascular outcomes
- Adding spinal fusion to decompression does not improve outcomes for lumbar stenosis and has harms
- Adding steroids improves outcomes in severe Kawasaki disease (RAISE)
- Adding ticagrelor to aspirin results in 8 fewer MIs and 9 more major bleeds per 1000 patients with CAD, T2DM, and PCI
- Adding tiotropium of little benefit in asthma
- Adding ultrasound to mammography increases false-positive findings without an increase in cancer detection
- Additional evidence of no increased survival benefit to intensive follow-up after colorectal cancer surgery
- Additional prenatal vitamin D does not reduce risk of asthma in offspring
- Additional prenatal vitamin D does not reduce risk of wheezing-related illness in offspring
- Additional testing of limited benefit in patients with new-onset chest pain
- Adenoidectomy does not decrease respiratory tract infections in children
- A deprescribing intervention for hospitalized older adults reduces polypharmacy (Shed-MEDS)
- ADHD: A lot of research, not a lot of guidance
- ADHD drugs do not increase serious CV events in children and young adults
- ADHD medications not associated with increased risk of CVD
- Adherence to lung cancer screening is relatively poor after baseline scan
- Adhesive strips do not improve outcomes when added to dermal suturing alone for wound closure
- Adipose-derived stem cell injections provide borderline meaningful pain relief in adults with knee degenerative joint disease
- Adjunctive antidepressants not effective for depression in bipolar disorder
- Adjunctive prophylaxis with azithromycin for cesarean reduces maternal infections
- Adjust urine white blood cell cutoffs based on specific gravity in children with suspected urinary tract infection
- Adjuvant increases efficacy of influenza vaccine in infants and children
- Adjuvant radiation for stage I endometrial cancer: less local recurrence, no survival benefit
- Adjuvant steroids may not reduce bacterial meningitis mortality in children
- Adolescents and young adults with microscopic hematuria at increased risk of ESRD
- Aducanumab is not effective for mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer's dementia and has major safety issues
- Adult circumcision prevents HIV transmission in sub-Saharan African men
- Adults show a small increase (10%) in steps when given pedometers
- Adult survivors of childhood cancer at increased risk of subsequent cancer
- Adults with both anxiety and depression respond poorly to treatment
- Adults with injured wrists who have no deformity, no edema, no pain with pronation are unlikely to have fractures
- Adults with nonobstructive vulnerable coronary plaques have fewer major cardiac events with PCI than with optimal medical therapy
- Adults with varicose veins are at increased risk of DVT
- Adult thymectomy is associated with increased risks for death and cancer
- Advance care planning increases execution of advance directives and surrogate decision-maker assignment
- Advice = comprehensive physiotherapy in chronic whiplash (PROMISE)
- AEDs associated with improved survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
- After 15 years, 50% of patients with optic neuritis developed MS (ONTT)
- After 1 month of DAPT after PCI for acute coronary syndromes, ticagrelor monotherapy results in similar outcomes with less bleeding than ticagrelor plus aspirin
- After 1 year, ultrasound-guided steroid injections are superior to hyaluronic acid injections to relieve pain of Morton’s neuroma
- After 5 years, platelet-rich plasma = hyaluronic acid injections for patients with knee osteoarthritis
- After age 55, only a small increase in colon cancer risk with a family history
- After colonoscopy, 1.3% have major adverse events and 33% have minor adverse events
- After community lung cancer screening, rates of follow-up imaging are lower but the rates of some procedures are higher
- After concussion, early subthreshold aerobic exercise returns teens to play sooner than stretching
- After surviving in-hospital CPR to discharge, 60% of elderly alive at 1 year, 44% at 3 years
- Age-adjusted D-dimer cutoff levels more accurate for PE diagnosis (ADJUST-PE)
- Aggressive BP lowering in patients with ICH: safe but not effective
- Aggressive early tx after TIA/minor stroke improves outcomes (EXPRESS)
- Aggressive increase in Hgb does not improve QOL
- Aggressive treatment of asymptomatic GERD does not improve asthma
- AHA/ACC guideline for the primary prevention of stroke
- AHA guideline for secondary stroke prevention
- A higher-dose magnesium sulfate regimen for obese women with preeclampsia is more likely to achieve target serum level
- A high-sensitivity troponin T less than 6 ng/L is very good at ruling out myocardial infarction or death in next 30 days
- A history of kidney stones increases risk of CHD in women, but not in men
- A home score can identify adults at low risk for streptococcal pharyngitis
- AI is 86% sensitive, 95% specific in diagnosing systolic dysfunction and 92% sensitive, 94% specific for diastolic dysfunction
- Alcohol, specifically white wine and liquor, linked with increased risk of rosacea in women
- Alcohol screening tool effective in Iding patients at higher risk for postop complications
- Aldosterone antagonists may be of benefit post-STEMI
- Alemtuzumab more effective than interferon for multiple sclerosis
- Alendronate associated with reduced risk of hip fracture in older adults taking medium- to high-dose steroids
- Alendronate therapy unnecessary for most women after 5 years
- Alexander technique reduces low back pain disability
- Alfuzosin (alpha-agonist) not effective for chronic prostatitis-chronic pelvic pain
- Algorithms based on high-sensitivity troponin quickly and accurately rule out acute myocardial infarction
- Algorithm to predict malignancy in a pelvic mass in female patients
- Alirocumab has minimal net benefit for patients with hyperlipidemia (ODYSSEY LONG TERM)
- Aliskiren not beneficial for chronic heart failure (ATMOSPHERE)
- Aliskiren worsens outcomes in high-risk diabetics
- All analgesics are better than placebo in patients with knee or hip DJD
- All-cause mortality is comparable in patients with left main coronary artery disease treated with PCI or CABG
- All-cause mortality lower with high-dose hemofiltration than with conventional hemodialysis in adults with kidney failure
- All diets work equally poorly
- Allergenic food exposure at 3 months of age decreases food allergy at 36 months (PreventADALL)
- Allergic rhinitis associated with increased risk of bronchial hyperreactivity (ECRHS)
- All methods are reasonable for the management of early miscarriage
- Allopurinol does not improve cardiovascular outcomes in patients with ischemic heart disease but no gout (ALL-HEART)
- Aloe vera gel effective for oral lichen planus
- Aloe vera not effective for irritable bowel syndrome
- A lower oxygenation target for critically ill patients with respiratory failure does not reduce mortality
- Alpha-blocker or nifedipine may help pass kidney stones
- Alternate-day fasting as a way of losing weight = daily calorie restriction
- Ambulatory blood pressure important for decision-making about treatment
- American Academy of Pediatrics guideline: increase thresholds for light therapy
- American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for hip dysplasia screening and treatment
- American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for treating depression in adolescents
- American College of Gastroenterology guideline for diagnosing and managing GERD
- American College of Gastroenterology guideline for evaluating and managing patients with celiac disease
- American College of Gastroenterology guideline for managing patients hospitalized with acute pancreatitis
- American College of Gastroenterology guideline on managing irritable bowel syndrome
- American College of Physicians: Limit testosterone supplementation in older men to the treatment of sexual function issues
- American College of Physicians: mammography every 2 years between the ages 50 and 74 years
- American College of Physicians: Screen for colon cancer using the test the patient chooses
- American College of Physicians guidelines for the treatment of acute depression in adults
- American College of Rheumatology guideline for managing patients with degenerative joint disease of the hand, knee, and hip
- American College of Rheumatology guideline for managing patients with gout
- American College of Rheumatology guideline for preventing and treating steroid-induced osteoporosis
- American Gastroenterological Association position statements for colorectal cancer screening
- American Gastroenterological Association practice guidelines for the use of probiotics
- American Pain Society guideline for low back pain
- American Thoracic Society guideline for initiating medications for smoking cessation
- American Thoracic Society home oxygen guideline for patients with COPD or interstitial lung disease
- Amiodarone, fluconazole, rifampin, and phenytoin increase risk of bleeding with non–vitamin K anticoagulant use
- Amitriptyline, duloxetine, and pregabalin each effective in decreasing pain from diabetic peripheral neuropathy; combinations even better
- Amitriptyline as second-line therapy improves symptoms in adults with irritable bowel syndrome (ATLANTIS)
- Amitriptyline effect on QOL in teens with IBS is equivocal
- Amitriptyline ineffective for chronic back pain
- Amniotomy immediately following Foley cervical ripening shortens time to delivery
- Among antidepressants, only serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are effective for pain
- Among female patients with chronic pelvic pain, biopsychosocial approaches are associated with improved outcomes
- Among overweight or obese adults, phentermine-topiramate and GLP-1 receptor agonists are the most effective for promoting weight loss
- Among psychedelics, only psilocybin has demonstrated benefit to treat depression
- Amox/clav or ibuprofen no better than placebo for acute bronchitis
- Amox-clavulanate during COPD exacerbations decreases Sx and delays subsequent exacerbations
- Amoxicillin-clavulanate effective for AOM in kids younger than 3 years
- Amoxicillin-clavulanate effective for wet cough lasting >3 weeks in kids
- Amoxicillin does not improve outcomes for nonpneumonia lower respiratory tract infection in children (ARTIC PC)
- Amoxicillin for children with CAP: low-dose for 3 days is noninferior to high-dose for 7 days (CAP-IT)
- Amoxicillin is no more likely to cause rash than any other antibiotic in patients with mononucleosis
- Amoxicillin oral challenge is safe and accessible for removing erroneous penicillin allergy label
- Amoxicillin still ineffective for acute bronchitis, even in HIV patients
- Amoxiclav causes diarrhea in 1 of 8 persons who take it
- Anacetrapib has a small effect on CV events, no effect on mortality
- Analgesic-only treatment for UTI is an option for some
- Anastrozole decreases rate of breast cancer in high-risk postmenopausal women (IBIS-II)
- Andexanet in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage taking a factor Xa inhibitor: less hematoma expansion, more MI and ischemic stroke
- Androgen deprivation therapy associated with increased risk of fracture, DM, CVD death
- Androgen deprivation therapy does not increase risk of CV death in men with prostate cancer
- Angiotensin II increases BP in vasodilatory shock resistant to high-dose vasopressors
- Angled insulin insertion with 6-mm needle best for children with T1DM
- Annual conventional cytology most cost-effective for surveillance after CIN treatment
- Annual mammography starting at 40 doesn't lower breast CA mortality
- Annual rupture rate <= 0.5% for aneurysms 3 to 6 mm
- Annual screening chest x-ray does not reduce lung cancer mortality
- Annual stroke rate for asymptomatic severe carotid stenosis without surgical intervention is 0.9%
- Annual Vitamin D supplementation does not improve mental well-being
- An omega-3 fatty acid = placebo in Huntington disease
- An oral appliance does not improve sleep in patients with less severe sleep apnea
- Another "-gepant"—ubrogepant —is somewhat effective for acute migraine (NNT = 13)
- Another misleading study that will be incorrectly used to promote glycemic control targets (INTERVAL)
- Another study fails to find PRP injections effective for adults with degenerative joint disease of the knee
- Antenatal betamethasone beneficial to late preterm newborns
- Antenatal corticosteroid exposure associated with mental and behavioral disorders
- Antenatal corticosteroids don't reduce respiratory morbidity in near-term infants
- Antenatal magnesium improves neurologic outcomes in infants
- Antenatal magnesium neuroprotective for premies
- Antenatal magnesium sulfate for premature infants does not improve outcomes at school age
- Antenatal magnesium sulphate is neuroprotective for infants born preterm
- Antiandrogens effective for hirsutism, better than metformin
- Antibiotic/steroid drops best treatment for otorrhea in afebrile kids with tympanostomy tubes
- Antibiotic and corticosteroid treatment effective for acute exacerbations of COPD
- Antibiotic prophylaxis effective after urinary catheterization
- Antibiotic prophylaxis for vesicoureteral reflux in infants prevents UTI, but two-thirds of untreated infants had no UTI in 2 years
- Antibiotic prophylaxis ineffective in vesicoureteral reflux
- Antibiotic prophylaxis may not decrease risk of recurrent UTI in children
- Antibiotic prophylaxis promising for anal sphincter repair
- Antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent UTI effective for high-risk children
- Antibiotics and nasal steroids of little/no benefit for acute sinusitis
- Antibiotics do not improve outcomes after I&D of skin abscess
- Antibiotics for asymptomatic bacteriuria in residents of aged care facilities: bacteriological, but not clinical, cure; more adverse events
- Antibiotics for conjunctivitis decreases symptom duration
- Antibiotics for URIs reduce complications (but not enough to matter)
- Antibiotics in first 6 months of life not associated with excessive weight gain during childhood
- Antibiotics in first year of life associated with later asthma
- Antibiotics may equal surgery for children with appendicitis
- Antibiotics reduce mortality in children with severe acute malnutrition
- Antibiotics slightly effective for purulent rhinitis
- Antibiotics slightly increase risk of childhood asthma
- Antibiotics somewhat helpful for acute conjunctivitis (NNT = 8) but most patients get better without treatment
- Antibiotic therapy does not prevent death or acute exacerbations in adults with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Antibiotic treatment is effective for acute sinusitis in children
- Antibiotic use associated with a risk of cardiovascular disease in adult women
- Antibiotic use linked with greater C. diff risk for subsequent hospital bed occupants
- Anticholinergics, honey, and antitussives ineffective for cough from acute bronchitis in underpowered study
- Anticholinergics, pelvic floor muscle exercises improve urinary incontinence in women
- Anticholinergics of greater benefit in COPD treatment
- Anticoagulant plus NSAID or aspirin use associated with increased bleeding risk
- Anticoagulant therapy for 6 weeks is noninferior to 3 months for provoked VTE in patients younger than 21 years (Kids-DOTT)
- Anticoagulation does not improve outcomes in symptomatic outpatients with COVID-19 (ACTIV-4B)
- Anticoagulation ineffective for recurrent miscarriage
- Anticoagulation reversal with vitamin K doesn't reduce bleeding
- Anticoagulation self-monitoring and self-management is a safe option
- Anticonvulsants, SNRIs, and rubefacients are best initial choices for chronic pain caused by diabetic neuropathy or postherpetic neuralgia
- Antidepressant dose: Start low, stay low
- Antidepressants, watchful waiting poorly studied in primary care patients with mild-moderate depression
- Antidepressants and psychological therapies are effective for IBS
- Antidepressants decrease symptoms of IBS; benefit of psychological therapies is less clear
- Antidepressants do not appear to increase the risk of manic episodes in children and adolescents with unipolar depression
- Antidepressants helpful in chronic rheumatic and other pain disorders
- Antidepressants of uncertain effectiveness in patients with depression + dementia
- Antidepressants only modestly effective for adolescent depression
- Antihypertensive therapy beneficial for patients with BP < 140/90 and history of CVD
- Antioxidants, CoQ ineffective for patients with Alzheimer disease
- Antioxidants don't prevent colorectal cancer
- Antioxidants do not prevent macular degeneration
- Antioxidants may increase mortality
- Antiplatelet agents prevent preeclampsia
- Antiplatelet therapy is not associated with a lower incidence of cognitive impairment or dementia in adults
- Antiplatelet therapy vs no antiplatelet therapy after intracranial hemorrhage: similar rates of subsequent bleeds and major vascular events (RESTART)
- Antipsychotic drugs more effective than mood stabilizers in acute mania
- Antipsychotics worsen symptoms in patients with delirium who receive palliative care
- Antipsychotic use during pregnancy is not associated with lower school test scores in offspring
- Antiretroviral regimens prevent HIV-1 transmission during breastfeeding
- Antiretroviral treatment of mother or infants effective during breastfeeding
- Antithrombotic after GI bleed assoc with decreased mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation
- Antithrombotic therapy after stent in patients already using anticoagulant
- Antiviral medication exposure safe in first trimester of pregnancy
- Antivirals can prevent influenza but treatment of symptoms is less impressive
- Antivirals have a small benefit in children
- AOM wait-and-see treatment without Rx decreases antibiotic use
- Apixaban increases bleeding with no benefit in high-risk patients with ACS
- Apixaban is noninferior to dalteparin for venous thromboembolism associated with cancer
- Apixaban reduces stroke and embolism more than aspirin in A fib
- Apixaban slightly more effective and safe than warfarin, but more expensive
- Apolipoprotein levels no better than standard methods to evaluate CVD risk
- A PPI test does not improve diagnosis of GERD
- Applied behavior intervention = standard care in autism
- Approx1% of patients with asymptomatic carotid artery occlusion have a stroke each year
- Approx 3% of PICC lines assoc with DVT, but no increase in PE
- Approximately 12% of men regret prostate cancer treatment decisions (HCaP-NC)
- Approximately 1 in 6 household and family contacts become infected with SARS-CoV-2
- Apremilast (Otezla) effective in moderate to severe psoriasis
- A primary care register for high-risk asthma patients prevents hospitalizations
- A program involving family members reduces postoperative delirium in elderly patients
- Aqueous chlorhexidine similar to alcohol-based chlorhexidine for skin decontamination before minor skin surgery
- ARBs & ACE inhibitors prevent A fib
- ARBs reduce BP in prehypertensive patients
- ARB treatment of high CV risk patients
- ARDS prognosis
- 5-a reductase inhibitor use prior to prostate cancer diagnosis is not associated with increased mortality
- Are inferior vena cava filters overused?
- Are some antidepressants safer than others regarding suicide risk?
- A restriction diet will benefit some children with ADHD
- Arthroscopic meniscal surgery = nonoperative management
- Arthroscopy better than personalized physical therapy in young people with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome
- Arthroscopy not beneficial in degenerative knee pain
- Artificial hips and knees last up to 25 years
- Artificial intelligence accurately diagnoses acute otitis media
- Artificial intelligence fails a test of electrocardiogram interpretation
- ASA: not for primary prevention
- ASA+dipyridamole better than ASA for cerebral ischemia (ESPRIT)
- ASA effective in secondary prevention of vascular disease, uncertain in primary prevention
- ASA of limited benefit in patients with diabetes
- ASA prevents colorectal adenomas
- A shorter course of antibiotics based on clinical stability is safe and effective for CAP
- A simple cough algorithm for children with chronic cough
- A simple intervention nudges physicians to sit down at the patient’s bedside
- A single blood pressure measurement is often falsely elevated
- A single corticosteroid burst in children is associated with harms
- Asking "Is there something else?" decreases patients' unmet concerns
- Asking about suicide doesn't trigger suicidal ideation
- Ask-tell-ask approach to discussing prostate cancer screening
- As-needed budesonide/formoterol similar to maintenance budesonide plus SABA in patients with mild asthma
- As needed steroid + beta-agonist works well in mild persistent asthma
- As-needed use of budesonide plus formeterol as good as daily use of steroid (SYGMA 2)
- A specific probiotic decreases crying in colicky infants younger than 2 months
- Aspiration for primary pneumothorax: higher failure rate than drainage, but less pain
- Aspirin, eicosapentaenoic acid, and placebo equally effective in preventing colorectal adenomas in high-risk patients
- Aspirin's benefits and harms are less clear for primary prevention in moderate-risk patients (ARRIVE)
- Aspirin + dipyridamole = clopidogrel for recurrent stroke prevention (PROFESS)
- Aspirin + high-dose PPI prevents death and progression in patients with Barrett's esophagus (AspECT)
- Aspirin = enoxaparin for prevention of recurrent miscarriage
- Aspirin = screening to prevent colorectal cancer mortality
- Aspirin alone may be sufficient protection from postop VTE after total knee arthroplasty
- Aspirin as safe and effective as LMWH for extended thromboprophylaxis after THA
- Aspirin does not reduce composite of death, disability, and dementia in older patients; increases bleeding risk (ASPREE)
- Aspirin does not reduce the risk of recurrence or improve survival in adults with breast cancer
- Aspirin dose >81mg daily not beneficial for secondary prevention of CVD
- Aspirin following anticoagulation therapy prevents recurrent VTE (ASPIRE)
- Aspirin in low doses decreases preeclampsia risk
- Aspirin is no different than other anticoagulants for VTE prevention after joint replacement surgery
- Aspirin may prevent cancer in carriers of hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (CAPP2)
- Aspirin no different than rivaroxaban for prevention of VTE after TKA or THA
- Aspirin prevents colon cancer
- Aspirin prevents recurrent venous thromboembolism
- Aspirin prevents vascular events in patients with PAD
- Aspirin reduces cancer death and all-cause mortality
- Aspirin reduces preterm preeclampsia among women at increased risk
- Aspirin therapy started early in pregnancy reduces risks of preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction
- Aspirin use after diagnosis of colon cancer reduces mortality
- Assessment of geriatric hospital patients: ltd data, ltd effect on outcomes
- A stepwise framework for discussing information your patients found online
- Asthma coaching of older patients improves quality of life and self-management (SAMBA)
- Asthma education decreases hospitalizations and emergency department visits in kids
- Astodrimer gel (VivaGel) is effective to treat bacterial vaginosis
- Asymptomatic atherosclerosis found on CTA is associated with increased risk of myocardial infarction
- Asymptomatic gallstones rarely lead to cholecystectomy & may go away
- A tailored web-based system of managing BPPV is more effective than a generic video
- A third dose of mumps vaccine during an outbreak reduces the risk of infection
- Atkins equally or more effective for weight loss in premenopausal women
- At least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise is needed for significant weight loss
- Atogepant prevents acute headaches in adults with chronic migraines
- Atomoxetine better than placebo but not uniformly effective in young children
- Atorvastatin = placebo for primary prevention of CV events in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- ATP-III more efficient than JUPITER
- Atrial fibrillation recurrence higher with episodic treatment with amiodarone
- ATS guideline for managing patients with malignant pleural effusion
- ATS guideline for managing persistent obstructive sleep apnea in children who have had adenotonsillectomy
- ATS guideline on evaluating wheezing infants: no evidence, many recommendations
- Attempted external cephalic version not associated with perinatal morbidity
- Atypia on mammogram does not portend breast cancer in the short term
- Atypical antipsychotics minimally effective, poorly tolerated in AD
- Atypical antipsychotics worsen cognition in Alzheimer’s (CATIE-AD)
- Augmentation with aripiprazole or bupropion, or a switch to nortriptyline, effective for treatment-resistant depression in older adults
- Autism not linked to thimerosol in vaccines
- Autism screening with follow-up overidentifies autism spectrum disorder
- Autistic disorder symptom treatments have limited evidence
- Automated blood pressure more accurate in the office
- Automated devices detect only 67% to 83% of patients with atrial fibrillation
- Automated text reminders to take blood pressure medications do not improve hypertension control
- Avoiding cow's milk does not reduce celiac disease in high-risk infants
- Avoiding video screens for 48 hours after a head injury decreases concussion recovery time
- Avoid TMP-SMX for severe MRSA infections
- Azelaic acid effective for papulopustular rosacea
- Azithromycin 1% minimally better than placebo for acute conjuctivitis
- Azithromycin associated with increased risk of CV death
- Azithromycin associated with lower rate of chorioamnionitis in preterm prelabor rupture of membranes
- Azithromycin at least as effective as doxycycline for PID
- Azithromycin improves asthma control and reduces exacerbations in kids with poor control, but replication needed
- Azithromycin of questionable benefit given daily for COPD
- Azithromycin prevents bronchiectasis exacerbations in adults without cystic fibrosis (EMBRACE)
- Azithromycin reduces frequency of exacerbations in adults with persistent asthma
- Azithromycin slightly inferior to doxycycline for genital chlamydia infection